
I shot one with a .35 Remington. Seemed to be adequate. Shot another with a 16 gauge and 1 oz of 6s. Not so adequate. He got away.
Well I live in OK, and there are a bunch around. I have a 7mm-08 for deer, along with numerous .22's and shotguns.. Normal Redneck stuff:D But 7mm-08 rounds are wayyy too expensive!! And Like you said.. A new gun is a New gun..;)
My dad used to eat em growin up so if your plannin to do the same, dont use anythin thats gonna make em disappear.

If you do wanna eat em, catch em every now n then. If you catch em by the tail just keep on holdin on, the crackin feelin is normal, its not their tail commin off or anything.
I was deer hunting many years ago with my SKS and it was near total darkness. I was about to head for the truch when an armadillo walked almost right up to where I was sitting. I couldnt resist and put a shot through the side of the armadillo and using a soft lead 7.62x39 bullet it was a sight to see. There was chunks of that poor little critter blown all over the place. I have shot them with just about every caliber I have ever owned. I have yet to take one out with one of my mosin nagants. That might be a mess for sure. Happy hunting.
Shucking the shell off is easy, just run your blade along the edge and it'll peel like an orange. The belly hide is as tough as anything I've ever skinned. I got to where I kept a stone handy to resharpen.
Its all fun and games until you run into the Giant Armadillo.

They've ripped car roofs off and flipped semis over.
The only thing a dilla is good for is eating yellow jackets,I seen what I thought was yellow jackets killing one but it was the other way around,So I let him get finished eating bugs then shot him.
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"When I was in the cattle business, I shot every armadillo that came across my path. I hated dragging the darn things off, so I learned that if I put a lung shot through them with a .22LR, they'd jump straight up in the air, then head for their hole at a dead run. Self-burying varmints. It don't get better than that."

That is just a classic. Still chuckling over that description.
I was walking to a deer stand in Texas once and came upon an armadillo rooting around in the leaves. The ground and leaves were damp from rain, so I wasn't making any noise as I snuck up on him. They have good ears and good noses, but their eyesight is poor. Since I was going hunting, I didn't plan to shoot him (too much noise on a peaceful calm day), so I got right behind him and goosed him with the end of the rifle barrel. That dillo jumped about a foot in the air and came down looking all around. He saw my leg, but to him that was just a tree trunk. After he puzzled on whatever it might have been that goosed him, he went back to rooting in the leaves. I goosed him again and he jumped at least a foot in the air. When he landed he really had a strange look on his face, like maybe the area was haunted. He was quite disturbed by being goosed, so he slowly crept off, looking back often. He never made a sound during the whole episode. I know that I'd have at least squeaked if I was goosed by an invisible hand.
There's a picture in my high school year book of one of the bio teachers. he had an armadillo shell that he had made into a hat. Can't remember right now, but I believe that the tail hung off of one side and the head down the other.

As you can tell, seeing uncle goober wearing his armadillo helmet in class kinda marks a person.

Given a choice, I'd rather have seen him wearing nothing but his spongebob thong and a ski mask than see him at his desk with that thing on his head.
I have never eaten one. I know guys who do it all the time here though. It's a big deal around the quail unlimited hunts every year. When I was a driver the hunters would talk about an expensive banquet they were going to, a "wild game" dinner. The next day they would ask us if it is a normal thing to eat Possums, rattlesnake, dillos, coon, bush tails or woodpecker. I have eaten all but armadillo. Come to find out these expensive banquets were just the plantation farmers family making money off the poor saps.

I have shot many of them. They can be tricky (at least for me, never hunted at all), they hop around and just Sprint for no reason sometime. I use a canned 10/22 to keep my wife off my back. Never had a problem until one crawled up and died under the house. Three days of south Georgia heat let us know he was under there. She found him, bullet hole in his chest, she knew who did it. She now keeps that gun under her bed at night.....

I just got approved for a 5.56 can recently.... The fun continues!
I love shooting armadillos, but almost made a big mistake this evening. After deer hunting, I pointed the Kubota RTV toward the mailbox that's about half a mile down the gravel road. Got the mail and started heading back. It was dark by then and I could see an armadillo in the headlights, running straight away from me down the road. I sped up, with rifle in lap, to catch him and do him harm. Got right in behind the dillo to where I could see him good and he magically became a skunk (and a big one). OooooKay....hit the brakes and back off. Happily, I guess he wasn't irritated by my motorized antics. Now I think I'll get the spotlight and go look in the yard. Maybe there's a dillo out there.
Their fun as all get out to shoot. Pretty much any kinda gun you can can kill them. I would suggest an AR-15, mini 14, ect. Something in .223 or small, fast caliber. You wanna see an explosion, hit one with a .270WSM. Then you wont have any mess to clean up. :D happy hunting, kill em all!
Me and my friend were out shooting armadillos; he had his savage .17 and I had my marlin 795 22lr! He shot one that, no lie, blew the shell and most of his back muscle close to his neck! The dang thing preceeded to hop around and try to find his hole -the best he could- for about 2 minutes! I've personally shot them in the midsection, guts hanging out, and still run off!! Tough little dudes. Are count right now is at about 32.. in 3 or 4 trips out;)