Are white Democrats against Obama closet racists?

The voters chose? Wrong. The media manufactured the candidates. They've been giving McWeasel the spotlight on and off since '97 or so. They want him so they pushed him, and people merely go off name recognition and exposure just like they do when they buy anything else. Simple advertising. Ditto with TPFI.
I can't believe both parties couldn't come up with a better candidate....

The Dems haven't fielded a decent candidate in generations.

The Republicans have avoided this election because they don't want to follow W. McCain is willing to attempt it because he's too old to have another chance.
Other white Democrats who oppose Obama do so because, although they want change, Obama's platform is NOT the change they want. Obama's a very radical candidate within the Democratic party and I think many moderate to conservative Democrats have no reason to support him based on that alone.

OK, so tell me what part of Obama's platform you are talking about.

What radical ideas does Obama have that Hillary does not also have?

Someone already said it, but their positions on foreign policy are very different. Their domestic policies are very similar, but in an area of traditional Democratic weakness Obama's platform is far more Carteresque than Clinton's was.

Hillary voted for the war in Iraq and wasn't running on a flat out "As president I will pull the troops out ASAP" platform like Obama's. She may use Bush's blunders in Iraq to score political points off the Republicans but she also realizes that the Middle East is going to require a significant American military presence for the foreseeable future due to hostile leaders, terrorism, failed states, and the economic importance of the region (oil, and not just what they produce but also what passes through the Suez canal and straits of Hormuz. Shipping too.)

She's far less likely to do things like personally meet with leaders like Ahmadinejad or Kim Jong Il either. Ahmadinejad participated in the 1979 embassy hostage crisis (and messing with diplomats like that is tantamount to an act of war) and Obama thinks he can get him to drop the nuke program by giving him the prestige of a personal meeting with the POTUS? Obama's just going to give the Iranians carrot after carrot and wonder why they keep enriching Uranium and trying to build nukes. Same as giving a kid candy for being bad and wondering why they won't be good IMHO.

Consider also how much race politics Obama has in his career. Race/identity politics permeates his adult life, beginning with his days as a community organizer in Chicago, his wife's views (read her undergrad thesis from Princeton. I have and it's appalling both as a work of scholarship and as a part of her personal growth and development), where he derived his political support early in his career, where he went to church for 20 years, the way many of his supporters squelch debating his merits (or lack of them) by whipping out the race card, endorsement by Minister Farrakhan, the recent Jesse James comments, and whatever bubbles up in the coming months.

IMHO, Obama's very very VERY different from Clinton on the topics of foreign policy (weak as a newborn kitten) and racial politics (more toxic than the usual Democrat).
There are people who really dreamed of having a woman president. There are people who dreamed of having a black president. That's not a bad thing.

Not a good thing either unless they are qualified, I dream of a president who
represents the American taxpayer, not Mexico, China and special interest
groups but i am old fashioned.
To identify oneself as a democrat is a glowing expression of low self-esteem and self-worth regardless of ones race, religion or gender.
Got a better question than "are white Democrats against Obama closet racist" and here it is. What category would you put the black, informed person in, thats not for Obama ? The ones like white informed people that had never heard of Obama till Oprah backed him,spent and raised millions thrusting him into the political lime-light. Bottom line, IMHO Obama lacks the experience to lead this nation and his short voting record on issues that concerns me is appauling to say the least. Its sad that people will vote(or not) for a candidate based on gender,sex or from what the candidate paints a picture of what he`ll do with the U.S. once elected on his TV(radio) adds and people eat that B.S. up like candy. Not once stopping to ask themselves if what candidate is promising while running,candidate(if elected) would even have the power to do the things they`ve promised. They paint a picture that if elected they will make the US the "Garden of Eden" . Once candidate is elected and can`t deliver promises, voter wants to bitch. Got a suggestion, get informed about the candidates past. Check his stances on past issues and turn the TV off when candidates are running for office making promises they can`t full-fill. If we are not willing to spend the time to learn about candidates and not listen to the BS they put down while running for office then we`ll suffer the consequences.
If Obama had the same political ideologies and ambitions for our free America as say Ronald Reagan, I would vote for him. I find Obama's view of America disgusting as well as his political ideology.

These so-called democrats are weak minded and very dishonest, and the "race card" is one of the few and pathetic tactics they have left to gain any power.
Yes yes, Shortwave, but the question was about white Democrats. They agree with everything Obama says. He should be their dream. Why wouldn't they vote for Obama?
If Obama is they`re knight in shining armor, then they will vote for him as they can`t see beyond their nose anyway. Maybe they feel he says the right things, votes on issues as they want, but lacks experience. The evidence of lacking the experience is there. Doesn`t matter if he`s green he doesn`t have the political experience or world clout of the Clintons or for that matter many other Dems. that could have ran. I say that begrudgingly cause I`m not a Clinton fan either. Is it anyones surprise the race card will(is) going to be played especially if Obama loses? If he does lose the race card screamers won`t talk about any of the negatives,i.e. again his lack of exp.,people he`s been tied to,etc that may have lost him the nomination. Just the fact that he was black running against a white man. Personally I wished C. Powell would have chosen to run. I think he would have won the election regardless of ticket he ran on. I guess my response is before anyone starts calling the race card get a good candidate to begin with. Just because Obama is the first black man running for president does not make him a "shoe-in" and the thought that the people who don`t want him as pres. are closet racist is absurd. If people watched the debates between Hillary and Obama they would see that there were several differences in their ideas. Lets get Powell to run:D