Are white Democrats against Obama closet racists?

Are you serious?

By your rational, Republicans must be racist since they won't be voting for Obama either.

Yes I am serious, but come one Republicans aren't voting for Obama because he is a liberal, not because he is black.

Hillary is a liberal. Her supporters are liberals. Obama is a liberal. So the reason Hillary supporters are not going for Barack can't be because they differ from him ideologically... they are all liberals after all. There has to be some other reason. I suspect a lot of liberals are closet racists, or are uncomfortable with Obama's muslim heritage.
It's no more prevalent than the population proportions would indicate. Do you think the LA, Detroit, etc. inner cities have a better deal?

I really just posted this to show the insignifcance of you calling anybody a liar.
You are either lying or ignorant. One or the other. No one can honestly say that racism is evenly spread that has actually lived in the south and elsewhere. The south has a well established historical record of racism and of being the last holdouts against anti-racism reforms. When the rest of the country was desegregating and not denying rights to blacks the south was pretty much the only place you found whites only eateries, water fountains, restrooms, etc.

When I lived in the south I worked as a waiter part time for years while working on my masters degree. I regularly saw restaurants that would not hire black waiters and often saw people openly request white waiters in ones that did. I also saw regular discrimination against blacks in local businesses. This was the 80's and 90's too...not the 50's or 60's.
No one can honestly say that racism is evenly spread that has actually lived in the south and elsewhere.

Didn't that last race riots we had occur in Los Angeles?

I regularly saw restaurants that would not hire black waiters and often saw people openly request white waiters in ones that did.

Most small business owners I know in the south are almost afraid not to have a black person on staff.

I have never been in a restaurant where I have seen or heard anyone request a white waiter.
Didn't that last race riots we had occur in Los Angeles?
Race riots and racism are two different things. A race riot is a simple act of violence from a racial group. Racism is discriminatory actions against one race.
I have never been in a restaurant where I have seen or heard anyone request a white waiter.
How long were you a waiter in the south?
When I lived in the south I worked as a waiter part time for years while working on my masters degree. I regularly saw restaurants that would not hire black waiters and often saw people openly request white waiters in ones that did. I also saw regular discrimination against blacks in local businesses

I don't doubt that at all. Just curious where you got the delusion that it doesn't happen elsewhere.
Remember Rodney King, and the guy shot at 50 times in NYC. I guess you think it would have happened if he was a blond haired white guy? You think the ghettos are there because of all the equal opportunity in the north?

There is plenty of racism to go around, except in the PNW of course.

openly request white waiters in ones that did.

I've never seen it either.
How long were you a waiter in the south?

For about five years total, in Georgia and some in North Florida.
How long for you?

Race riots and racism are two different things. A race riot is a simple act of violence from a racial group. Racism is discriminatory actions against one race.

I think you are wrong. I don't see a race riot as a simple act of violence. I see it as the culmination of years of discrimination, abuse, and mistreatment. Are you saying you think that the LA riots in response to Rodney King were entirely related to the beating of Rodney King? Or do you think they were the culmination of a long history of racial abuses against black people by the LAPD and others?
For about five years total, in Georgia and some in North Florida.
How long for you?
About four years in Hunstville, AL and Memphis, TN.

What establishments?

BTW, North FL does not count as the south and more than Texas does. :)
I think I can suggest something that seems to have been lost sight of, in all the concentration on, are they against Obama because he is black.

Think real hard other than their race how are Obama and Hillary different?

Thats right, she is a woman, I submit the reason her supporters are so bitter is that while all the focus is on Obama becoming the first African-American president, her supporters wanted to see the first female elected president.
The left seems to have the soft bigotry of low expectations for certain ethnic groups. They also seem to want everyone to be slaves to the state so we will all have slave blood if Obama gets elected. Hey only 150 million dead at the hands of their own leftist governments in the last century. Lets try it again!
I think you are wrong. I don't see a race riot as a simple act of violence. I see it as the culmination of years of discrimination, abuse, and mistreatment. Are you saying you think that the LA riots in response to Rodney King were entirely related to the beating of Rodney King? Or do you think they were the culmination of a long history of racial abuses against black people by the LAPD and others?
+1. Also, if you read A Lawyer's Life by Johnnie Cochran, you'll get even more insight into the racial tensions outside of the traditional South.
Thats right, she is a woman, I submit the reason her supporters are so bitter is that while all the focus is on Obama becoming the first African-American president, her supporters wanted to see the first female elected president.
+1. Remember, she's been The Great Feminist Hope since the early 1990s. Obama shot down that hope, and no other woman is currently poised toward a shot at the presidency. Much wailing and gnashing of feminist teeth over that.

Plus, Obama is thin-skinned and arrogant, which tends to rub a lot of people the wrong way. Finally, for reasons I must admit I don't fully understand, a lot of blue collar people think Hillary really cares about them. On the other hand, those same folks don't feel that way about Obama. None of these reasons have anything to do with race.
On the other hand, those same folks don't feel that way about Obama. None of these reasons have anything to do with race.

It gets back to Obama's continual snobbish comments such as the one about how expensive arugula is getting at the Whole Foods Store. “What is arugula exactly?” they ask, and “What’s a Whole Foods Store?”, :D and his comment about rural whites in Pennsylvania clinging to their guns and religion as a shield against hard times.

The Obama campaign's constant crying of wolf regarding racism is also causing a backlash. Many whites are taking a step back and asking themselves: what racism?
BTW, North FL does not count as the south and more than Texas does.

Then you don't know North Florida very well. It is as southern as any place in the South. You have to get below Gainesville before you start running into Yankees. Tallahassee and Jacksonville are still very southern cities.

I worked at the 1878 Steakhouse in Fernandina Beach Florida, Fiddler's Green, and Wooden Nickel Pub in Georgia. Not sure why you are asking for that... Claiming to be waiter isn't exactly the same as claiming to be in the Special Forces.

You never answered the questions I asked in my last post, by the way.
No more than than blacks who are voting for Obama.

I certainly agree with that. Obama will have near 100% support from blacks in the south, and blacks make up 40% of the southern vote. I believe that they will turn out in (at least) 100% to vote.

That means in a state like Georgia, Obama only needs 1 out of every 6 white people to vote for him, and he will win that state.
Ignoring other posts, and replying to the OP:

Unless you can get inside their heads... there's no way to know.
However, people are people. Everyone has their own opinions, likes, and dislikes. I'd be willing to bet that quite a few of them are not racists, but just don't like Obama's agenda.
About half of the anti-Obama stuff I've seen online recently wasn't started by Republicans or Obama haters. It was started by a Democrat. Many of them just don't think he is the right person for the job.

Insane, I know... Thinking that Democrats care about this country...

I even know a few Democrats that claim they wouldn't even vote, if the election was tomorow. They would rather stay home and watch anyone else get elected, than say they approved of BO.
If you listen to the conservative talk shows, they sure have a lot of evidence supporting BO as a Muslim, with terrorist ties.

NOT the person I want in the white house. Not to mention his support of the Chicago gun bans.

This is all Jeri Ryans' fault:

If she wasn't so sexy, and Jack Ryan hadn't wanted to have sex with her, all the time, we wouldn't have BO as a Senator.
If white Democrats don't support Obama, it may be because of his race. That's OK with me. I'm against him because of his politics, inexperience, and apparent megalomania. But if the people who would otherwise be for him for the same reasons oppose him because of his race, well, that might redound to the benefit of the country.

But if the white Democrats who oppose Obama (I haven't met any) do so because of his race, it only makes sense. The Democratic party is against them because of their race. And it's in the process of kicking them out of the party.

I doubt you'll find many white Democrats 30 to 50 years from now. They'll be gone by then, essentially kicked out. In fact, John Kerry may turn out to have been the last white Democratic nominee for the Presidency. The Democratic party is morphing into the black and hispanic party. The Republicans are becoming the party of everybody else.

Race has not had much effect on the political affiliations of white people in America so far, but I suspect that's been changing and will continue to change. Blacks and others have for generations regarded themselves as groups of people with common political interests. I suspect whites are starting to also.
I doubt you'll find many white Democrats 30 to 50 years from now.

Are you kidding? There will always be plenty of white folks with low self-esteem who will gravitate toward the party that the liberalMedia and Hollywood tells them is "hip" or "cool". After all, any other viewpoint is "racist" or "hate speech". :rolleyes: