Are white Democrats against Obama closet racists?


I was watching a clip on Fox News of an interview of a group of Hillary Clinton supporters who did not support Obama. They claim that Hillary is a moderate, and Obama is an "elitist liberal". Personally, I think the title of elitist liberal should apply to both.

I just don't see enough difference between the two to matter. How could you support Hillary, but not Obama. The only thing I can think of is that many of Hillary supporters are closet racists.
Wow, the race card comes out without any factual usual. The fact is, if you look at what they have said and voted Obama is farther left than Hillary. Also, Hillary has spent years trying to moderate her image, including her superiority complex. Obama just keeps letting it all hang out(hopefully to his own downfall).

OTOH, why would racism surprise you? I keep seeing people react all aghast to But out in the real world I have never found any shortage of racism, from mild to violent. Racism hasn't gone away. it hasn't even been reduced. It's simply been damped down enough for people to function together and then not always well. Let a major crisis knock this nation to its knees and create a survival existence and you'd find out just how prevalent racism still is.
2nd Amendment posted:
OTOH, why would racism surprise you? I keep seeing people react all aghast to But out in the real world I have never found any shortage of racism, from mild to violent. Racism hasn't gone away. it hasn't even been reduced. It's simply been damped down enough for people to function together and then not always well. Let a major crisis knock this nation to its knees and create a survival existence and you'd find out just how prevalent racism still is.

2nd Amendment is shooting straight here, pun intended. Racism is not dead in america. It's alive and well, but it has been suppressed. No one dares say the N word in public, but I have heard it said in private, and by some democrats. There are blacks who have racist feelings towards whites and other minorities. Jesse Jackson and his reference to NYC as Heimetown is certainly a great example. I don't live there, but I have heard that blacks in LA don't take kindly to Koreans in LA. I've also heard that Latino gangs and black gangs have no love for each other. I will say that we are not a racist country, even though racism still exists. If we were a racist country, we would not have any blacks in congress, and most certainly not a black running for president. That doesn't mean there aren't people who won't vote for him just because he's black. There are people who will vote for him just because he is black.

When I was in the military back in the mid to late 70's, there was plenty of racism around. However, if a white and a black military member got in a fight, it was classified as a racial incident, which meant the two fighters were in for a heckuva lot of hassle and what we call "diversity training" in business today. No one wanted to go through all of that. Thus, there were not that many fights between blacks and whites. You can't really do that in the public sector, however. So, while outward racism has been dampened in the public square, it still bubbles just below the surface in many people. That includes both whites and blacks.
Yep. There is no reason a black and white man could get in a fight over anything other than race, or anybody could dislike Obama over anything other than his color.
Obama is just a white man with an identity crisis. Everyone forgets that his momma is white, and the fact that he likes to joke that his grandmother is a closed minded typical white woman. When he himself is a typical idiot. Obama is black if Jessie Jackson doesn't want to cut off his nuts lol. :D
Yep. There is no reason a black and white man could get in a fight over anything other than race, or anybody could dislike Obama over anything other than his color.

The nail gets popped right on the head in this post, assuming sarcasm is in play.
Wow, the race card comes out without any factual usual.
I am sure some dems that will not support Obama are racists...and some are not. I would say the majority are not.

Everyone does have to admit that racism is going to be a big factor...especially with southern democrats. I am from the south and still get back there often. Anyone, and I do mean ANYONE, in here that would have the audacity to tell me racism is still not extremely prevalent in the south will quickly be called a bold-faced liar.
'bout as prevalent as it is in the north. And west, and east...
Nope, I have lived all over and the south is especially hot with rampant racism. It exists everywhere but it has continued to be cultivated to a very high degree in the south.
Everyone does have to admit that racism is going to be a big factor...especially with southern democrats. I am from the south and still get back there often. Any, and I do mean ANY, person in here that would have the audacity to tell me racism is still not very prevalent in the south will quickly be called a bold-faced liar.

I'd never try to tell you that. But to be fair to the south, I've met people from all over the US who have a little racism in their character, including both white and black democrats. Let's not say it's just limited to the South. You didn't say that.
I'd never try to tell you that. But to be fair to the south, I've met people from all over the US who have a little racism in their character, including both white and black democrats. Let's not say it's just limited to the South.
See my previous post.
I just don't see enough difference between the two to matter. How could you support Hillary, but not Obama. The only thing I can think of is that many of Hillary supporters are closet racists.

Probably to some extent. Is that a good or a bad thing? I won't vote for a senile old man this November.. maybe I am an oldist?
Nope, I have lived all over and the south is especially hot with rampant racism. It exists everywhere but it has continued to be cultivated to a very high degree in the south.
All I can say is that my experience has been different. Very different.

Racism is everywhere. Some places it's more hidden; some places it's more blatant; and some places it's simply more.

My dad was in the military, and we lived all over. In fact, my dad was from the South, and yes, he was very racist.

I'm white, and during my college days up North I had a black roommate. His family was moving back to Alabama. According to them, the Southern racists were more honest because they told you to your face what they thought of you; the Northern racists waited until your back was turned.

I then joined the military, and I lived all over, all over again, and in 10 different countries. My wife is Asian. In my experience, the most racist place I've ever lived was in Hawaii. The second most racist place was Richmond, VA.

We now live in the Deep South (and no, not Florida). Is there racism here? Yep. But I see more black-white couples here than any place in my entire life. And I see A LOT more inter-racial interactions here than any place in my entire life. Most of the other places I've been to have almost no inter-racial interactions.

As for white Dems being racists, I'm sure there are some. But preferring Hillary over Obama doesn't indicate racism. Frankly, Obama strikes me as a man of surface-level intellect. He obviously isn't a deep thinker, and he doesn't seem to process information through an internal B.S. filter. For example, he claimed that Kansas tornadoes killed 10,000 people when in fact the death toll was 12. A person with a working B.S. filter would have questioned a death toll of 10,000, which is nearly twice as big as our worst natural disaster (the 1900 Galveston hurricane). And there are lots of other examples of shallow thinking.

Basically, he's a rubber stamp. When he says, "Yes, we can," he's speaking for his controllers. I can see a lot of Hillary supporters wanting someone with more depth. No racism in that.

I can also see a lot of blue collar Dem voters who aren't very happy with being mocked for clinging to their religion and guns out of bitter frustration. I can see a lot of them preferring Hillary. No racism in that either.
His family was moving back to Alabama. According to them, the Southern racists were more honest because they told you to your face what they thought of you
That's one of the most ridiculous mindsets I have ever heard.
We now live in the Deep South (and no, not Florida). Is there racism here? Yep. But I see more black-white couples here than any place in my entire life.
Pretty weak argument for a lack of racism. In fact, Oregon has a huge percentage of interracial couple and Seattle was listed as the highest percentage of interracial couple not too many years ago. You see it a lot in the south simply because there is such a high concentration of blacks. It has nothing to do with racism.

Business still discriminate against blacks, neighborhoods discriminate against blacks, etc.
The fact is, if you look at what they have said and voted Obama is farther left than Hillary.

Could you point out a few concrete examples of this?

On what major issue are the two different?

Do you think there is more or less difference between Obama and Hillary than, say, McCain and Romney? To me Obama and Hillary seem closer together athan McCain and Romney, but I don't see Romney supporters abandoning McCain.
That's one of the most ridiculous mindsets I have ever heard.
To each their own. I didn't question them about it or call their perspective ridiculous because I've never had to live in their shoes. And also, I have since heard others repeat it.
Pretty weak argument for a lack of racism. In fact, Oregon has a huge percentage of interracial couple and Seattle was listed as the highest percentage of interracial couple not too many years ago. You see it a lot in the south simply because there is such a high concentration of blacks. It has nothing to do with racism.
Well, you know the old saying, "Would you let your daughter marry a [fill in race here]?" Just because it doesn't mean something to you does not mean it's not a valid observation.
The only thing I can think of is that many of Hillary supporters are closet racists.

Are you serious?

By your rational, Republicans must be racist since they won't be voting for Obama either. I guess McCain is counting on locking up the racist vote... Should put him right over the top.

I'd guess the divide has more to do with a tight, closely fought primary than his color.
the audacity to tell me racism is still not extremely prevalent in the south will quickly be called a bold-faced liar.

It's no more prevalent than the population proportions would indicate. Do you think the LA, Detroit, etc. inner cities have a better deal?

I really just posted this to show the insignifcance of you calling anybody a liar.
Whether a white person is a Democrat are for that matter a Republican and chooses to not support BHO, a black candidate for another white candidate does not mean they are closet racists.

I'm pretty sure some are and some aren't in this world because that is human nature. There is a vast majority of regular American citizens which choose to not participate in these types of polarizing type casting and stereotyping. They are going to make a voting decision based upon their own perception and judgment of who will make the best President for our United States and it has nothing to do with race.

Race baiting and others in this thread castigating whole groups of citizens because of where they live or once lived is tantamount to racial profiling themselves and adding to the flames of division ... and you know who you are.

Carry on without me ... I have better things to do with my time.
based upon their own perception and judgment of who will make the best President for our United States and it has nothing to do with race.

I hear what you are saying. But, it leaves no explanation for why 90+ percent of blacks voted for Obama in most of the later primaries. That's not racist?