Average age for 1911 owners

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What are you getting at? In another post you stated that most 1911 owners on this board are probably as old as the design, and could not be faulted for liking the design when that was all that was available then. Get real.
Well, I just turned 50, but I got my first 1911 when I was 14-15 years old(A truly different time altogether!)and by the time I turned 25 I had permenently entered the ranks of M1911A1 owners. I don't have any idea how to average that, but I believe it shows that the 1911 design is timeless in itself and amoung its fans. Only time will tell whether any other design will approach it's longetivity, none of us are likely to live long enough to see the result.

Don in Ohio
If I tell you I'm 26 and own two fine,reliable and cheap 1911s that are both way older than I am will you tell me that I'll see the light and worship only at the Sig altar by the time I'm 27? What are you getting at here?
Old Enough to Know a Good Thing When I Shoot It...

Hello. I'm soon to be 50 (drat)! Owned 1911s since I was about 21. Still have a couple of those old ones, too. Best.
Do I own it if I've paid for it but am still expecting it to arrive? My first 1911 should be on its way to me and might get here in time for my 22nd birthday.
I'm an old soul, however. I wear a vintage watch, I have pointy, wing-tip shoes and I go antiquing regularly, so a 1911 fits right into my personality.
Its history, its classic look and design and its power I find appealing.
I'm 32, but had my first one at age 28. I didn't know any better before then. I kept using this dang old Smith 1066 and a Walther ppk before seeing the light.
I dunno...

...got my first one at 22 or 23. Owned a few in my mid-to-late 20's. Sold my most recent one before I turned 33. Will probably buy one (or more) before I turn 34, since I still have plenty of leather for 'em and I'm getting the yearning for one again.

Oh, and "Moved to the Handguns: The SemiAuto Forum". ;)
This 1911 owner is nearing 45 and has owned a 1911 in some form for about 20 years. I just keep coming back to old slabsides. Can't explain it I just like the design, it fits me well and I shoot them better than any other type of pistol

Mark / FL
I started a thread called "Who carries a 1911 and how old are you" about a year ago. I was curious as to see if older people carried 45's more than younger people. Its totally not true! My Thread actually ended being a two part thread because I got about 100 people from TFL that said they carried 1911's, and it was both young and old.
I'm 26 and I carry a Colt 1991A1!

[Edited by SodaPop on 04-21-2001 at 09:25 AM]
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