ATVs annoy me

J.Parker, we're in agreement about idiots: "Walkin' around the woods with a pint of whiskey and a 30-06 is my idea of a real class act." I understand your sarcasm...

As far as legal and tolerant, consider this: In west Texas, mule deer season is sixteen days. Is it unreasonable for a hunter to want ATVs to stay home for sixteen days, and go ahead and explore/play/whatever for the other 349 days of the year?

Seems to me it's a fair play thing...

Art, you make a good point but nothings going to change unless somebody makes it so.
You have a narrow window of hunting in Texas....444 has an almost impossible Elk hunt in nevada....sorry, I can't help hunters are going to have to help yourselves unless the rules change.
It's public land and we're ALL entitled to recreate on it to whatver degree within legal limits.
If 444 had his trophy elk in his sights I'd give him a very wide berth so he could claim his prize but please don't blame a failed hunt on an ATV. Ridiculous.
I enjoy ATVs, two, three n four wheeled. I also stay off of hunting land with them during hunting season.

And I darn shure stay off of posted property at all times.

No problem.

.....nothings going to change unless somebody makes it so.
True, and you could be the one that does something to change. We are all responsible to make our own decisions, relying on the government to regulate our actions is (as PJ O'Rourke says) like giving a teenager a bottle of whiskey and the keys to the car. This is one of those areas where legality becomes confused with moral (ethical, fair, just.....) behavior Just because something is legal, doesn't make it the right thing to do. I remember a song from when I was a kid that said; No body told me not to paint the kitty, so I did. I am pretty sure that there is no law against talking in a movie theater and if you want to ruin a good time for everyone else I guess you can.
The reason there are hunting seasons, limits on tags, and bag limits is because a wildlife biologist determined that these parameters were the best thing for the animal species involved. The limitations on hunting arn't the "fault" of anyone. They are designed with a long term goal of protecting the species. Responsible hunters have no desire to change any of this, it would be cutting our own throats in the future.
Stay off huntin' land during hunting season? Really now. Out west that can encomposs literally thousands of square miles. 444; You're suggesting I take up a hunters cause? Sorry, but if you all want ATV's banned from your hunting range you'll have to do it yourself.
Why would I limit myself even more than I already am? ATV'ers and off-roaders are constantly fighting for every little bit of public land that the powers-to-be grant our poor souls. I'm not about to loose any more.
Actually, I don't think this is as big a problem as we're making it out to be. But I'll tell you one thing for sure....I can't prove it but I know I've been "scoped" by hunters.....If I EVER catch a hunter scoping me they'll be hell to pay....
No, I don't suggest you take up any cause, that is something you dont' seem to get. I do expect you to take other people into consideration. That doesn't involve the government, it doesn't involve anyone but you.

Actually, I don't think this is as big a problem as we're making it out to be. But I'll tell you one thing for sure....I can't prove it but I know I've been "scoped" by hunters.....If I EVER catch a hunter scoping me they'll be hell to pay....

I can tell by your anwsers that you don't think it is a problem, and you are right; it isn't a problem for you. You are causing the problem for someone else. If you think you were "scoped" by a hunter then obviously you were riding close enough to him that you knew he was there and didn't care what he thought about it as long as you were doing what you wanted.
By the way, "scoping" someone is totally irresponsible and is the height of being unsafe; however, if you are being scoped, it is way to late to make somebody pay.
444; What do you want me to do? Quit heading for the woods when deer season starts? Fine, I'll stay home. It's probably safer anyway.
Thanks for stepping up to the plate for the abuse.

Being out in the woods and not having the perfect experience is a minor problem and not worth hating people who choose to use the public woods differently. Leaving trash WOULD be a problem.

I go water skiing and cringe every time I pass by a guy fishing. But what can I do? He should move up to a river area and avoid me. I don't care for the habits of the jet skiers and keep an extra eye out for them, but am careful not to feel any animosity as they have as much right to the lake as I do.

This anti mentality is the same as the one that got all the deserts in Calif closed to off road vehicles. What could be more worthless than a desert! Now many lakes here are being closed to jet skis. I don't have one but am upset over those putting such laws in place.

Many roads in Calif & Nevada are being completely closed to ALL vehicles. How would you guys like to hike 80 miles for your deer? Try packing that one out!

How about someone posting the list here:
I didn't hunt so I didn't stand up for the hunter.
I don't ride a motorcycle so I didn't stand up against the helmet laws.
I don't......
Why won't anyone stand up for me?
Lotsa times I've run across situations where I had a "right" to do something--but I chose another course of action out of consideration for others.

If I'm walking quietly along a trail, and see a couple engaged in some heavy making-out, I have a right to continue on, disturbing their "moment". I believe it's far more courteous to go around them, unknown to them as to my passage--or to go back and wait a while...How have I been hurt by having consideration for others?

I have a "right" to drive fast along a dirt road. If I see a jogger or bicyclist on that road, I slow down to minimize the dust of my passing. How have I been hurt?

I've not owned an ATV, but I've ridden back country on a motorcycle. If I'm out purely for recreation, it strikes me that it's more courteous to avoid hunting country, during the hunting season. How does that decision hurt me?

If I use an ATV to reach my own area to hunt, isn't it just courtesy to ride at less than full-throttle, lest I disturb some other hunter? How has my effort at courtesy hurt me?

Wait a minute. I thought ATVs and PWCs had two throttle positions - idle and wide open :)

Is it true that mufflers are an expensive option and that's why so few have them?

Most of my experience is with Personal Water Craft: We troll for fish and the motorized water bugs drive through the lines and yell things like "Go faster so we can jump the wake!" Must be the same fools that surf right next to the fishing piers.

I'll spare you the stories of fishermen anchoring their boats in our decoys, but our measured response is "Y'all duck now when the birds set their wings to land."

Two yahoos on ATVs ruined this year's elk hunt for me.

I had tracked a big bull ofor a couple of hours. I know it was big because of the tracks, which others in my hunting party confirmed as being as big as they'd ever seen. They were the types who would know.

Anyway, I'm stalking along, when suddenly the sound of ATVs fills the valley. Pretty bad, but not as bad as what follows...

The yahoos stop about a hundred yards or so away and start shouting back and forth. Shouting! I hear the crash of something large about fifty yards further along in the direction I've been heading. I move forward and the only tracks evident are the ones I was following all morning. My bull is gone.

Worthless deserts.....

......Altho' I now reside in the Ozarks of Arkansas, I used to live in Fernley, Nevada. I spent many days walking in the desert .....and many nights callin' coyotes and foxes. I am sure 444 can say the same, the desert is far from useless. You can scarcely notice such a thing without using your feet and noticing all the small things that would be a mere blur while astride a steel steed. I miss the desert and the wide open spaces......the hardwoods have me almost claustraphobic........
I might mention I have used a mountain bike to good measure when the distances to callin' stands lenghtened.....
The latest "hunting" aids include:

Scent blockers,

Deer attractants,

Complete shed type blinds with scent proof seals and vented 20 ft chimneys.

Why not have helicopters spray OC from the air to completely disable all the deers senses?

I've seen so-called hunting shows where two fat blokes get into recliner stands with pots of coffee, wait for a deer and pop it. Well done.

The point of my original post was to highlight that if someone thinks that walking to a hidden stand as opposed to riding to it makes it more like real hunting, they are mistaken.

Guess you like to shoot from you cars too?

Think of what your ancestors did.

And I'm not an anti-hunter. Just because I have a differing point of view does not make me the anti-Christ. Only IDIOTS assume that.

Valium time, guys. Ease off.

I also suggest some of y'all go back and re-read posts and think a bit about what was said. There are some "responses" here which indicate a bit of misunderstanding of what was previously said.

Don't go makin' ol' Papa Bear grumpy!

:), Art
Wow-last time I saw a person this riled up is when I asked my wife if she'd gained weight! It is easy to criticize what others do if its different than what you do, or what you think. I think there is an element of danger if you go into the woods during hunting season whether its as a hunter or riding an ATV. I got out of hunting on public lands years ago because of people taking "sound shots" a euphenism for shooting at noise. Bullets can do funny things, and if you don't buy that, talk to John Kennedy among others. Not to say that you shouldn't be allowed to go on public lands, but I would ask all of us to be courteous to others as part of the experience regardless of your "mission", if I read Art's interpretation and too few others on this thread.
I love the desert. Spent four years at Edwards AFB and rode for many a mile through the Joshua trees on my Yamaha 360 MX. Saw wild Mules and had to dodge more than one desert tortoise. The ravens out there are the size of eagles.
Anyway, I like to wish you all a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. Sincerely, John Parker
The funny thing about this thread is that we are all saying the same thing. Both sides of this issue are trying to enjoy the same resource. We both want to be respected in our chosen pursuit. We have guys that want to ride ATVs recreationally and don't want limitations put on them and we have guys that want to hunt undisturbed. I don't see that we can't coexist in peace as long as we take a minute to consider each other in the equation and not try to do it our way without being willing to make slight consessions so that someone else can also enjoy the back country of this nation. We still both get to do what we want to do, we both get to have fun. The difference is that we make an effort to think of our fellow man.
Bowser, riding to a stand to hunt instead of walking is a far cry from actually doing your "hunting" off the back of an ATV. This is one of those cases were I think they are missing the fun part of hunting. Just shooting the animal to me is not the fun part of the hunt. It is just my contention that they are missing the whole point of hunting. They want to take the easist possible way. I will admit that part of this has to do with my own ego. It really burns me to work like a dog to take a big game animal only to find that someone else accomplished the same thing without any effort or use of skill. But, I don't nessessarily think they shouldn't have the right to do that.
We all have a lot to be thankful for tomorrow. We live in a country where we can ride ATVs and hunt. We live in a country where we have the leisure time to enjoy these diversions. We live in a country where we make enough money to satisfy our basic needs with enough left over to pursue our hobbies. Let's not forget that tomorrow or any other day of the year. I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving holiday. I hope you all have a family to enjoy it with. I hope you all stay safe. I will be spending the day with my second family at work. Hopefully everyone will avoid any unfortunate incident that requires my help; for both of us. :)
My son lives in southern Germany; I've visited a couple of times.

ATV? Thou shalt keep thy butt on the pavement. Only. Or be out of the ATV bidness. Same for motorcycles.

Get off the pavement? Go across country? Thou shalt walk.

Wanna hunt? I don't even begin to want to describe what's involved, nor how much money it's gonna cost you. I CAN tell you that some sort of THEY will tell you exactly when, where and how you're gonna do it. Their way, not your way.

Guns, in general? Hey, check out Mexico's laws. Essentially, none--unless you're one of the rich guys with political clout.

So, on this Thanksgiving Eve, consider just how danged good ya got it, and think again about what I've said about courtesy.

Give Thanks.
