Attacked by a dog

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The OP has a lot more self control than I do.

That dog would have been seriously hurt, . . . I'd have gotten a club, and chased him/her into the house, . . . clubbing as I went, . . . and if the friendship went south, . . . it would not have been a great loss.

ANYONE who does not control their dogs is no less a threat than someone sitting on their front porch shooting a .22 in random directions. Either one will one day hurt another person, . . . and it may be very serious.

Glad you did not get hurt badly, . . . but the dog need a good fetching up.

May God bless,
I got bit by my neighbors dog while jogging on the sidewalk.
A canine pierced one of my fingers.
Hurt like hell.
I was cool about it and called him only to see if the dogs had it's shots.
He cursed me because I had kicked the dog pretty good when it bit me.
My wife made me call the cops so we could find out about the dogs shots.
The deputy picked me up and put me in the back of the cruiser to show him where the dog lived.
The deputy got out of the cruiser.
The dog charged him.
Dove at the deputies feet and rolled over!!! What!! That dog hated everyone!!
I felt like an idiot!
Had to get shots. Went to the next town over to a fast care.
The nurse came out and asked me where I was bit.
I said Ft Lauderdale.
She looked at me like I was a nut and couldn't suppress a chuckle
All you young, healthy macho folks use limited thinking. I am an old disabled man that 1) cannot move very quickly as half my body is partially paralyzed. I really only have fine motor control on my right side. In known dogs on the loose areas I carry a stun-gun on the belt and a J-Frame in the pocket. There is no way I can get away from, out maneuver, or over power a large dog, let alone a pack of dogs.

The stun-gun is if it is one dog that is slowly closing in on me, snarling, and growling. It the snapping, popping and crackle of the electrical arc discourages the dog great. If not I won't hesitate to toss the dog the stun-gun and draw the J-Frame. I really do not have time to analyze the situation. I cannot afford to let the dog get a hold on me, so it has to be draw and shoot. Friends dog, or not I am going to resist being killed by a dog to the best of my ability.
Stun gun!
They're too close by then.
Get a cattle prod.
Or maybe put the stunner on the end of a walking stick.
In your situation, there's not going to be time for a second guess or risk getting knocked down.
Stay safe.
The dog that bit you...should be put under observation, to see if he comes down with a case of rabies, within a certain amount of days.

I've heard...a charging dog attack can be thwarted by waving your arms and yelling at the top of your lungs.

Another is...if the dog has bitten you --- and won't let go with his jaws --- Stick a finger up his anus.
Another is...if the dog has bitten you --- and won't let go with his jaws --- Stick a finger up his anus.

Hmm. A novel approach but...

....I think I'd rather endure the pain and wait for the dog to get bored and let go...
In urban/suburban areas I've certainly "stomped" a threatening dog, it works. While upland hunting I usually shoot at their feet when I get some that charge. Usually the chargers are 2-3 and feeling brave.
Another is...if the dog has bitten you --- and won't let go with his jaws --- Stick a finger up his anus.

Thirty-two years in practice as a veterinarian, and never heard that one. As a fellow who has done his share of prostate exams on dogs, I can tell you that the target is quite a bit harder to hit than the quote makes one think. Grabbing a dog's tail or leg might make him let go of his hold in order to snap at your hand, but that might just change the problem rather than solve it.

One thing that hasn't been brought up in tactics against dogs is that a lot of dogs prefer to attack from behind. If you can get your back against something, you can keep the dog from circling, cut your area to defend in half, and just maybe discourage the dog enough to make him leave. Even when it isn't a total solution, it can be a step in the right direction and make other defensive efforts easier and more effective.
My better half grew up with two dogs.
One big Shepard type and another small mutt of some kind.
They liked to team up on folks.
The big, scary looking one would approach from the front, and the little one would sneak up and nip them in the butt from behind.
Not hard, just a little nip on the fabric; it was just a game to them.
Good strategy, though.
I see threads here devoted to bear, coyote, wolf, and cougar attacks. I'm sure that's a threat to some, but dogs are a potential threat to all of us. The stats back this up. And I've owned dogs for over thirty years, I love them. But a lot of idiots own dogs too, and fail to train them.

A dog attack will happen fast. My advice is to have a set of responses ready, think about them and practice. Especially if you walk a dog, in my experience this makes you a bigger target for an attack.

And please report any attack to the authorities. Many local laws require a pattern of aggressive canine behavior before action is taken. Reporting an attack can help save kids and those who are physically vulnerable to dogs.
The time to use pepper spray is early on before the dog bites. Once the dog bites it's game on as far as I'm concerned. At that point, I am treating it as a lethal threat. A well-placed dog bite into your femoral artery can be fatal.
Aside from my law enforcement duties the only two times I have ever drawn my CCW pistol have been on dogs. The first time I was walking my dog it was about 1am I had just gotten off work took off my duty belt put on my Glock 30 and took my dog for a walk when out of the corner of my eye I catch something black moving very fast. I turn to see a very large black dog running full speed at my dog. I yelled at it but it kept coming so I drew the Glock as soon as the dog coming at me saw my motion it stopped dead in it's tracks and ran away. I don't know if it understood what the gun was but I think it understood what I was going to do if it did not stop. The second time was right after I got home from work I took the dog out to do his business on a leash and the neighbor opened his door to help his girlfriend get the something out of the car when his Pit bull came charging out of his house and straight at my dog. His dog began to fight with my dog I tried to pull my dog away with the leash but it was not working out very well so I tried to push his dog off mine with my boot that's when his dog snapped at me. Now here's the fun part I'm in uniform my Duty weapon is a Glock 19 in a triple retention holster so now I'm trying to get my dog out of this fight and get him back into the house so I'm being pulled this way and that way by the dogs fighting I'm trying to draw my pistol out of my triple retention holster while trying to keep from being bitten. Just as my Glock clears leather the neighbor comes over screaming not to shoot his dog and throws himself on top of his dog and pulls it away just before I shoot it. Now before somebody say that I should not have gotten myself physically involved in the dog fight you are correct but I was in my yard with my dog on a leash where he was at a disadvantage due to the leash. Where my neighbor's dog had no right to be much less attacking my dog and I love my dog so while it may not have been smart I would do it again if another dog attacked my dog in my yard while he's on a leash. Now having said all that I love Dogs and never want to hurt them but sometimes you have no choice.
My mail box is on the highway about a mile from the house. A couple times a group of dogs came after me while I got out to get the mail. They didn't get me, but I was able to get into the truck, though I had my revolver ready.

My concern is I often send my grandkids on a 4 wheeler to get the mail. I called the sheriff's officer, their response "shoot 'em" they don't do dog calls.

So I talked my neighbor (who is a deputy) into going to talk to the owners. He did twice, but that didn't stop the dogs.

So next time they came after me, I ended the problem by hanging the dead dog on the fence.

Did the same thing with a dog I caught hamstringing one of my horses. After hanging the dead dog on the fence, I haven't seen any in my pasture.

I'll not have dogs chewing on my grandkids or livestock.
So next time they came after me, I ended the problem by hanging the dead dog on the fence.

Did the same thing with a dog I caught hamstringing one of my horses. After hanging the dead dog on the fence, I haven't seen any in my pasture.

I'll not have dogs chewing on my grandkids or livestock.

Good for you.

A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.
Friend's dog or not, if I get bit by a dog, I'm going to fight back. I have huge hands, which make for huge fists, and I've abused them over the years which make for no pain punches.

Believe it or not, dogs do not like getting punched on their snout or head. I know that from experience. ;)
The guy next door (which is a ways but no fence) raises and trains pit bulls. Except he's lived there about 5 years and I've never heard any training going on. At all. So I never go outside without the pepper spray in my back pocket and usually pull it out and grip it 4-5 times a day, especially as it is yet another right handed product. I also have one of those tools that are a hoe on one side and a pick on the other, mattock maybe, permanently outside where the dog and I go.

My dog and I have already discussed that if it comes down to me or him with the pit bulls that he's on his own...
I have a lawn business so I run into a few here and there. I hit a Chow one time with a 2x4 and it only made him mad!

There is a German Shepherd guard dog that I suspect is an old police dog that lives next to an account I do every week. That dog isn't afraid of crap and will bite. I tested him through the fence. The old tail is wagging so they won't bite is a lie. At any rate, if that sucker does manage to jump the fence one of these weeks which is possible there is no doubt I will have to draw.
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