Attack of the Fattest Ninja EVA!

Dave's got a great idea there... Need to come up with some real +/- ratings though, not just off the cuff generalizations to match the current pic. Could be fun.

And congrats Spiff - I'd give you another three points for sheer wannabeness. After all, isn't ninjatude more about desire than actual ability? ;)
All this math is making my head swim.

Geez, Spiff - an earlier comment was right on ... you've got no neck! You're like a tactical Stimpy!!
well its a desire to make you think i'm cooler than i really am.

the better we are at telling lies, the greater the likelihood that we'll have a high ninjatude rating.

edit - stimpy! more like shrek.

You have a fine assault weapon and the outfit is good except....what is with the need some combat boots or even better THOSE SPLIT TOE NINJA BOOTS
I like Spiffy the way he is. A thin Alaskian is a fake Alaskian :D.

I give Spiffy a +10 for his ninjatude just for posting pics. And you have to admit, he's got dang good taste in shades.

THOSE SPLIT TOE NINJA BOOTS wife has a pair of those split toe clogs (Geta I think they are) and she walks areound in them just, I put on a pair and try to be like Mifune Toshio in a Kurosawa samurai movie and I end up rolling on the floor like a hairy beach ball

Okay, so I have 11, but with a single package postmarked from Anchorage and my thigh holster buckled on (which would take me to 19), I could totally top your ninjatude!

but I can see you :eek: Spiff virtually melds with the background in his ninjatude. +50 for Spiff :p
Thanks Eghad, now the next time I take a ninja pic like that, I'm going to have to bust out the camo sticks and borrow some camo netting from work just to keep you happy. :D
Found an old photo where I was camoed up


So don't think I won't do it!

Taken at JRTC back in February 2001 if you were wondering why I'm an E-4 instead of an E-6 in the photo.
better, but you just dont have the ninjatude Spiff has :eek: plus you look like your happy... ninjas are not supposed to be happy.....

-10 for joo and + 10 for Spiff :p
Of course I was happy. You may note that I have an M4 with 'da switch' in my hands.

Happiness is a selector switch that rotates past semi. :D
Points off for using blanks!! But the adaptor's camoed too... Add a point back.

(Bet that was a fun day, I won't knock the grin - even ninjas can enjoy thier work...)
You can't even see Spiff's face under the balaclava, I bet he's grinning like an idiot! :D

And that is a MILES transmitter on the barrel, the blank adaptor is the yellow thing in front. Real rounds would be better, but not when the enemy is actually the 1/509th PIR from Fort Polk. :eek:
"And that is a MILES transmitter on the barrel, the blank adaptor is the yellow thing in front. Real rounds would be better, but not when the enemy is actually the 1/509th PIR from Fort Polk."

blank adapter thingy? Miles? what are those
Ha! I know you're lying, you were in the military! For the neophytes out there, the blank adapter is a vented plug which lets enough gas pressure build up to let the weapon fire in semi and burst mode when using blanks. Without it, you have a single-shot rifle that must be cocked everytime it is fired. MILES is the military version of Laser Tag, so when we fight simulated battles, we know who got shot (there is a new digital version out that I'm using this week that shows who shot who and can track the battle via GPS technology, but the vest is soooo heavy compared to the old one).