Average age for 1911 owners

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29, and had an 1911 for less than a year. I started with DAs (an AT-84), went to a Sig, then Glocks, and now I'm a dedicated 1911/P7 kind of guy (with a couple of Glocks added in for special occasions).

I've fired them and loved them since I was 18; owned, carried and loved them since I was 22. First one was a Colt pre-'70 National Match, latest is a loaded lightweight Springfield. I'm now a dyed-in-the wool Hi Power fan but I notice what's sitting on top of my desk here is a condition one 1911. Lordy, these weapons are fine.

I first shot a Gummint .45 some 50 years ago, as well as a Luger and a P-38. I've had S&Ws, Glocks, and a 92S. I've enjoyed Commanders, LW Commanders and a Delta Elite.

My hand is happiest with the feel of the Government "handle", as well as the single action trigger. Since it's as accurate and reliable as any other pistol I've ever shot, I've never seen any need to bother with "other stuff".

I'm dubious that my near-67 years is as much of a factor as are the experiences of my first years of shooting...

I am 39 and own four at the present. I have owned at least one my whole adult life. I had read the gun magazines and talked guns most of my life. When I got the money together to buy my first serious pistol, it was a 1911. I remember that when I moved here to get my first good job, at the age of 24, I already owned several 1911s including a Gold Cup and an ACE. I sold an AMT Hardballer for the gas money to move. Over the years I have owned or shot pretty much all of the "wonder nines" and the euro guns on the magazine covers. Owned one of the first 40s ever available commercially. I own at least a half dozen 9mms; But, if you look on my CCW, my registered CCW gun is an Officers Model in .45 ACP.
Do I count? I don't own one yet but I will before I turn 25... (Got the permit, now I just need the money to buy one... :p ) And I'm usually interested in more "high-tech" stuff than anything "old-fashioned", being an Electrical Engineering student and all... But something about the 1911 just appeals to me! (And I'm not even American, so a lot of the "mythology" doesn't really affect me that much. I guess the appeal of a good 1911 is not restricted to any one nation, race or culture. :) )
58 years old and have owned......

1911's since '62. Shot revolvers, S&W M-39's, BHP's, and still shoot 1911's. Got a pot full of 'em.
Almost 37. My first 1911 was a Colt when I was in my 20's.
That's funny,my son's name is Colt. No correlation between the two.
I'm 28 now, my first one was when I was 16 or 17. It was a 1943 Colt 1911A1 in near mint condition. I've had about 6 or 7 more since then.
Okay, so the average age of 1911 owners is...average. But what's the average age of SIG owners?:)

Oh, I'm 31 and I have both.
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