Are people honest about why they have a "rotation" of CCW guns?

when lead is flying in my direction.

Well how often does this happen? :) I was shot once, from behind, the safety or lack of one was moot. One other time a gent I escorted from the bar turned after getting out the door, pulled a .25 and run it dry at me. He missed, I went under a truck for cover. No time to draw, safety was moot.

Thats all I have, 2 times for me.

We do fast draw with our ruger single sixes, I use my 1911 too. It can be done fast. I am as fast as my cousin uses a glock so for me the 1911 woirks, for others it dont, I really think that is why they make so many different designs :)

Fast shoot is 2 guys facing a pole has a balloon stuck to it, gotta draw and shoot the balloon to win. each shooter has his own pole and balloon. Try it and see just how good you are. Most miss, over and over. Cant hit that then can you hit a person firing at you? It is fun as long as a person dont take the miss too seriously.
I carry different guns based on what I am wearing, doing, and where I am going. If I am doing a lot of highway driving, I carry a .357 Sig H&K USPc. When I need to really conceal, I carry a customized Springfield Champion. When I go somewhere that extra ammo makes sense, I carry a CZ75. All different guns, but they all feel and function pretty much the same.
I have an very strong emotional attachment to the Second Amendment. When I was younger I felt that way about guns too but after 47 years of shooting they are tools. Like any tool my choice depends on the anticipated application.

A potential scenario depends on the environment into which you intend to subject yourself. Some of the determining factors I take into logical consideration are whether I can expect a small or large number of attackers, their level of expertise, their likely choice in weaponry, heaviness of clothing, possible need to penetrate barriers, potential distances, and their potential determination which I base upon their expected motivation for threatening me.

So while I may shovel snow from my driveway or make a run to the gas station for a gallon of milk with a compact 9mm if I am going to be traveling through potential gang territory or be out in the wilderness I do not consider that compact 9mm to be a good choice. Of course there are times where the tool on hand has to serve a purpose for which it wasn't intended and that can be done with a gun but it isn't as optimal as it could be with a little forethought.
"Beware the man with one gun; he will know how to use it." - Old West Adage

Emotional attachments to firearms!? ;)

I understand this issue completely, as it's what led me to my first three purchases, all of which I regret, and all of which I'm planning on trading in! :cool:

When I finally took emotion, ego and "patriotism," out of the equation, I found myself handling an HK P30. I purchased it, and I haven't carried anything else since then. It IS my EDC, and in every situation.

You'd be wrong, though, if you looked at my name, "HK Jake," and assumed I'm an HK fanatic; I like any firearm which has good ergos, shoots well, shoots accurate, etc, I just find myself preferring H&Ks to anything else.
Am I honest? Maybe yes, maybe no...

Maybe I am just rationalizing.

But I am being honest when I say this: If I don't carry it or shoot it fairly regularly, it is gone. I have a few more than I need, and am slooowly thinning the herd.

I carry an 4" S&W N-frame in the winter time, because I like the N-frame and shoot it reasonably well. If I didn't carry it I probably couldn't justify keeping I carry it. "Winter" here (Texas) isn't all that much--to me, it's when I can wear a cover garment, even if it's just a sweatshirt.

Rest of the time (for the last year, at least) I've been carrying a 4" steel 1911.

Either way, I shoot at the range pretty close to every week, and whatever I'm carrying gets the most exercise.

I have a few others, mostly "former" carry guns that I have outgrown, but hang onto because I can't bear to part with the. The Kahr PM9 and a 3" alloy 1911 fall into this category. They still go to the range somewhat regularly, and may get carried again someday, especially if my vback keeps giving me trouble...
After a few years I've found that I have my primary cc. If I have to "dress", I have another to use.
I've become proficient with both and don't have a problem switching. I don't carry any of my other guns (and I do have a few) because there's just too much variation. Muscle memory is king.
Multi hour wife shopping spree for the holiday = lighter smaller gun Bersa 380 Thunder

Normal day = P220 Carry

Normal night = P220 Carry

Major Sporting event that might result in crazyness in my neighborhood = P220 Carry or Springfield XD in 460 Rowland.

Camping = 460 Rowland, last year we had a black bear less than a hour north of the park we like to camp in.

Beer or Alcohol involved = No Firearm brought to the event unless were not drinking at all.

It all depends on the situation..
"I do it cause I can! pure ans simple, and on occasion to show off anew piece, so people will "ooohhh and ahhhh" over it. "

You ccw like $hit if people can see your firearm pal.
A simple reason for my carry rotation. 104 degrees in summer heat with humidity of over 65%. Hot humid, and miserable. The last thing I want to do is wear more clotihing. The hotter it gets the smaller my carry gun gets.
I carry what fits the need. When dress permits and I don't mind the weight or inconvenience of getting a 1911 Compact out of the safe I carry it, I carry a P9 if handy.

When I am dressed in slacks and no coat I carry the P3AT in a pocket holster.
With a coat in church I usually carry a P9 in a Brommeland Def-Con.

For no good reason I sometimes carry a SA 1911 Compact in a Nossar OWB when dressed in a suit. That is my finest and prettiest holster. Alex is the best, and I enjoy using that holster.

I might carry a S&W 642, however sometimes.

I don't have a problem going from one to another. I just carry what suits me at the time.

My usual carry piece is the Kahr PM9 with black talons in an inside the pants holster in the small of my back, with a Kel Tek P3AT in the pocket for back up. Been known to carry my Taurus 24-7 and even FNH 5.7 in a Blackhawk holster under a T shirt in the summer. I carry nothing but black talon ammo.. I seem to enjoy the change up in a carry piece... Interesting, that....
This may be late in the thread, and it may be a repeat but this is it.

I have a couple handguns that I go between for my primary carry guns. And I try to keep which "set up" I'm carrying at the time in the front of my mind. I dont always carry in the same place, (Pocket cary, appendix carry, 4 O’clock carry)

But there are occasions where I may carry one of my other handguns, either because I'm in the mountains and a larger gun makes more sense, or because I just feel like getting one of the old boys out for a walk. In the end, all that matters is that I'm keeping in mind what I have on my body. So if I need to use it, I dont choke and go for something that isnt there. I think you all know what I mean.

One of the reasons I carry is because I enjoy firearms. Heck I'm a hobbyist. And There is nothing like the freedom to carry, whether it be a 500 S&W, or a .22 LR pocket pistol.
I understand having a few handguns - cool weather allows people to dress differently than summer weather.

I also understand if you get some new compact handgun, and you like it better than the gun you are/were carrying, you will start carrying it instead.

I am talking about people who have a "rotation". When I read about people putting a gun in thier carry "rotation", it really sounds more like it's due to the neato factor. Not necesarily a sound tactical decision.