ATTN: San Francisco Gun Owners

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I call bull**** on that one. Prove it.

Try these links. Get a new outlook on things.

2 percent of men are gay, yet 35 percent of pedophiles are gay. wow!

I could provide hundreds of links but why waste time and bandwith?

Now do you still want a homosexual adopting and raising children?

there is a growing number of gays ( a large number) who want to legalize sex with children. that is scary stuff. where does it end? sex with animals? incest?

can we load are weapons yet?
I was wasnt said in jest.....kinda sad is your right to believe and say what you want....

I would like to point one thing out, however,

there would be no children for gay couples to adopt if it werent for the straight couples that refuse to take responsibility for their actions....

the hypocrisy in this country sometimes astounds me....

the last line of the pledge of allegiance says...

"with freedom and justice for all..."

what I guess it should say is:

"with freedom and justice for all the people whose beliefs conform with mine, screw the rest of the people that have different racial, religious, or sexual orientations"

wait a minute...Im pretty sure I like it the first way....
the last line of the pledge of allegiance says...

do you really think they had gay people in mind when that was written?

i think it is very sad that anything goes in this soon to be not so great country.
yes I think they had gay people in mind...

I think they also had black people in mind

and muslim

and women

and white people

and YOU

and ME

that is what the word "ALL" means

the pledge of allegiance has been revised 3 times since it was written in 1892....the last being in has never been seriously proposed, nor will it likely ever be, that the word "all" should be given qualifiers....

i would be interested, however, if such a discussion were to ever take place how many people would try and exclude gay people....

i would also be interested to see how many people try and exclude intolerant bigots....

and then, after serious thought, I would cast my vote against BOTH exclusions because we are ALL Americans...
ok, ive read enough and im gonna chime in now. i think that what jeff troop meant by his original statement is that the way homosexuals push and promote their agenda is so sickining and quite frankly infuriates those people who believe it is wrong. its not that we hate the person, just the act and the promotion of the act. my stance is if you want to be gay thats fine, just do it in private and dont try to force the country to accept it just so that you can feel good about yerself.
when you sell guns on here do you ask those people what they think about homosexuality? or do you values decline when there is money to be made.

No actually Ill sell one to a blantly gay whatever. I wont sell one to someone who comes in and says he thinks he might shoot up a gay pride parade.

why are you in one of those parades? i see you are from ak where there is a severe shortage of women.

Oh and becasue their is a purported lack of women here does that mean we are all gay? I see. Perhaps based on your remarks we can classify the whole state of mississippi as a bunch of homicida hompohobics?

PS Im a white athiest;jewish guy married to an asian gal...that stir your blood up there a bit :)

Wow, and here I thought this thread was a light-hearted spoof to throw some light on an attempt to strip San Franciscans of their 2A rights. How did this thing get turned into a diatribe against gays?

Gun control is like a cancer: Let it get established in one place, and it's likely to spread. There is a pro-gun group in SF called The Pink Pistols. Better, then, to encourage and support them and others in fighting this gun grab than to blast them (figuratively and/or literally).

While I've heard other, similar figures regarding gays and pedophiles, I see no reason to condem those who are not pedophiles. It's a bit like blaming all gun owners for the gun abuse committed by a few. Let's go after the criminals instead. (Personally, I believe pedophiles should get a 20-year sentence for the first offense, and a life sentence for any subsequent offenses. Why our society tolerates people with multiple convictions for incest, rape, and child abuse is beyond me. But that's an entirely different topic.)

As for moving into SF or anywhere else in CA to dilute the influence of the anti-gunners, the cost of living in CA is skyhigh and going higher, the state's financial situation is a shambles, the education system is in the mid-40s out of 50 states and falling, businesses are fleeing, taxes are poised to rise, and the stratospheric real estate market seems ready to collapse (which, if it does, will further compound the ills that the state has brought upon itself). However, other than that, the place looks like a bargain.
Yup, I'm still calling bullsh*t.

2 percent of men are gay, yet 35 percent of pedophiles are gay. wow!
How is this for a comparison.....

60% of Mississippians are white, yet 100% of Klan membership is white. Does this make all white Mississipians Klansmen?

Also, your sources are a bit suspect. The National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality? Puh-lease... Linking NAMBLA to homosexuals is like linking beastiality to farmers. Specious at best.

the way homosexuals push and promote their agenda is so sickining and quite frankly infuriates those people who believe it is wrong..
Push and promote? Do you feel like you are being "recruited"?
Try this next time you get hit on by a man, pretend it is an ugly woman. "Uh, thanks, but I'd really rather not...."
my stance is if you want to be gay thats fine, just do it in private and dont try to force the country to accept it just so that you can feel good about yerself..
Why? My wife and I can hold hands while walking down a public street without eliciting gasps, why can't two men? Is it because you can imagine them in the bedroom? If so, isn't that your problem? Do you imagine the same of every hetero couple you see?

i do not feel like i am being recruited, but i do feel that i am being forced to accept something that i believe is wrong and something that leads to nothing but problems. i dont make it a habit to be in a place where there might be a chance fer a queer to hit on me, but if one ever does, it wont be a pretty picture for either one of us!

and as fer yer last comment, its so stupid im not even gonna reply to it.
You don't shop at a grocery store?
Frequent gun shops?
Go camping or hunting?
Go to restaurants?
<psst...there have been sightings in all of these places>

redranger? Would you also punch out that ugly woman? Why so angry?

I also don't undestand why the last comment is "so stupid" that it doesn't merit an answer. Please enlighten me.
I myself am waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too fat and ugly to have to worry about "queers" hitting on me, and if one did, I would be flattered that SOMEONE finds me attractive....

Hell, a compliment is a compliment...and Im secure enough in myself that Im not gonna fly into a panic becasue some guy likes me better than girls

wow Berger,

Seems like someone touched a nerve there. What, are you gay?

Just as you are defending gay rights, these people are defending the reasons they dislike gays and don't believe they should be treated as equals when it comes to marriage and adoption of children.

For you to bash them with your smart a$$ remarks makes you a bigot....

now call bull**** to that one...
Wow, and here I thought this thread was a light-hearted spoof to throw some light on an attempt to strip San Franciscans of their 2A rights. How did this thing get turned into a diatribe against gays? about a thread going South....hey, I'll buy the guns from gay's or straight folk... :rolleyes: Just a funny way to get the word out, and I guess it worked! San Franciscians, get out and vote this down, and while your at it, might want to vote in a few gun friendly representatives...

Sorry for the heartburn!

Seems like someone touched a nerve there. What, are you gay?

Maybe he just hates bigotry in all forms...

Hey but lets try this one: substitue words! For gay try jew, black, mixed race couple.....

Welcome to the 19th century, ladies and gentlemen. In these heah times, we don't cotton to no pinko-queero-jewo-blacko-browno-spico-Asiano-Easterno-Northerno-didImentionqueero-types. But we loooooooove our 10 commandments.

God bless America. Somebody shoot me.

Forgot to throw in Irisho-italian-swede'o-germano-yankee'o-redneck'o

Think what you want in private. Throw it out in a public forum and expect to have your beliefs challenged.

Seems like someone touched a nerve there. What, are you gay?
Does the question have any bearing on the argument? Do I have to be a redneck to disapprove of the way people in my neck of the woods portray folks in Mississippi and Missouri?

Seems to me that the "defense" of why folks didn't like gays boiled down to ignorance, just like the San Francisco/Mississippi comparison does.

You want to argue special rights and hate crime laws, you'll probably find me on the same side as you. However, for you to assert that the same sex couples that I know are damaging the children that they are raising irritates me.

These folks are in stable relationships, have adopted unwanted children and are struggling to give those kids a normal and happy life. Who else is going to take in a crack addicted baby? You, rangefodder? How about you, troop? Would you prefer that these kids go into the foster care system?
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