Ok. I'll buy the general feeling of pride. It appears that the pride comes from the belief, and not the actual possesion. This I believe is a very important distinction. the current anti line "I love my kids more than they love their guns" draws on the premise that we love the inanimate object, and not priceless values assosiated with the object. In the USA today, anti gun ad of a few weeks ago, the line "We believe our children do NOT have the right to keep and bear arms" or however it was worded, actually gave me a cold shiver.

I am proud to be associated with the people on this forum. All of them. Including the newest non-gun owners.

Sameshot: Yes, that makes sense. I do indeed feel pride at being an American, simply because I feel I do my part to make and keep our country great. Honestly, last weekend, when my son's guard unit had an open house, I felt a great deal of pride at being a part of it. Not out of flag waveing gusto, but out of the knowledge that these kids are ready to put it on the line for the rest of us. Yes, the was a choked up moment looking at my son sitting in the tank, and a very heartfelt prayer that if it ever was for real, that I would be allowed by divine intervention to change places with him.

I do feel it is a dangerous sumation to say pride in ownership. That could also imply the inverse, ashamed to be a gun owner. Another real popular theme by the anti's, such as "Well are you all proud now that Littleton,,,," and other such nonsense. Your and my "pride" has nothing to do with the actions of criminals. Some gang banger with an illegal gun may also be proud of it.

Dennis: Well, I must confess, I do tend to clean my guns a lot ;). It give me a reason (like I need one) to ,,,well you know.

Shoot yeah,

I am as proud of being a gunowner as I am of being a Texan, and I take my right to own a gun seriously. It's not just the fact that I have the money to go buy a gun, or that it is the gun itself that I'm proud of (though I do LOVE my metal babies, and collect them as some women collect Weanie Babies!), it is the fact that I am taking responsibility for my life and my children's, should my "jewel of a husband" not be around in a crisis situation. ;)

Quite a few of my friends and family are Anti-Gun, and don't understand the obsession. I don't hide under the table whenever the topic comes up(which is why I'm a TFL member!) My husband and I have had the opportunity to educate one couple about firearms, and influenced their decision to purchase one. That was extremely gratifying.

So, yes I am proud to own guns, and I also take pride in knowing how to use them responsibly. I love my guns!

Do I fit the description of a "fine girl?" ;)

My husband and I always go shooting together (I was jealous when he took his proficiency test for his CCL, as he got to shoot and I didn't!) :(

"...What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?... Fight, and you may die, run and you'll live, at least a while. And dying, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that, for just one chance, to tell our enemies, that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!!!"
You ask if you fit the description of a "fine girl". With respect and great concern I must say, "No."

Unless and until I can find a superlative phrase that far exceeds the qualities and aspirations of the woefully inadequate term "fine girl", I can only shake my head in wonder at the sudden inadequacy of my meager vocabulary. You are beyond the pale.

(Ye Gods, Lady! I'm not real smart - but I ain't suicidal! :D)
Greetings. Yes, I am proud to be a gun owner. As a life NRA member, TSRA, and other groups, I do my best to promote the Second Amendment. To further this, I teach Texas' CHL classes to help arm other honest folks and have helped with several Eddie Eagle child safety programs. We are Americans and owning firearms is guaranteed under the Constitution even though the Founders stated that this was a God-given right that they were simply putting to paper. Reading their works, quotes, and articles leaves no doubt that this was intended as an individual right and I am proud to exercise it. Best.
Perhaps I should clarify that "fine girl" bit!
I didn't intend to come across like I did (I am quite happy and am definitely NOT suicical myself!) :)

My husband has just said several times he thought he NEVER would find a woman out there that enjoys guns and shooting, but he did.
I was just letting y'all boys out there know that there are a FEW women around that do!
Does that clear things up? I am blushing now! :D

"...What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?... Fight, and you may die, run and you'll live, at least a while. And dying, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that, for just one chance, to tell our enemies, that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!!!"
Darth, be mindful of what you say here. Your husband is watching... :D

"Fear is the path to the Dark Side...
Fear leads to gun laws, gun laws lead to disarmament, disarmament... leads to Tyranny!"


"If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP!"
I could be worse. What if you were truly UNDERSTOOD? ;)

I just meant you were greater than just a "fine girl". Then I pretended I was worried about possibly insulting a lady who was a good shot.

I really do like to see women joining the shooting hobby. The more families that take up the shooting sport, the more assured is our right to do so.

BTW, it tickles me to see women take up shooting and, in many cases, shooting better than fellas who have been shooting for a long time. IMHO, women listen better, learn quicker, and correct their mistakes faster than do men.

As a shooter who is nuts about his wife and three daughters, I just flat love it on the rare occasion we ALL go shooting.

Not only am I misunderstood (I kinda like it that way ) I also am a shmoe! :)

But I do love to shoot!
I just bought a me another gun, a Springfield .45 ACP Ultra-compact (no slams, anyone!) and am very frustrated that I won't get to shoot it for a while (baby coming).

I can't wait till my daughter is old enough to take up shooting...when did yours start BTW? She's 6 now, and does show an interest...sigh...
For me, my pride is in my ability...
I'm ok with a pistol, but damn good with a rifle.
As for owning guns, its my right as a living organism and as a responsible person. Anyone or anything that seeks to take my teeth and claws away, or limit them, bodes me no good, and they are the reason guns are needed.

I need no more justification for owning them than I do for my choice in vehicles, my choice in dinner menus or drapery (no Rob, they aren't paisley). Period.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"