As strange as the world is getting... I may need more gun???

Originally Posted by Sharkbite View Post
Check out the vid on this thread. Would you want to face this situation with just a 5 shot J frame?

Do as you please, but im sticking with a higher capacity pistol
He wouldve been fine with a 5 shot. They started running as soon as he shot once.

In that case we should all start carrying a single shot CAP gun. According to that logic at the mere sound of the first shot, the badguys will take flight. Sorry Brother, those of us that have been there know better
In that case we should all start carrying a single shot CAP gun. According to that logic at the mere sound of the first shot, the badguys will take flight. Sorry Brother, those of us that have been there know better

I wasnt presenting any logic. Simply explaining the facts of the video that this and another SD vide I saw, both people wouldve been fine with 5 rounds or less. I have yet to see a video where anyone needed to reload, though im sure they exist.

Please do not try to impress me with your credentials and egotistical attitude
Read what i wrote.
I really don't understand some of you. Sighting statistics and proclaiming the super long odds. All that applies to everyone who was ever in a really bad situation but -CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED- happens. Again I reiterate what harm does it do to carry a couple extra magazines?
I really don't understand some of you. Sighting statistics and proclaiming the super long odds. All that applies to everyone who was ever in a really bad situation but -CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED- happens. Again I reiterate what harm does it do to carry a couple extra magazines?
I dont know if this was toward me or not, but to answer your question, it doesnt. Im certainly not advocating one way or the other...again simply stating the facts from the video shown. The guy who tried to use that video as justification to have more rounds was stretching it, the defendent wouldve been fine with the 5 round revolver. Would he probably have preferred more rounds or heck even AK? Im sure he would have.

But the argument shark used was "would you be fine with having 5 rounds" the answer is maybe, but the more the bette. However you cant use that video as a basis for that argument, since, they ran away after the first shot. Youre basically trying to use fear as justification and not facts or analysis of the video of what happened.
Not really aimed at anyone specific Moomooboo. Just the general thinking by some of the responders that somehow it's irrational to carry more than you'll "probably" ever need.
Not really aimed at anyone specific Moomooboo. Just the general thinking by some of the responders that somehow it's irrational to carry more than you'll "probably" ever need.

The way i do life? I carry my glock with 7 rounds. People have called me a coward with a defeatist attitude(people who dont know me as is the internet) because i simply choose to believe that if i go through all my rounds and im not safe, it was inevitable and the stars aligned for me to die. Apparently its wrong and cowardly to accept that death will come to us all.

I find it uncomfortable to carry extra mags, heck its uncomfortablr enough carrying my gun. Doesnt mean i judge others who do carry mags nor do i care if they dont.

But it goes both ways, some who dont carry extra think its stupid to carry extra ehile those who do carry extra think its stupid not to : /
Deaf. Can you name a few examples?

Here is one example. Ex-UDR man recalls gun battle with IRA gang - News Letter

“A FORMER UDR soldier who turned an IRA ambush into one of the regiment’s finest hours has shared his remarkable story for the first time. I swung round quick and pushed the door into the other guy. He had the rifle round his neck on the string and was going to use his hands to get me out of the van but he ran off.”

Eric took cover behind the front wheel of the van and opened fire on two further gunmen armed with Kalashnikov-type rifles behind a low wall no more than 20 metres away.

When one moved position and appeared at the side of the house, Eric took careful aim and pulled the trigger only to find he was out of ammunition.

“The magazine was empty but I had another one in my coat which was in the van.”
Uhm. I dont know where you live but i was asking for examples from america. Not Ireland with daily attacks from a terrorist organization
i was asking for examples from america. Not Ireland with daily attacks from a terrorist organization
Isn't that the basic premise of this thread though? How to respond to the threat of daily terrorist attacks?
Isn't that the basic premise of this thread though? How to respond to the threat of daily terrorist attacks?
Well it was both international and domestic. But the area and social unrest which went on in northern ireland is far different than what goes on in america. We dont have that active IRA activity here in America.

But thinking about it, i see your point with relevance to this thread. I guess when i asked my question for me, i as asking for domestic rxamplea not things in unstable areas.
Well, if it's uncomfortable for you then by all means don't carry them. I pray you never find yourself in a 100% chance of multiple BG attack day.

Good luck to you.
Deaf. Can you name a few examples?



Cases where one person fought off multiple attackers:

About 15 years ago a NYPD policewoman with a 5 shot J frame chiefs took on three armed robbers in a bank. Wounded two and captured all three. All three of them had guns, one I remember was a .45.

Here is where one guy with a .380 engaged two robbers.

Senior Citizen Opens Fire on Robbers of Internet Cafe

Man shoots at three armed robbers entering his Garage

Armed Arizona Citizen Shoots Bank Robbers, Kills One.

Man Shoots, Kills 2 Armed Robbers: Police

Just Google 'citizen shoots armed robbers'. Lots of them!

Might want to google also, 'citizen shoots armed carjackers' to.

Oh, and ONE MORE... go google 'Lance Thomas'

He was in three shootouts, and ALL of them were with multiple robbers.

I have more fear of being attacked by a stray dog while walking than I do getting robbed, let alone attacks by a gang or terrorist. I'm comfortable carrying 5 rounds.
Deaf. Not trying to start an argument but you cant use police, and one was in brazil, and some of the ones you listed were not attacked per se but they put themselves in that position.
Even with all these Isis Lone Wolf threats I still feel fine with my 9mm Shield with 8+1 and a spare mag. Plus I have seen their training videos, not impressed.. :p

As far as people talking about the odds of this or that happening, statistics don't mean a damn thing once it happens to you. The shootout last year with the Boston Marathon bombers was a block away from my house, if you ever asked me what the chances of terrorists blowing up the Boston Marathon, driving to my small 4 square mile town of Watertown, then shooting it up with police and detonating IED's a block from my house I would have told you a billion to one. But the fact is it happened, and it opened my eyes up that anything can happen anywhere at anytime and statistics don't mean squat until you become one.
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I have more fear of being attacked by a stray dog while walking than I do getting robbed, let alone attacks by a gang or terrorist. I'm comfortable carrying 5 rounds.

I can definitely agree with this sentiment. I don't walk around in fear of terrorists, and I don't live in a high crime area. Despite that, I still choose to carry a gun, just in case. My logic says that if I can carry a 5 shot revolver, it isn't much different to carry a 12 round compact semi, so why not carry more, if we're talking "just in case." It isn't that 5 rounds isn't enough, it's just that I see no reason to limit my ability to defend myself and my family.
My stock answer.

If you are at the mall and shots are fired in the food court, are you going towards the shots or away?

I know I'm going that way. I've been a cop for 30 years. If there's a fight, I want to be in it. Assuming my family, if they are with me, can get out safely. I also have the privilege of announcing myself to first responders as the police and likely not getting shot and then joining a uniform when they arrive to continue the fight.

I need a gun that can make shots at 50 yards and, has enough capacity to hold me until help gets there.

If you need a gun to defend your life and your immediate family, a 5 shot revolver is "likely" enough. There are no guarantees.

The difference is whether you need a gun to escape a problem or, take the fight to the problem.

Either way, even with a 5 shot Chief, you are still ahead of 95% of the population.
Uhm. I dont know where you live but i was asking for examples from america. Not Ireland with daily attacks from a terrorist organization

As said the post was about different types of attacks including terrorist. Terrorists are the same the world over and use similar tactics IRA / ISIS. etc The example was of one individual armed with a handgun fighting of four terrorists armed with AK/47s killing one and wounding others, but he didn't come out unscathed. He was also down to his last few rounds, a good example of why its a good idea to carry extra ammo.
When the terrorists realised what was happening they closed in for the kill as Eric explained: “They ran down firing on automatic and that’s when I got the whacked on the legs.” Eric’s left leg had shattered below the knee and he was losing a lot of blood.

Ps I live in Northern Ireland ( Ulster ) not Ireland, that would be like me saying to a Canadian he lived in America. Two different countries. :)
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