Assault Rifle Laws

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I'm going to the range tomorrow with our new WASR-10 and I want to print out some laws to give to the RSO if he asks about our "evil assault rifle". My dad is LE.
He Shouldn't....

have a problem, unless it's an indoor range and they have restrictions on high caliber rifles being shot inside.

Down in my area I am allowed to fire my Remy .308, others don't want any type of rifle being shot.

Just hope yours isn't full auto, unless you have a license to have a full auto.
Yup! That's a good idea to print out the regulations to ensure your rifle is legal. Although your dad is LE, I'm not sure if the LE waiver is also applied to you. If your WASR is not on the assault rifle list, you basically have an off list and you better make sure you have only a 10 round clip attached to it. Can you post a pic of your rifle? I'm interested in how it is configured because I would like to get another AK type rifle just for s#!+$ and giggles. josh
Full auto license

Well I just found this out myself the other day I went to the local range. I ask the owner if he knew when or if FN will come out with the civilian version of the SCAR, well he didn't know but he suggested I go to their website.

We talk a little bit about it, I mentioned that it is full auto and maybe they'll just keep it in the military arsenal, then is said "well you can own a full auto", REALLY? He also said that there is a guy that goes in that has a full auto AR15 and a suppressor.

He said that you need two separate licenses, one for the full auto and anther for the suppressor. He also said that it is pretty expensive, somewhere around 250-400 per license.

Hope this helps.
Down in my area I am allowed to fire my Remy .308, others don't want any type of rifle being shot.

Other then markham park?

I don't know of any range other then the BasS Pro Shop[indoor] that lets you shoot large bores.

regarding the full auto: The local authorites have the authority to demand to inspect your firearm { class 3 } at any time they see fit.
The local authorites have the authority to demand to inspect your firearm { class 3 } at any time they see fit.

What, they have to make sure that it is going full auto? :D

When I take my grandfathered NHMs and ARs I make sure I have a copy of my registration in my range bag.

The local authorites have the authority to demand to inspect your firearm { class 3 } at any time they see fit.

No they don't. BATFE needs a warrant supported by probable cause to come to your home and demand to inspect the weapons. In some cases, depending upon how you file, the local authorities don't even know you have them and can't get that info from BATFE absent a warrant. Thats said, it would not be difficult to get a warrant if BATFE discovered some error in the transfer record that indicated your weapon wasn't registered, or improperly registered. Additionally, if you are outside of the home just about any LE can stop and detain you for possession of a full auto until they can determine its properly registered. There is no "license" (unless you become a manufacturer or dealer); to merely own a full auto, you file an application to transfer a full auto and pay the appropriate ($200) transfer tax. The gun you buy must have been made and properly registered to the National Firearms Regisrty & Transfer Record prior to 5-19-86, with an unbroken chain of ownership reflected in BATFE's records. Because the supply is fixed, and actually declining, prices are very high. A full-auto AK47 will run you about $14,000. Basically, you find a grandfathered weapon that is properly registered, file the application to transfer it from the current owner to you (form 4) with BATFE. When BATFE approves the transfer, then you can take physical possession of the gun.

An approval by the local LE agency is needed if you file the form 4 transfer in your own name. This is the CLEO signoff requirement (you need to have the sheriff or chief of police sign off on the application) and their approval is completely discretionary. Theycan deny you for any reason, or for no reason at all. If you file as a corporate entity or as a trust you need not get local approval, however both of those options have drawbacks to consider also. Obviously, BATFE will not approve a transfer is violation of local law, and some states (like CA & NY) prohibit full auto weapons completely.
I have a good friend who has the ways and means ($) to

own full auto / silenced rifles. Yesterday we went through nearly 1500 rounds of 9mm and 45acp ammo in just under two hours.... it is a very expensive hobby.

The legal issue of full auto is the ultimate example of gun control in our country not being about crime but a 'class' issue. Only the rich can now afford to own the better defensive guns... a full auto rifle is going to cost at least 1500 dollars and usally a LOT more... this is not including the $200 tax stamp for the gun and the $2000 tax permit for the person.
Any holder of an NFA firearm must have a copy of the tax stamp in thier posession when useing/transporting the firearm. I haveinspected many tax stamps while running an indoor range. An NFA firearm holder must show the tax stamp to those authorized to ask, and the range safety officers where you shoot will ask, or you will be told to leave, and PD will be called.
On the other hand, this IS AZ, and I know many people with legal NFA registered full auto. You can even carry your registered NFA weapon concealed if you have an AZ CCW permit.

My buddy called me last night to tell me he got to fire an original MP40 last night at the range he works at. I hate him now.
An NFA firearm holder must show the tax stamp to those authorized to ask, and the range safety officers where you shoot will ask, or you will be told to leave, and PD will be called.

I've had machineguns and suppressors for about 20 years now and have never been asked by law enforcement or anyone at the range(s) to review my paperwork.
Whenever I go to the local outdoor range (Yolo Sportsman's Association) with my SLR95, I always bring my registration form...just in case. I can see it now: pulled over for speeding, Officer Friendly seeing the Black Gun, KDM going thru hell to get it back. The SLR is semiauto, of course, but being in this jacked-up state I feel the need to be able to prove my innocence.

It's weird. Some (most, if not in CA) can legally carry a firearm for defence of self and loved ones, and I feel the need to carry a form to keep myself safe from the law. :mad:
Not suppressor but a silencer

I am sorry earlier on this thread I mentioned about having a license for a suppressor, I meant for a silencer, thats what the owner told me.

The person has a license to have a FULLAUTO AR AND A LICENSE FOR A SILENCER.

Well, you can always go to Trail Glades on Tamiami Trail, don't know if its to far for you, Markham Park is only 100 yrds right?

I found this link hope it helps:
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A WASR-10 is an assault rifle?

Didn't know they sold them with Da Switch. If it is one, it's a post-86 dealer sample, requiring paperwork like HKMp5sd's full-auto toys.
First, since it sounds like you're in CA, you probably have teh thumbhole WASR with single stack mag. Shouldn't have any issues with teh range, unless no rifles, etc.

As far as NFA paperwork, you have no requirements to bring copies with you, it's just a good idea ni case you're asked. Batfe can legally inspect your paperwork, local LE canno. However, it'll save you a lot of time and trouble to show them;) In a lot of states, NFA is illegal, with teh F1/F4's being a defense to prosecution. You have no obligation to show them to range personel, then again, they have no obligation to let you shoot there either.
full auto rifle is going to cost at least 1500 dollars and usally a LOT more.

If you know where there's a full-auto anything for that price, please tell me. The cheapest thing I've ever seen is the last-minute-registered MACs that run around $5K.
Full auto is nothing more than a down payment on ammunition. Seriously, it's ridiculous paying to feed one anything like you'd want to shoot to make it worth your time, trouble, and money. Class III license is indeed possible, but it's entirely up to the approval of your sheriff or judge as to whether you can get it. Some areas are easy, some tricky, and some flat out 0%. Suppressors are much more worth it in terms of gain per $ spent.
The words silencer, sound suppressor, and "can" are used almost interchangeably when talking about what the ATFE refers to as Silencers. The tax for registration is $200 -- the same as a machine gun. It is not a license, but a tax stamp similar to the tax stamp on a whiskey bottle or pack of smokes (thus the name Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives).
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