Assault Rifle Laws

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I understand the terrible problem of there being no more transferable full auto guns... but what's the deal with being able to get a license to manufacture them? How does that work?

I also thought it cost $2000 for some type of baft paper work to own one. Are you guys saying that it only cost $200 for the tax stamp for the gun... plus of course the cost of the gun?

I'm not sure where you live, but here in Colorado, I can get a $200 tax stamp and then order a 3-round burst or full-auto kit for my Bushmaster. Nothing keeps anyone from having just gotta have the cash to pay for it.
I'm not sure where you live, but here in Colorado, I can get a $200 tax stamp and then order a 3-round burst or full-auto kit for my Bushmaster. Nothing keeps anyone from having just gotta have the cash to pay for it.

No you cant. Period. End of story. What about this do you people not understand?!!!?

CrazyIvan07- The only way you can get your Bushmaster into Full Auto mode legally is to buy a REGISTERED Lightning Link or Drop In Auto Sear, or if your Bushmaster is a registered machinegun in and of itself AND made and registered before May of 1986. Either of these will run you around $10k and require a NFA stamp. You can't order the kits you speak of and put them in your ordinary semi auto gun. Hell, you cant even legally own one of those kits at the same time you own a semi AR. It can be ruled as "constructive posession" of an illegal machinegun.

God, I hope this thread gets locked soon...:mad:
Blume357 said:
I also thought it cost $2000 for some type of baft paper work to own one. Are you guys saying that it only cost $200 for the tax stamp for the gun... plus of course the cost of the gun?

Yes, to buy a transferable machinegun, silencer, AOW, SBS or SBR you only have to pay Uncle Sam one $200 tax for each item you want to buy. There is no blanket "license" that allows an individual to buy things willy-nilly. If you want a license, you have to be a manufacturer or dealer. IIRC the license, or at least the SOT (special occupational tax) is something on the order of $1500 annually.
There is so much misinformation running throughout this thread, it wouldn't be worth the trouble to move it to the NFA forum.

Tell you what, If you really want to know what is and what isn't legal, as regards fully automatic firearms or suppressors, go to the NFA forum and ask some questions.

As for here in the L&P, this is off topic because we do have a place specificly for this type of discussion.
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