ATVs annoy me

Love um or Hate um, If you ever get the chance to hunt The Carolina Plantation and drop that 240 lb. buck over in the cutover, I will be more than happy to let you borrow my 4 wheeler.:D It's parked at the skinning rack. In the right hands they are tools of the trade.
People have been hunting from stands (or just climbing trees) for thousands of years. For a more recent example, read Little House in the Big Woods from the Little House on the Prairie series. Pa took both bear and deer from trees in Wisconsin and it seemed to be the norm. When they moved out on the prairies, they hunted on foot and on horseback.

I do not live in Texas or Montana. I live in Illinois. The farmer whose land I hunt is very generous and I love the guy, but if I were to walk and stalk all day I'd criscross between the borders of his patch about 500 times in a day. I walk about a mile and half to get in and I do it silently before first light. I sit in a homebuilt stand on a trail and spend all day looking at two "No Trespassing" signs on a fence twenty yards in front of my stand, placed there because the stand is there. I hunt in a hedge between two fields; timber that's maybe 30 yards across at its thickest point. My uncle is in a thicker stand of timber about 150 yards away across an open field. The rest of the family is scattered throughout a small timber 2-300 yards in the other direction. We're all within shouting distance. None of us is farther than about 60 yards from the boundary of the land.
One thing for folks to think about: What's "good" or "right" in one area isn't necessarily so for another area. The converse is also true.

Some parts of the country, an ATV is nothing but a disturbance, whether it's of hunters or local residents. No difference between the racket of an ATV and a doofus with a boombox at full volume.

Other places, they are perfectly rational and useful.

As usual, it comes down to the behavior of the user and the particular situation. There just ain't no "One size fits all."

Well, gee, I thought I was done with this thread but I guess not. East of the Mississippi, hunting areas can be compacted so the chances of "running" into an evil ATV'er are increased.
West of the Mississippi, I gotta tell ya, with the vast expanse of the western states if a hunter complains about a ATV he's nothin' but a whiner.
"Love um or Hate um, If you ever get the chance to hunt The Carolina Plantation and drop that 240 lb. buck over in the cutover, I will be more than happy to let you borrow my 4 wheeler. It's parked at the skinning rack. In the right hands they are tools of the trade."

Ditto: We used one on Monday to pull four deer through about a quarter mile of the most god awefull hilly thickets You've never seen. I'm against casual riding during hunting seasons(on public grounds), and even riding them to a stand (unless there is a physical need), but they sure make life easier and safer getting the animal out.
J. Parker. I will complain about ATV's and I'm damn well not a whiner. I live out west as well. My elk hunt this year was totally destroyed but users of ATV's.
Example #1. I spotted a herd of elk about 500 yaerds out. They were completely oblivious of my presence, and I commenced my stalk. Three rectal orifaces on ATV's spotted me and cut me off at high speed and shot up the herd. They got thier elk all right, but screwed me in the process. Complete and total disregard for me and my enjoyment. When I complained to them about it, their attitude was "Horrray for us, screw you."
Example #2. The day before the last day. (This season was four days long.) I spotted anither small herd, made my stalk and shot my cow elk. (I had a cow tag.) I went back to my truck to get my wife to help me gut out my kill. When we got back, there were two guys on ATV's, each roaring off into the distance, with half of my elk on each vehicle. All I had left was a bloody torn up tag and a gut pile. it is a damn good thing they were out of rifle range.
Now, I have no problem with responsible use of ATV's, jet skis, snowmobiles, and 4X4's. But elk tags are hard to get here in Arizona, and seasons are short. I could not get the state to issue me another tag to at least hunt the last day.
FWIW. I was talking to a rancher in the area who was looking for a lost cow. I happened to have seen it, which gave him an idea as to where it was. We were talking and use of ATV's in the future may be totally outlawed for any use in National forests, or if allowed, severely restricted. Why? Because of the IRRESPOSIBLE use of them by slobs. By the lack of consideration shown to others by users of these vehicles. Sure. The public land is there for all to use. But if some people don't stop the "Hooray for me, screw you" attitude, none of us will be able to use it. Need an example? Look at the closing off of the deserts in california. Nuff said?
Paul B.
Uh, hey guys, you might want to appreciate what you got. You should see the crap I have to put up with.

Dog hunting:barf: :

Trucks lined up along the shoulder of every local road, usually with two or three orange hats crammed in the front seat of a Nissan 4x4 with the CB talkin and the heater blastin.

Packs of dogs running through seemingly every acre of woods around here, crashing through the brush and howling.

Beer cans and human urine surround every block of woods that's huntied by these, dare I say, rednecks.

Although the letter of law tells them to do otherwise, loaded shotguns are just leaning against the tailgates, unmanned and unready.

Cars and trucks of more, ahem, rednecks, pull up next to the orange-hatted rednecks and talk awhile while the dogs hunt for them.

Dogs are starved a week in advance of deer hunting season.

So many deer are spooked up that most hunters bags 10-15 a year, causing them to only use the ribs and tenderloins, leaving the rest for whoever wants it. No appreciation for the animal that just gave their life for the food on the hunter's table.

Sound anti? Maybe a little, but it's a damn joke they way they think they're 'hunting'. How do you hunt with out getting your boots dirty? Come to the Northern Neck of Virginia. They'll be happy to have somebody to sit with in the front seat of their truck and sip beers while they're 'hunting'.

Causes me to have to go from my free state of Virginia to the slave state of New York to go hunt.

ATV's? Pullllllleeze.... Count your blessings.

If I offended any deer dog hunters out there, good. I don't get to speak up about it often, because I'm going to let them keep their rights. No matter how much I hate it, we're all on the same side.

My $.045
Paul; I agree with you whole-heartedly. They were slobs. I don't intentionally violate anyone's privacy. The problem is I don't know you're there most of the time.
Take a jet skier for example. He know's you're there. He SEE'S you and he still does his jerk-off antics.
But please...California! I lived there for twenty years puttin' up with their bull-pucky. They're a bunch of wine drinkin', tree huggin', SUV drivers who dictate the laws from San Francisco (yes folks SF is the capital NOT Sacramento).
Well, I'm truly sorry the hunt didn't work out. If I knew you were there I'd give you a wide berth. Best Regards, J. parker
yankytrash; I feel for ya. Like anything in life there's slob hunters and good hunters. The majority are good folks like fellow TFL'ers.
I have my opinions on hunting but maybe I should keep them to myself. Like using dogs to hunt down any kind of game.
Okay, I'll shut up now......Best Regards, J. Parker

Some noisy ATV's just drove by my house LOL!


"all my eardrums are sensitive eardrums"
I love ATV's. Everyone on the leases that surround ours use em' and the deer are driven into our hunting area. The roar of the tires is louder than the engine itself.

I am my own ATV----------------me and my LaCrosse boots.
Hunters are a grumpy lot.;) My brother-in-law and clan came down for Thanksgiving. He's a big time hunter. Got himself a pretty small buck this year. He was grumpy for awhile. My dear sister-in-law says he's like this right after deer season.
So, to alleviate this condition I broke out the arsenal and we proceded to shoot at a target of bin ladin at about thirty yards. His condition changed rapidly and the rest of the weekend was great. Have you hugged a hunter lately? :)
J.Parker, you're kidding, right? Hug some smelly creature that hasn't been near a shower for a week? No shave? Probably ran out of john-paper?


:D, Art
I "heard" duck hunters at 7:00 am this morning. So what the hell, might as well get up and make some coffee. Looked out from my deck and there they were, marching along all decked out in bright orange.
At least 3 or 4 times a year they hike through the farmers field and ask me to use the phone or help pull them out 'cause they got stuck. They're good folks.
Next thing ya know I'll be huntin' bambi with my SKS. Good Huntin', J. Parker