AZ: Judge rejects bid to block employer sanctions law

I have a question for you folks in the border states, that might be of interest to BerettaCougar. What happened to the availibility of entry level jobs for teenagers with the influx of illegals? I would guess they all but disappeared.

One constant complaint I hear from all over the net is that kids don't know how to work anymore. When I was growing up, the teenagers did a lot of the jobs we hear that Americans won't do anymore. That had several important benefits. You learned what work was, and if you didn't pereform, you got fired. You also learned the value of education. Sore muscles can be a great motivator.:)

Another potential problem I would like some first hand experience with is this: some people simply aren't capable of doing high paid work, even though it isn't pc to discuss it. What do American citizens who happen to be in that catagory do for work with illegals willing to work for so little?

Do these folks in the border areas just wind up on the welfare rolls? If so they are another example of the costs of illegal immigration. This cost will go well beyond the simple monetary costs and into the destruction that the welfare mentality itself brings.
Wake also said that another requirement for granting the restraining order - that there's a likelihood of the challenge succeeding should there be an eventual trial on the law's merits - was not met.

Doesn't sound like the Judge is very impressed with the legal merit of the lawsuit, which isn't good news for the Plaintiffs.
I heard on the radio that 4600 of the Inmates in the Harris County Jail in Houston, TX were illegal aliens from Aug 2006 to Aug 2007 :eek:

interesting tidbit.....

Youngblood said he supports the use of a federal statute passed in 1996, called 287 (g). Officers from 34 county and state agencies across the country have been trained under the law, which allows them to make immigration arrests and process jailed illegal immigrants for deportation. No Texas law enforcement agencies, however, participate in the program, said Leticia Zamarripa, an ICE spokeswoman.

The bottom line to stopping a lot of illegal aliens is keeping them from getting jobs here in the United States. Eisenhower did it during his watch and there is no reason with the technology we have today that an illegal alien cant be identified within 72 hours or less and denied a job and public assistance.

I think the Arizona law probably has a chance of passing the legal test. Arizona has the right to regulate business licenses within the state. They are merely enforcing the standards for getting and keeping a business license and are not enforcing immigration laws.
I have been traveling I-10 from Phoenix to Tucson every day since September. Every morning I pass at least a dozen pick up trucks/cars packed to the gills with household items heading South. A lot of them are towing a second vehicle behind them or traveling in groups of 2 to 4 vehicles. One guess the nationality/heritage of the occupants. I notice a lot of California licence plates in this morning convoy.

Not a commentary, just an observation.
Of course, this law was opposed, and will be challenged, by certain civil rights groups.

What rights do ILLEGAL imigrants have in this country? Get them the hell out of here. They drive down wages for AMERICAN workers, cost a ton of money for health care, welfare, etc., and they raise poverty levels and crime rates. It's good to see a state take action on what has become an epademic. We are fighting to preserve our culture as Americans. They do not want to assimilate and accept our culture. Instead, they march in the streets, waving Mexican flags and signs in Spanish. They want to turn the Southwest into Mexico.
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What Arizona is doing is a good thing. Since the feds will not secure the borders, Arizona is doing the next best thing. Attacking the problem at its source: Employment.

There are many States that require a license to operate a business. Those States can encorporate the AZ model.

However, there are still some States that value free enterprise and no such license is required for intrastate commerce. Idaho is one of those States.

We could not pass such legislation without some (possibly major) modifications. Such would require the State to regulate farming much more than it does now. That would be nearly impossible in light of the fact that agriculture is still our States primary industry.

Not saying it can't be done, just that opposition would be huge.
This new Arizona law will serve as a good model. This has never really been a complicated issue, just make employers obey the law and pay fair wages and their employees pay taxes as they should.

Some of the Arizona business leaders have been on TV saying this law would cause real harm, but they will survive now that the playing field has been leveled. Some of the individual operating cost might go up, but the overall impact of the cost of social services on the local community will go way down.
Here's a little hidden cost tidbit for you to chew on...

A friend of mine built a house in the midwest. After spending a pile of money with an architect, settling on a contractor and arranging terms, he met with an insurance agent to buy insurance for the construction. The agent took one look at the contractor's record and suggested reconsidering. The same insurance company paid out over $400,000 in claims in the past 5 years to that contractor, all but $70K for "accidental" injuries sustained by illegals.

He could stick with the contractor, but his insurance costs would be three and a half times what he'd pay for other contractors. When he required the contractor to provide proof of US worker eligibility he said he couldn't afford to do that. So a different contractor got the job at a higher price because he could verify his workers were not illegals.

Now, here is where I'm supposed to tell you that the US workers performed superior work and completed projects on time. Unfortunately, that's not so. Even though most of the workers were union workers, "quality" was not in their vocabulary. In total, it took almost six months longer than anticipated to build because the owner insisted on things done right (like stairs being level and of the same height, not 5" then 4 3/4" and 5 5/8" consecutively or walls actually being square and vertical). Once he chewed out the contractor and the workers for some of the sloppy work, things did improve. One worker even told him it was the first time in 12 years as a carpenter that someone actually checked their work and held them to quality standards. :eek:
Even though most of the workers were union workers, "quality" was not in their vocabulary

Having had building done myself recently I can attest that is the sad truth. But still I did find it nice to tell the workers in English that they are doing lousy work rather than having to go through an interpreter to give the same message. It's also good to know the union workers are not going home at the end of the day and using completely free medical services at the local hospital.:cool:
I hope Arizona sticks to their guns. If they do AZ will be hemorrhaging illegal aliens to the other states and Mexico. Might force the other states to take the same action.
The Mexicans are being sent back through a lack of work. What exactly is being benefited here? How will this effect crime rates? How will it effect your job? How will it effect your income?
A tidbit from the net. (numbers not verified, but you get the idea)

Interesting Statistics. Here are 14 reasons illegal aliens should vacate America, and I hope they are forwarded over and over again until they are read so many times that the reader gets sick of reading them:

1. $11 billion to $22 billion dollars are spent each year on welfare to illegal aliens.

2. $2.2 billion dollars are spent each year on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.

3. $2.5 billion dollars are spent each year on Medicaid for illegal aliens.

4. $12 billion dollars are spent each year on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English!

5. $17 billion dollars are spent each year for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.

6. $3 Million Dollars PER DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.

7. 30% percent of all federal prison inmates are illegal aliens.

8. $90 billion dollars are spent each year on illegal aliens for welfare & social services by the American taxpayers.

9. $200 billion dollars per year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens.

10. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the US .

11. During the year 2005, there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our southern border with as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from terrorist countries. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroine, and marijuana crossed into the U.S. from the southern border.

12. The National Policy Institute, estimates that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion, or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period.

13. In 2006, illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances back to their countries of origin.

14. The dark side of illegal immigration: Nearly one million sex crimes are committed by illegal immigrants in the United States !"

The total cost is a whopping $338.3 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR!!!
7. 30% percent of all federal prison inmates are illegal aliens.
That's actually supposed to be much higher. Ya see, the feds are supposed to incarcerate ALL border violators, as that is a fed issue, but they "let out" to the border states to do that, to, with a promise to pay for thier "upkeep". Last time I looked, Gov Napalitano has been dunning the feds for about $100 million they owe us for a few years illegal invader care/custody. She HAS gone as far as threatening to dump them on the nearest INS/BOP facility if they don't pony up...and AZ went down in revenue this year, first time in many years, wonder if she'll stick to that. I would LOVE to help with a move like that.
The Mexicans are being sent back through a lack of work. What exactly is being benefited here? How will this effect crime rates? How will it effect your job? How will it effect your income?

The total cost is a whopping $338.3 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR!!!

Question answered well by raccol.
OK has essentially the same law that AZ does. Illegals have been leaving OK in droves. Now a couple of the representatives who voted for the law want it repealed or changed. Seems like the companies whose pockets these politicians are are whining that they can't get really cheap labor.
The total cost is a whopping $338.3 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR!!!

And yet the feds choose to turn a blind eye to the issue of illegal imigration for fear of sounding or looking racist and losing the hispanic votes. What does the government care, it's not their money that's being spent, it's yours. As long as you're breathing, you're paying taxes.

$338.3 billion a year! That could build one hell of a wall.:mad:
I'm not seeing any real downside here. A state is deciding to do what is within their power to address the issue within their borders. I think of all the methods to reduce the illegal immigrant population, simply cutting off the supply of jobs (and thus the incentive to remain) is probably the best. Seems like the border would be easier to secure with less people coming across as well. I'll not be surprised if CA, NM, and TX follow suit before long.

I think it will be interesting to see how the economic end plays out in the medium to long term, though. I think it might be a bit more complex and unpredictable than some would like to think.

Doesn't mean I don't want to see some serious immigration reform as well, of course. But if the people of Arizona decided that this is what they wanted, I'm not seeing any valid argument as to how this is an unreasonable policy.

I'm guessing when I head back to visit Phoenix (likely a few years from now) it will be a slightly different city than the one I left.
I'm not seeing any real downside here. A state is deciding to do what is within their power to address the issue within their borders. I think of all the methods to reduce the illegal immigrant population, simply cutting off the supply of jobs (and thus the incentive to remain) is probably the best. Seems like the border would be easier to secure with less people coming across as well. I'll not be surprised if CA, NM, and TX follow suit before long.

Yea but they dont need jobs when they have our Social Security. I think they do better on SS than we do and they didn't even have to pay for it!!

On another note; You guys do realize the ultimate destination is for Canada, USA and Mexico to become one country dont you? Why else would Washington allow what's happening to happen? And I'm not saying that's why I say that; it's true.
You guys do realize the ultimate destination is for Canada, USA and Mexico to become one country dont you? Why else would Washington allow what's happening to happen? And I'm not saying that's why I say that; it's true.

I dunno that the Canadians want to be too closely associated with us Yanks. :D But there is some talk about a NorthAmerican union of sorts to battle against the European Union. Whether that means a complete fusion of Nation states into a single entity or a looser confederation is anyone's guess at this point.

I'm supportive of AZ's actions because it is focused on people here illegally. If someone comes in legally and still wishes to send money home, that's their right.

I do, however, draw the line at illegals (from any nation) being allowed to take jobs here without any serious penalties, or to receive gov't benefits initially designed to help our own citizens. Or their children attending our schools for free (and then others demanding we implement special programs to teach them in their own language!).

I'm not without compassion for those who want a better life for their families. But if an illegal can afford $1000 to $1500 for a "coyote" to smuggle him across the border, he can afford to apply for the right documents.

There are a number of entry-level jobs that illegals take that could be done by youngsters in their teens. I often wonder how much of our teen-gang problems might be solved if kids could grow up with the prospect of actually getting entry-level jobs at 14-17 years of age and learning work skills for a better job in the future. I wonder how many youngsters might be alive today if instead of taking drugs or drinking out of boredom they had been preparing to work the next day or too tired from that day's work to get into trouble. Or if they had some income, they might have been out romancing a girlfriend instead of hanging out with the losers on the street corner.