Average age for 1911 owners

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I'm 29.

I shot a National Guard-issue 1911A1 when I was nine. Dad got me a 1911 clone at 14 and a Series 70 Government Model at 16. Beside me now is a Commander I got in 1989 (another gift from Dad).

I've experimented with many other guns: SIG, Glock, Beretta, Taurus, Star, CZ, HK, Ruger, *&*. I always return to the 1911 design as my main defensive choice.

By the way, and this is not a knock on SIGs, the purchase of the Commander was financed by the sale of a P226 that I didn't find to my liking. Dad, you see, was a rabid P220 fan at the time.


[Edited by MikeWrite on 04-22-2001 at 10:43 AM]
38 now

When I was 17 My parents signed a release to permit me to join the Navy. I turned 18 a month later, and in boot camp I learned how to disassemble a Government model 1911A1.
I did not actually get a chance to shoot one until I got to the Fleet and made 3rd class petty officer two years later. At that time, I was sumararily scheduled for gun qualifications with a mossberg 12 gage, a M-14 (semi auto verision) and the 1911A1.

As a machinist mate (hole snipe) I apparently was not to be trusted with a gun on board ship until I made NCO.

Well I shot the 1911 and did terribly.
Not terribly enough because I was put on the quarterdeck watch rotation. In the early 80's we carried a holstered 1911A1 with a full mag, empty chamber. I actually liked quarterdeck watch and carrying the ole 45. Its a close to feeling like a warrior as I could get operating boilers and turbines a majority of the time.

Leaving Service in 1984, going to college, marrying a fine lady, and some 8 years later I finally bought a AMT Hardballer which I still have, love and use often. I then proceeded to buy and quickly get rid of a Llama, then I bought a Paraordnance P-12 to carry CCW, and finally obtained a WWII 1911A1 in Exceptional original condition.

I own what my wife says is a LOT of other guns, but the 1911A1 and the M1 Garand is my favorite.

I guess I belong in another generation. Will I buy any more 1911's. Doubtful in the near term, but I am always looking for a deal. :)
Been shooting them since I was a pup.
Bought my first at age 26, a 1913 vintage M1911.
At present, I am 37, and I have a Colt Government(my Dad's), a Colt CCO(parts gun), and a Colt 1991A1(bought today).
I have had a bunch in between. Can't remember how many total.
25, carry a Springfield loaded stainless every day.

When I was a teenager I started reading gun magazines, and all I wanted was the latest greatest wonder 9mm or what not. I tried them, I tried different brands, none fit me. I laughed at 1911 owners, because "everybody" knows how unreliable they are. Whatever. Tried a 1911 about three years ago and haven't looked back. They are more addictive than crack. :D
Don't know about the "Average Age", but THIS 1911 owner will be 43 in May...currently own THREE 1911's...a Series '70 Colt, a "pre-Enhanced" Springfield Armory and a Kimber Stainless Target...the Kimber is the best-made of the trio, IMHO. FWIW, I've owned several other Colts, a Randall and one or two other 1911-pattern pistols...IMHO, the Kimbers of today are the best-made mass-produced 1911's to come out of ANY factory in AT LEAST the last fifty years!!!....mikey357
I'm twenty-four and own a loaded Springfield Armory 1911-A1.

I fell in love with the 1911 when my father took me out to shoot my great grandfather's WWI Army issued .45 when I was nine years old.

I've known how to field strip it since I was eleven or twelve.
Still approaching middle age . . .

and just turned 62. Compete in a monthly IDPA shoot with my Colt Series 70 at our local club and don't finish as quickly as some, but scores are usually competitive! And, still enjoy it. :)
At age 14, I was given provisional custody of my father's 1911A1 Remington Rand that he brought back from WWII. At age 18, the army issued my first 1911A1 Colt, as a young grenadier in the 509th Airborne. At age 22 I bought my first one, a goverment model with the transitional finger barrel bushing retrofitted. I carried this as an off duty piece for many years.

I am now 54 and honestly can't remember how many I've bought and sold. My current crop includes a Wilson 1996A1 for range work, a Kimber Ultra carry for CCW and at least a dozen or so other ones to play with, foldle, trade and admire and plink with as I am struck at the moment.

I agree with Jeff Cooper, that until the death ray is perfected, there can be no better handgun that the 1911!

good shooting

FEBUARY 29,1969 Phan Rang Air Base,sappers on the wire--my m-16 junkomatic jammed--but my old slabside got me through--ENOUGH SAID--IM 53 AND ALIVE,BECAUSE OF THAT OL-45!
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