Are You Changing Anything?

Yeah. I started carrying my KA-BAR instead of my gun(s) so that AK-wielding radical Islamic terrorists will have a fair fight...

No. I didn't change a thing and I don't foresee getting shot by any police officers either because I don't have a criminal history, I don't break the law, and I don't brandish my firearms.
I carry a KA-BAR Jarosz "Turok", a custom Beretta M9, 181 rds. of 9mm 135 gr. FlexLock® Critical DUTY, a custom Daniel Defense ISR, 301 rds. of .300 BLK 110 gr. Rip Out® Supersonic Fracturing ammunition, and several other "accessories" to and from work every day. Good luck, ISIS.
No but they are not very likely in my area and even if they did start to cause trouble coming up my road there would not be very many left when they got to my house. I don't have much use or need for any city so I don't go to them unless absolutely have to.
I'm in the process of changing from my LC9s to a Taurus PT111G2. I like the larger capacity, but won't change until I'm more proficient with it. Once I get used to the trigger and get a holster I'll only use The Ruger for the slightly better concealment. It's a shame to shelf the Ruger, it's been a truly wonderfully reliable and accurate shooter. But I'd like the extra ten rounds when carrying an extra mag (2-12 round mags +1 in the pipe). We'll see, if the accuracy of the Taurus just doesn't work for me it will go bye bye.
I haven't changed anything other than being more aware of where we go. My son goes to college in Charlotte and the unrest there has got me a little concerned for his safety and ours when we go see him. We were actually on I-85 shortly before they started stopping traffic and pulling people out of their cars. If it would have happened to us, they would have been met with a hot flash or tire treads.
The last civil unrest here was 1996. Then my carry was a P5c and I did not feel I would be at a disadvantage. That Walther got to be more valuable to collectors and got traded out on a G26. So I went from 8+1 to 10+1.
I felt pretty well prepared a few months ago, so I didn't feel the need to change anything. That doesn't mean I go to the grocery store ready for war, just that I carry a pistol and a spare mag as a matter of course. That's enough hardware; software should be constantly upgraded.
No. I haven't been in a mall in almost a year. I haven't been in the wastelands (large cities) in half a year. If my G27 and P32 don't carry me through, I'm done for.
I've been thinking I need to start concealing a plate carrier. (just kidding)

I've only been a little more vigilant in making sure I'm carrying all the time (which isn't really different) and avoiding some of the more obvious "problem areas".

Less a sign of the times, more of a "I now have a newborn to look after".
I carry one with a spare mag along with a spare gun. Lately I have carried a M&P 9 with the M&P 9 compact, spare mag fits both.
2 spare mags vs 1 previously for the KP95 and an AR 15 w/6 mags behind the seat.
I haven't moved up to the rocket launcher or grenades YET.
No, other than the retractable 7.62 minigun mounted in the bed of my truck under a tonneau. J/K.....for now....

I do pay a LOT more attention to my surroundings these days however.
As long as I'm going about my normal daily activities, in the areas where I live and enjoy those activities, I continue on pretty much as I have for the last several years.
Yep...went to 100% carry...get up in the morning, put on my pants and slide the holster through the belt loops. Big gun for everyday work on the farm, small one in a pocket or on the belt for trips to town. And we live in a rural KY county. Recently, our cabin the Smoky's was burglarized...if you haven't had it happen to you, it absolutely changes the way you view your fellow Americans.

Basically, we trust no-one but family and take all precautions. The detectives that responded to the break-in, told us that the guys that did it, have no history of violence but are feeding or selling a drug culture and there was no way, in reality to keep them out of the cabin. He advised us to sleep up stairs and keep a pistol handy...hence our change in attitude. The police response time BTW, was 22 minutes. An eternity had they come through the door, while we were there.

My wife was always resistant to more. It's a different world friends, and it's not going to get any better, especially after the November elections...remember and vote appropriately.

I live out side of a town of 200 people . A stranger is quickly noticed . I was here over 5 years before, I wasn't a outsider . I don't go to large cities like Lexington or Louisville . To much crime in both Some of Lexington looks like little Mexico now with a crime rate to match. Louisville had 2200 people in their county Jail last week . No real criminals their :rolleyes:
I would say yes I'm stockpiling more ammo but then again I'm always adding more to the ammo cans (27 so far) so then the answer is no...

I am adding a few carbines to the herd but this is mostly due to the fact they're becoming raw's in January.