Paul Revere

New member
I'm often asked by business associates, friends, new acquaintances, etc., what my interests are. Since I have many, I usually narrow the answer to those that I spend the most time, which are hunting and shooting sports. It's always interesting to see the expressions these folks give when I tell them I harvest deer or enjoy combat shooting, or like going to gun shows. But I never, ever avoid being direct about it. This almost always leads to an interesting discussion about gun rights, current events, etc. I've always been proud of my interests and involvement in shooting sports and as a hunter. It has allowed me to make connections with people, explain the pro-gun side of current issues, or to get them interested in a new hobby. It's only uncovered three rabidly anti-gun people, who wouldn't listen to any of my facts or reasonable discussions, no matter how long I spent with them.

However, in my travels I've actually met folks that avoid telling others about their respective interest or ownership of firearms. They apparently do so to avoid confrontation or are afraid they may be stereotyped somehow. Therefore, I was interested in seeing what others in TFL have to say about being proud about our firearm heritage and their related sports/hobbies. One would think that if something like 90 million households have guns, there should be some portion of that total that would be active in perpetuating our gun heritage.
Damn right. I make no bones about me being a gun owner and a shooter.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum

PR, are you serious?

I carry my S&W nearly everywhere, usually open (one of the good things about Colorado Springs). Firearms aren't permitted where I work, but there's a whooole lotta shooters here, and we're not shy about our beliefs.

Every time I've worked on someone's machine here, the subject comes up. Sometimes I start it, sometimes it's the user. Some have odd beliefs (like "registration is a good thing"), but generally, we likes our boomsticks... and I have yet to find even *one* Friend Of Bill.

I never turn down the opportunity to talk weaponry with anyone, whether they're hoplophile or hoplophobe, civilian or LE or military. I've even managed to convert a few antis, simply by being polite, friendly, and logical with them.

Long story short: Hell yes, I'm proud to be a gun owner.

"We are going to fight. We are going to be hurt.
But in the end, we will stand."
--Roland Deschain
I'm in a ride share van pool with 5 other folks, none of whom are "gun people". On Mondays, the driver usually asks what we did on the weekend. When it's my turn, I usually mention going to the range or a gun show, etc. Gee, right about then it gets real quiet for a few minutes, then goes on to another topic. :) I've tried to expand the conversation, but to no avail. Oh well, at least they haven't told me (yet) what an insensitive fiend I am! :) :)

Regards - AZFred
Darn right I'm proud. And I get tired of being treated like a pariah, because I believe in Mom, apple pie, gun ownership and the American way.
Sometimes in a business situation I try to be apolitical and don't mention my gun collecting and shooting hobby but it is so much a part of my life that it doesn't leave
me much to talk about if I don't mention it.
There are people out there that think all I do is mow the yard.

At lunch today two of my male co-workers and I went to a Luby's cafeteria. The tea lady came over to fill our glasses and asked if we had gotten Father's Day gifts. I said I wasn't a father and was asked if I had gotten my father a gift. Thinking I might get a good reaction I told the tea lady that my father had let his NRA membership expire so while we were at a gunshop I bought him a new membership. She didn't bat and eye, she asked me how much it cost and said "That's not bad." She then asked "Well what do you
guys think about that?" We replied "About what?" She said "About carrying guns."
I said "I carry a gun." She said "Good."
My co-workers told her they owned guns and believed in using them for self defense and the conversation turned into a brief exchange of opinions on capital punishment and putting criminals in jail, etc.

I though I was going to get a rise out of her but she turned out to be a pro-gun tea lady. :)
Ask anyone I have ever talked to for more than one minute the one thing I am totally about. The answer would be guns. My co-workers and especailly wife ( who thinks I am obsessed) probably are very tired of hearing me rant every time I watch the news

Darn right i'm proud to be a gun owner and shooter. I wear my nra hat most of the time. I'm tired of being the scapegoat for every crime and shooting that happens in this country. They should blame the people that commit the crimes and punish the hell out of them. We had plenty of guns around in the fifties when I grew up and we never had the problems that we do now. We were taught the difference between right and wrong and the results of doing something that we shouldn't.just my sore spot.stay safe.
I've never been shy about it. If someone asks if I have any hobbies, I always answer "Yep, two. Scouting and shooting. Between the two of them its hard to find time to make a living."
Seriously, I can't remember the last time I got a bad reaction to that answer. I guess I just don't spend much time in the same places the antis do.
I've always been very open about the fact that I'm a "gun person". But lately I find myself purposely bringing the topic up when I know others are either anti gun or fense sitters. Not to be argumentive but rather to hopefuly engage in a rational discussion to expose some of the current anti gun myths. I think my *need* to do this now stems from the current threat to our rights and my time here at TFL. I've became pro-active rather than re-active. So far each time I've done I've had good results.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.


"They come, they eat, they leave...
"They come, they eat, they leave...NOT!!

Bill Clinton (aka: Hopper) Al Gore (aka: Molt) Janet Reno (aka: Thumper)

No and yes.
No, anybody with the cash can own something, be it a nice car, stereo or computer etc. It's how you use and maintain an item that provides pride in ownership.

Yes, I am proud of my abilities when it comes to shooting. For me it's just another thing to do though. I do take a certain measure of pride in the condition of most of my older firearms, just as I am ashamed at the condition of a couple of them.

DC has a 1911 that belonged to her father, and it was passed down to her by him. I am not so fortunate, but that would be a gun to have pride in. I have a custom made knife, that will someday belong to my son. I don't have much pride in ownership of it, but I hope my son will someday.

I make no bones about being a gun owner and shooter, I just don't announce it as my first priority. If someone asks, I tell them. If they start to sermonise, then they get an earfull. I look at it from their point of view sometimes. Many of my associates are non gun people, although they have neither strong pro or anti feeleings. They simply have no interest in shooting. OTOH, many times I have no interest in how they spend their leisure time. I agree not to bore them with the details of how different loads shoot, if they agree not to bore me with the details of last weekends Tupperware party. Unless of course the Tupperware is of the Tactical variety ;)

I'm a proud gun owner, and make no bones about it. However, as I CCW w/o a CWP, I tend to not wear anything with obvious gun related product logos; don't want to raise a cop's curiosity about why I'm wearing a long sleeve shirt over my T-shirt when the temp/humidity is 95/95. I will wear my Dillon Precision cap, as that logo could just be for a company that makes machine tools. The only people who recognize it for what it is are already in the fold.
I have been involved in theatre and ballet here, and that has led to some "interesting" discussions. Mostly, it has confirmed what I've felt to be true for a long time-most liberals are more closed-minded than most of us "conservatives." However, I don't consider myself to be a conservative, but rather a Jeffersonian liberal. Isn't it odd that if one believes as "the father of modern liberalism" did, one is labeled as a "right-wing conservative"? Again, just goes to show that most liberals are in fact statists with a fascist bent.

Shoot straight regards, Richard
The Shottist's Center
I ride bicycles, both road and mountain bikes. I am a computer analyst. These two combined give me plenty of non-gun people with which to discuss, not only RKBA issues, but also the merits (pros & cons) of gun ownership. I can't keep my mouth shut when I'm riding with a group of mountain bikers and they start complaining about the "Hunters" in the woods. I tell them that the state forests belong to everyone and since the "Hunters can only hunt 4 months out of the year, maybe they could ride somewhere else those 4 months. That usually gets them to whining a bit!

A co-worker who's office is next to mine actually told me some time back that he was afraid of guns and that I scared him simply because I was not afraid of them! We had quite a long talk that day.
..taking a look around the office at what is hanging on my walls....

Four Gun Rules

Cooper Color Codes.

10 Commandments from the Church of Tactical Truth..

Article from SWAT Magazine on Mad Dog Mirage-X

Class picture from my last training class with Jim Crews.

Target with two groups of 2" holes; one in the chest - one in the head.

No one walks into my office and does NOT know where I stand.. :)

IDPA# A04739
It is long been a principal of ours that one is no more armed because he has possession of a firearm than he is a musician because he owns a piano. There is no point in having a gun if you are not capable of using it skillfully. - Jeff Cooper

[This message has been edited by Bubba (edited June 25, 1999).]
Sheople have asked me why I own guns...

I almost always answer "Because I stand up for what I believe in, and I am not going to let anyone change that."

Some times people accept that, some times they are hopeless and cant see the truth - those people usually get the next part "If you have a problem with that, then I have a problem with you." And then they go away. I dont need to be around sheople who have a problem with that first statement. They are the types who need to control your beliefs and opinions... rather like the newish 7-UP comercials... the Dudes trying to stop the "UN'S" it is stupid - but often the truth in it's own way.

Absolutely Proud to be a GUN OWNER.
Lifetime Member of the NRA.

"GottaShoot30, GottaShoot27, GottaShoot23, GottaShootKimber - I just wish I had more time"
A proud owner... ask anyone who has been over to visit... one of the first things I do is bring out my guns and show them. I had one anti-gunner who was afraid of guns come over. When I showed him my Dan Wesson 357 pistol pack I carefully took the gun out, opened the cylinder, inspected it to make sure it was unloaded, said it was unloaded and asked him if he wanted it handed to him with the cylinder open or closed. He asked me why I would ask that question and I told him it was proper gun safety ediqute (sp). This impressed him a lot and he actually got over a little of his fear after handling his very first gun.

When I first started work at the winery, I was the only one who stated on my resume that hunting and shooting was one of my hobbies. It seems that one of the owners is anti-gun. I started talking about hunting, the gun laws etc and found out that most of the people at work were pro-gun, including the brother of the owner. The vineyard is now opened up on weekends to employees for turkey, dove and pheasant hunting (during seasons). We do have to let them know when and where we plan on hunting and we are responsible for any damage done, but this is a big step forward from when I came on board.

Am I proud? Yes and everyone here knows it.
