ATF Extending CLEO Sign Off to Trusts and Corporations

I am posting this in part to bump it to the top so people will add their comments to the ATF. Below are links to form letters if you would like to use them, and links to where to add your voice to this discussion. The comment period for the NFA trust issue ends on December 9th. TTAG is trying to get people to comment in our favor.

This Proposed Rule Document was issued by the ATF.

The linked TTAG article above has lots of good information. Here is the direct link to the comment area at Docket Detail ATF-2013-0001.

It is amazing how much stuff goes on at any time. Our government is so big that no one can keep track of even major parts of what it does, much less even try to have any real affect on what it does as a whole.

In related news HR 3478 Knife Owners’ Protection Act of 2013 would allow people to travel with knives if they are legal where they started and are headed. Just like the FOPA of 1986.
Here is a copy of the comments I submitted today. If anyone wants a copy of the exhibits, let me know. I took a more legalistic approach in my criticisms. The submission of first-hand accounts of CLEOs arbitrarily refusing to sign by others will be helpful too.

The deadline to submit comments is Monday, December 9th, so please follow the links in dustind's post above to submit yours.


That's a nicely prepared Brief, AAL! I read most of it. It cuts right to the heart of the matter with excellent reasoning. Even though there's less than a 10% chance BATFE will actually consider anything in it, given their track record for blatantly ignoring the law and willy-nilly making up laws however it sees fit, it's still a darned good effort. Better than anything I could come up with. It serves to remind me that preserving our rights is really all the effort we put into it. If we had the effort and support of the voting nation on our side, BATFE would do whatever we wanted them to do.

Anyway, I really just wanted to say thank you.
I'm still curious how this effects currently submitted forms in process. Doubt my form 1 under a trust will be clear by then.
I'm still curious how this effects currently submitted forms in process. Doubt my form 1 under a trust will be clear by then.
No way to know for sure, but likely that a clear cut-off date will be set and those submitted after a certain date would be processed under new rules (IF new rules ever go into effect).
My check cleared in September, I haven't called to get a "pending" date, so hope its already hit that status and with no info coming out till 6/2014, I hope thats when the "date" will be.
Anyone have any insight if I submit for a couple new stamps in this limbo period after the comments but before ruling. Finally have some free time and cash and would like to get two more suppressors and two sbr's, one DD. I think that would satisfy all of my NFA "needs"
Nobody knows how the ATF will treat it right now. Which is exciting for those of us with pending forms.
The problem is that they're going to be taking on extra work, but they're not pulling in the tax revenue to cover it. That means they're unlikely to hire on extra help to pick up the workload.

That means longer wait times. As it is now, some Form 4's are taking nearly 11 months. We could see that extend to well over a year.
The American Silencer Association met with BATFE and has an update on the proposed 41P regulation. There were 9,504 comments submitted with around 1,000 of them disqualified for vulgarity or irrelevance. However, BATFE is apparently required to address each qualified comment in writing, which is going to take some time. BATFE told ASA it may be over a year before they address the regulation as a result:
Over 10% of the comments made for this were irrelevant or vulgar.

This aggravates me to no end. This wasn't a facebook page designed by a kid it was the opportunity of like minded people to educate these people on our concerns and attempt to get this ruled in our favor the correct way.

There were comments about "F^$# Obama" and the government is tyrannical and this is so we can get put in FEMA camps...

People who made those comments made us "gun guys" look like nut jobs and helped prove the point of people like Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein.

They should be emarrased that they couldn't act like an adult for 5 minutes...when it actually counts!