Attacked by a dog

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Believe it or not, dogs do not like getting punched on their snout.

Ain't that the truth.
When I was in school, I had a part time job delivering mail.
One nice old lady always liked to meet me at the door to get her days mail.
She had an extra big boxer that accompanied her that was generally mild mannered.
But one day it decided it was a guard dog and I was the enemy at the gate.
It lunged at me, past the lady, with its big maw wide open.
So, without having time to think I just connected with a hard left straight on its nose.
The mutt went down like a sack of rocks.
No further trouble with him after that.
That dog's owner is extremely irresponsible. Period. Nothing like a nice fat fine to get them to see the light. That visit would have ended there and then. The incident would have been reported as needed. The dog was protecting it's own. No need to punish the dog. Sounds like a good watch dog. Our dogs stay in cages when strangers come to the house. That includes answering the door to somebody the dogs have not met.
Firearms anyone? I have no idea why these doggie threads go South so quickly, but they do.

TFL is clearly about firearms, and this is clearly off topic.

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