Are you doing things differently?

Nope, still a Glock and a J with plenty of ammo. I have always been considered paranoid because of the hardware I carry. I was an inner city cop at a time when most police shootings never made the news and even then was usually just a footnote. I do not count on the news media to tell me things are OK and safe in the world. Being a trained and experienced shooter armed with 27 rounds of .40 and 10 rounds of 357 magnum, provided I am aware of my surroundings I am prepared for most lethal encounters I find myself in. It is also critical to be proficient in verbal skills. This allows for potential de-escalation and physical techniques as an intermediate level between verbal skills and lethal force.
In light of the recent events, and some from a while back, are you doing things differently when it comes to CCW.

One can no more predict what kind of shooting they'll be in than they can predict when and where.

"Recent events" have been occuring for ever. High profile shootings occupy the news for days at a time, but regular ol' citizens like you and me are the victims far more often, and always have been.

I arm myself according to how secure I feel. A little Kel-Tech in my pocket doesn't do it for me, though better than nothing.

Shame on those who arm themselves based on "averages", since averages include the extremes which seem to get lost in all the stats.

Just my thoughts on the matter.:cool:
I taught teenagers for 22 years and worked in the Texas Prison system. Between training and experience, I am blessed with intuition, a BS detector, eyes in the back of my head and radar for trouble. I'm not doing a thing differently.

Nope...Honest to God I have not changed my crazy ass one bit.

Only thing that changes is what I carry from time to time.

In no order, I actually carry and sleep with..

SIG P226e2
SIG 1911 xo
Glock 19, 21, 34

Amount of magazines?...... :D
I haven't changed. I really think you are responding to increased publicity of the events. Whether one or a dozen victims, the situation does not change in my mind. The publicity elicits from me a reminder to myself to be aware of my surroundings.

To the anti gun crowd it is an opportunity to push for more gun control. To us it is increased awareness. To gun stores it is increased sales to those of us who react by buying a new gun.

C'est la vie.
No, not at all. In a country of over 350,000,000 people, one nut killing a few people thousands of miles away from where I live is basically a non-event for me personally. That doesn't mean that I don't feel sympathy for those that were injured or killed. It simply doesn't alarm or concern me any more than the nut in Finland who shot some people. As to threats to me or my family, I am far more concerned about 4-to-18 wheel vehicular threats that can squash an entire family like bugs in a blink of an eye.
I'm of the same mind as Skans. If you think some random mass killings means we're heading for full on social order meltdown, take a deep breath, step away from the computer, and go outside. The world still turns.

Mexico is still several orders of total crap worse than the US ever has been, yet the government, corrupt though it is, continues to function and provide services on a basic level for it's citizens.
I still carry the same guns the same way. As has been said "I refuse to change my daily routine due to the actions of a couple of homicidal dingbats. I shoot every weekend. My carry guns are shot quite regularly. I am a firm believer in be more effective with what you have, rather than buying more to be effective.

Besides it is too hot here to wear a Secret Service kevlar trench coat with an Uzi underneath it. :p
I really think you are responding to increased publicity of the events.

Possibly the mass shootings. However the violent flash mobs, and knock out game are things I can't remember happening years ago.
I had been kicking the CCW rock around for a while and after the CO shootings I sacked up and paid the piper to do it legally. It BS I have to pay anyone anything which is what kept me from it.

Gonna be 120+ days before I get it though:eek:
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Mexico is still several orders of total crap worse than the US ever has been, yet the government, corrupt though it is, continues to function and provide services on a basic level for it's citizens.

I'm not worried about being a victim of some random mass shooting. I decided long ago I wasn't going to live in fear all the time.

I haven't changed my carrying habits at all. I rarely carry, and when I do it's a S&W J-frame in a pocket holster. If I want to go someplace that prohibits carry, then I go there and don't carry. I'm not going to live my whole life around carrying a pistol.

I am so much more likely to be killed in a car crash to and from work than encountering a deadly force scenario that to worry excessively about it is pointless.
Jeremiah/Az said:
I haven't changed anything. If I'm not in the shower or in bed, my PM9 is on me.

I think this is pretty much a given. But I've found myself leaving my firearm on the island in the ketchen when I get home and unload my keys and wallet. I will make note to change that habit.

But for the most part I'll carry whichever has the most ammo. G26 or 36.