New member to TFL and damn proud gun owner and defender of the Consitution.

I take every opportunity to let people know I am involved with guns and the defense of our rights to keep them.

I also make no bones about telling them that I have numerous (gasp) ASSAULT RIFLES! When they ask why I nned one of those things, I reply by saying that first, I want them. Second, it is my right to own firarms to defend myself, my family, my fellow citizens and most importantly - to defend the Constituion.

If the ANIT's give you any crap, ask them ro review tha past several months history in Kosovo!

Join NRA, GOA and vote!

CMOS (NRA, GOA, TSRA member)
Some people who know me as an EMT or 1stAid/CPR instructor seem shocked to learn I'm also a gun owner and CHL instructor. I tell them I'm in the business of saving lives. Then we usually get to chat.
As I'm a consultant and change worksites frequently I rarely get chummy with my colleagues. With that said, I usually wait to see if there are any "gun people" around. If I find one, I strike up a conversation and whadya know and instant friend you don't have to talk business with over lunch.

On one occassion back in the Spring of 1994 I went out to lunch with a friend of mine that worked at another firm and several of his coworkers I had not met before. As this was at the height of the Crime Bill debacle, I was quite sensitive to the gun issue and tired of being demonized.

Well this one sniveling little girl of a man started whining out of the clear blue about how he was so happy that the Crime Bill might pass and they could outlaw all of those horrid guns because all they do is kill people. So Tom, my friend politely mentioned that he and I shoot quite a bit. The guy's jaw dropped and asked how we could support such a horrid activity. I was beginning to boil inside, but kept quiet.

Finally this guy really got to me when he started characterizing the Second Amendment as about hunting and not killing people. As he seemed to be getting approving looks from the sheeple in the audience, I thought it was time to make my move. What's a good all American boy to do?

So I calmly began discussing the history behind the Second Amendment and politely correcting his ignorance. The guy railroaded me and interupted with something like...

"How can you say that when all guns do is kill children?!?!?!"

That did it! Every frustrated fiber in my body from month after month of watching Clinton, Feinstein, Brady, Schumer, and everyone else brand us as baby killers or worse bubbled over and focused on this man who had just interupted me. After he finished and actually waited for a response...

"Why don't you get on a boat and move your cowardly @ss to another country?"

"What?" he said.

"You heard me you sniveling excuse for a man. This nation was founded on a Constitution with a Bill of Rights. You either take the whole package or you get nothing. So if you don't like it get the hell out of this country and go someplace else. Personally, I'm sick and tired of liberals like you trying to screw it up for the rest of us freedom loving people. Where did you come from anyway?"

"Uh, Massachusetts."

"Oh (laughing), that figures. One of the most gun grabbing states in the nation. What are you doing down here in Texas. We Texans love our guns. You'd best go back East where you'd feel more at home."

The guy was white as a ghost. It was hilarious. There was a long silence at the table and then normal conversation resumed. Tom laughed and patted me on the back. "Couldn't have said it better myself," he remarked. I grinned.

The gun grabber's best friend's girlfriend was sitting next to me. Her boyfriend seemed about as masculine as the gun grabber. Well, she leaned over facing me and struck up a conversation about guns. She proceeded to flirt with me for the rest of lunch and ignore her boyfriend. As I had a girlfriend, I didn't pursue it, but it was wonderful vindication. Boy, did I feel good.

Since then, I've kept things on a cordial level. My apologies to anyone from Massachusetts though.

- Anthony

I was asked to remove the picture of me at the range with the S&W model 29 from my cubicle at work.

I am reluctant to answer sometimes, when folks ask me how many guns I have. I suppose I'm embarrassed that I don't have fewer guns, but more ammo! :)

How old are you, boy? I got three daughters! The oldest is a model. The middle one's gettin' married already. The youngest is trying to decide between being a flight nurse or a stewardess. ... uh... wait a minute.

You ain't married are you, boy?

((I DO hope you realize I'm joking. It's hard to do a "Foghorn T. Leghorn" imitation in writing!))

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited June 25, 1999).]
Why should you be proud to be a gunowner?

You should be ashamed for belonging to a group that is so selfish, that you are willing to disregard everybody's rights, including those of the innocent children's, so that you can have a piece of evil metal that sprays bullets that will kill innocent bystanders such as old ladies and school children.

You should be ashamed for insisting that you must be allowed to own those super lethal and all mighty powerful semi auto assault rifles that can cut human being in half with only one burst.

You should be ashamed for insisting that you have the right to own a sniper rifle that can nail someone in the head from three miles away and make instance sausage out of the largest whale in the ocean.

You should be ashame for opposing a law that would prevent little kids, mentally insanes, and murderers to walk into a gun store and puchase fully automatic AR-15 with grenade launchers or a concealable magnum powered handguns. What is wrong with a three day waiting period to purchase machine guns from a gun show? You guys can still have your machineguns that you can worship or use to boost your low self esteems and manhoods.

How can you be proud of yourself when you advocate gunning down the so called "criminals". Don't you realize that these people are just lost souls and victims of society? Instead of giving them FMJs or holow points, you gunowners ought to sell your guns and set up a foundation to give these people nice apartments and good food. Warm hearts and kindness will change all evils, but bullets won't.

Shame on all of you blood thirsty, violent prone, spiteful, power mongering gun owners!
Turn in all of your guns so we can sell them as scraps and give the money to the UN! Then maybe God will forgive you.

Got an ulcer yet? Do you know that those are the stuffs that antis believe in?

I get to double-dip the antis: I tell them that I not only am an avid shooter, but that I also am a professional hunter. I really enjoy wearing my jacket embroidered with the name and logo of one of the guide services I work for down in the Lower 48; sometimes I can even hear the remarks going behind my back. Too much fun.

Stir the pot, don't let the antis hog the spotlight, and never, never miss an opportunity to display their ignorance to all and sundry.

"All I ask is equal freedom. When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow."
Proud gunower? That's a hard one to answer, since it seems a little arrogant to take pride in one's God-Given right to life, libert and pursuit of happines.

Do I have guns I'm proud of? Well, yes!

Am I proud when I shoot well? Hell, yes!

Do I shirk from others knowing I own guns and avoid them? Hell, no!

Each in our own little way can help those who have been programmed to think of guns (whether used as self defense tools or for sport) as evil to break out of their mind traps.

Before I left corporate America my boss and others in the office would often say thing like "She shoots; better not piss HER off!" (How's that for hate speech?)

Finally the day came when my Chicago bred -liberal boss pulled me into his office, shut the door and kinda whispered. "Say, I've got squirrels in my attic (he was referring to his home ;) and they are chewing up the wiring. Can you lend me a .22 to shoot them with?"

I told him no, and advised him to trim any trees that that were giving squirrels access. He replied that he'd rather just shoot them. Again I said no, that it would be irresponsible of me to lend him a firearm to use in a densely populated area without the proper training; and wouldn't feel right putting at risk all the children in his neighborhood.

Then the kicker! He said he used to be Chicago Cop and knew how to use guns.
(Using a .22 in the attic of a high dollar housing development?!)

That floored me; but the answer that came out was still "No, if you are not willing to invest the money, time, thought, and responsibility for firearms ownership then I'm not going to lend you one at your whim. I told him to call the government agencies set up to protect him from squirrels - and tendered my resignation shortly thereafter.

Anyway, these days the UPS gal, mail carriers, the well digger, the carpenters, the plumbers, the Fed Ex guy and all our neighbors have gotten used to seeing firearms on my person, and most them have turned out to be "closet shooters" just waiting for someone to show them it was socially acceptable.

I'll take any little victory in gun & liberty education we can get.

My favorite so far is when the guy at the corner store (with the big NO GUNS ALLOWED sign) called me up and told me had something to show me...what he pulled out from under the counter was an old Colt he had bought at the flea market!

Found out that the "NO GUNS" sign was to comply with some state signage law, and is totally irregarded by both the owner and the patrons. :)
Am I proud to be a firearm owner?!? That is like asking if I'm proud to be an American or a Retired Marine!!

Do I try and hide it? Not only no but HELL NO. Point in fact... my Boss usually interduces me to business associates in this manner..

"This is our Director of Operations, Schmit. He's a Retired Marine and likes to shoot things. Ask him about his (pick one)(Sniper Rifle, Suppressed Assault Rifle, Tactical Shotgun, Buffalo Rifle, Hand Cannon, etc)"

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
You bet your sweet ass I'm proud to be a gun
owner just ask anyone who knows me they will tell you, Now you done it you got Don started on guns again. If I'm in a public place my wife will walk away if someone says something about anti gun for I will read them the riot act in front of God and every body. I'm not ashamed of being a gun owner never have been never will be and I'm making sure everyone knows about it.

Society is safer when the criminal does not know who is armed
I guess I'm proud to be an American and I'm grateful and honored to be a gun owner.

Same Shot, Different Day
Sorry. I guess I still don't get this. How can you take pride in something anyone with the cash can duplicate?
To me, pride equals achievment. Where is the achievement is buying something?

Pride in your abilities and convictions yes, but pride in ownership is just marketing hype.

Sameshot: I'm grateful to be an American. For me, as for most others, it was not my choice of where to be born. Now if it all goes to hell and they line us up against the wall, I sure as hell will be proud to sing "God Bless America"

Damn proud to be a Responsible gun owner. I agree with some of the other posts, that Owning a gun, while not exactly P.C. nowadays is no big trick if you have led an honest life. (Or even if you haven't and I hear that those are cheaper!) What you should take pride in is your ability to use a weapon. John Farnham puts it pretty well when he discusses the diference between a GUNMAN and a person that has a gun. What I am most confused about is how the ability to protect oneself has become so unpopular. If you show any signs that you might be willing/able to save your own hide without calling 911(thank you very much) then you are often branded as being dangerous yourself. My wife once asked me why I wanted to shoot someone. I told her that I hoped that I would never have to, but that if I did, I wanted to do it right!

Gun Control Is Hitting What You Aimed at!
You have a very good point about pride coming from achievement. I've never looked at it that way before, so I had to question myself....

I guess part of my pride of gun ownership comes from the past experience of being in countries where the common man could NOT own a firearm. Or where gun ownership was so very, very difficult as to be virtually impossible.

I don't want to become "weepy" on you, but there are times when I am home alone and take the guns out, put them on the bed, and just look at them, handle them, almost "fondle" them. All the time I am thinking about how lucky I am that I was born here - where generations of Americans have obtained and fought for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. It's quite a heritage, friend. Unique. Empowering. It virtually reeks of Freedom.

I am proud to be a gun owner. I am proud of this nation of immigrants who clawed out a "new nation, conceived in Liberty" and honored that I can be a part of keeping that Liberty alive.

Every generation has had some threat to their Rights - our generation is unique only in the technological advantages available to our opposition. But we can use the same tools to fight off the concept that we are mere subjects of a central state - to be protected and ruled.

We must fight that concept - with our unity, with our votes, and if necessary in the final effort, with our blood. It's our heritage. We owe it to future generations not to lose what prior generations have secured for us.

So, I guess that's what makes me proud, Hal. Not that I, personally, have done great things, but that I can be part of a movement of individual citizens who have done great things, endured great trials to preserve the value of the individual over the value of the state.

I better stop now. This is getting too long. Thanks for making me think this through.
I am PROUD to be gun owner. However, I work in an office of liberal lawyers who have no historical context to the Second Amendment and constantly attack it. They constantly babble: What about children's safety? What about crime with guns? What about safety?

They are typical Clintonites and expect the government and "Big Brother" to take care of them. They have no personal responsibility, guts, or individual autonomy. They'll also be the first to avoid defending anyone's rights when a real personal sacrifice is required from them--just like Clinton when he went to Moscow for Vietnam. Hey, Clinton, what's the difference between Kosovo and Vietnam?

Who or What do they think earned and now protects their constitutional rights: the goodwill of the British Monarchy during the Revolutionary War? Our Good Friends in the Federal Government or any government? Or, rather, was it the cold steel of a gun in the hands of an unsacrificing patriot who gave his life for these mealy mouthed ingrates?

That is why I exercise my Second Amendment Rights--in respect for those who died to give me mine.
I'm proud to be an American as I continue to stand for the liberties that being an American entails. Indeed I had no choice but to be born here, but I don't necessarily think that every person born here really qualifies. :)

If you prefer..
I'm proud of my beliefs, and I'm grateful that I have the opportunity to pursue them.

Same Shot, Different Day
Hal, yes I'm proud to be a gunowner, and it's not that mystifying to me. Sure, I didn't choose to be born here, but I thank God that I was, becasue here we are free. They can't tell us what to say, where to go, how to act, and it gets me BOILING mad whenever the liberals forget where we came from and try to exert their UNDESERVED power over us. It is true that anyone with the cash can buy a gun, but not everyone does. My pride stems from the fact that I own a very-well made (and aesthetically pleasing ;) ) firearm, and that I refuse to let the usurpers of Liberty tell me how to protect my jewel of a wife and precious children from harm. As a man it is my God-given responsibility to defend them, with my life if need be, and I take the responsibility seriously, rather than delegating it to the rapers of our freedom. I know I'm "preaching to the choir", but the question was asked, and there's my answer.

[This message has been edited by Jedi Oomodo (edited June 29, 1999).]
Hi Dennis,

No, I'm not married, but I've already got a girl who is beautiful, cooks, earns lots of money, takes good care of me, and (best of all) doesn't complain about how much I spend on guns.

Loved the Foghorn Leghorn impersonation.


- Anthony
Well... I guess it's all for the best. The two girls here called my daughter in New York just so all three could give me hell at the same time for that post to you.

"Dad! HE doesn't KNOW you! You don't know HIM! How's he gonna know your JOKING? Jeez, Dad!" and on and on. Danged kids these days (grumble, gripe, ancient lies told here!)

((whisper: Gotta admit it was fun, though. That'll teach 'em to look over MY shoulder, heh, heh.))

Glad you found a good lady, Anthony. There aren't many around that fit OUR description of a fine girl. Now if I only could get mine to go shooting with me....
Boys and Girls, I'm proud to be here! Paul Revere evoked a great response. I am a gun owner, that's it, I am. I am proud of some of the firearms I have built or the accuracy jobs I have done on some.
I am a gun owner, collector, hobby smith, reloader, ballistician, and a PROUD member of this board.
Best Regards, Hank
Proud to be with all of you!