Are all pepper sprays equal?

I went into the military back in the day. Yes, they made sure you got a snoot full to give you confidence in your equipment (gas mask), and to put you in a situation where you masked up under somewhat "realistic" circumstances, ie all at once you're in a gassed location, and you hear "MASK!" and and you get that thing on and cleared in a damn big hurry while blowing snot, tears, and choking half to death. Ahh, good times :barf:

Probably somewhat similar reasons for getting the treatment in LE.

You don't want the first time you get hosed to be with your BG in your grill. I think it's a good idea, in moderation :)

"5% of 2,000,000 SHU Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) ...with ultraviolet dye for police identification for at least 24 hours"... issued to Florida Probation Officers. The better news is that I can also carry my HK USP 9C with Remington Golden Sabres. Hopefully I'll never have to use either.
Vexor spray

The consumer version of the Vexor spray is exactly the same as the LEO version. The only difference is in the LEO version you have 1.0 oz. of spray, where as in the consumer version, you only get 0.75 oz. The vexor spray is very effective. In fact, I thought that the Cap-stun spray (also maufactured by Zarc) was very effective as well. Have had nothing but good results with both. :)
Wow only .75oz? I was thinking of ordering a can but that is kind of small. I have a feeling they made that so because in New Jersy the maximum size of OC for civilians is .75oz and they probably wanted to sell to as many states as possible. Oh well.

BTW how much different is the Vexor formula from the cap-stun?
The Vexor is 15 million SHU before they mix it. They even say on their site that the SHU is meaningless. Fox does pretty good but if your using stream it takes awhile for it to do any good on someone wearing glasses. I use to sell nothing but Fox although i've tried many, if not all brands. I had a few friends wear safety glasses and hold their breath and close their eyes to try to find a stream that would work as i got tired of the blowback from oc cone and foggers. The Fox would burn their face and take about 45 seconds to shut their eyes. I also tried DPS. Most of you probably never heard of it, but it's got almost twice as much pepper in it as Fox and the the Carrier is Perchlorethyene-it opens up the pores and breaks down the oils of the skin. It had about the same results although testers did say it was a little hotter and took alot longer to decontaminate them. I also tried V4"s Shotgun Stream by ETGI. It starts out as a stream and at about 6ft starts to spread apart into a shotgun splatter, At about 15-20ft it covers an area about 2ft across. Every tester said immediately they couldnt breathe and couldnt open their eyes and asked if they could have rushed me they said their was no way. The weird thing was they all also said it was much more intense than even the Vexor which i've tried in the past and this company claims only 1 million SHU. I also testify to this as i try it on my arms and count the seconds it takes to work and intensity and the V4 is absolute instant burning with the Fox and DPS coming in a tie for 2nd taking about 15 seconds. Another awsome thing is, this stuff is a real confidence builder, not only because it works but because of almost no blowback unless there's some serious wind and because every bottle i have tried has sprayed head on of at least 23ft and just under 35ft if arching the bottle.
Quote from Jamesmark72: "The Vexor is 15 million SHU before they mix it. They even say on their site that the SHU is meaningless."

Where on their website do they say SHU's are meaningless ??
pepper spray

All i carry is sabre used it alot works for 4 and 2 legged animals. sprayed neighbors two pits that was fighting broke them right up they didnt like it one bit
The Shotgun Stream product sounds interesting. Where can you get it. It doesn't look like ETGI sells it on their website or maybe you just need to call them.
I have 2 levels of,"less than lethal responses"...

1. I pull my .40,or greater firearm, and the B/G runs away screaming like a little girl. This is of course dependant on the B/G choosing self preservation as a way of life:D
2. I pull my back up 15round(or ten rounds for the Taurus) extra mag, and either A) Tell B/G to ,"stop!! I am armed!!", while showing the extra mag...Not deadly force and not breaking concealed carry laws, because a magazine is not a firearm; or B) If that does not hault the attack, I throw said extra magazine at the B/G, and hope it nocks him out, and if it doesn't, hope he don't have the compatible firearm:eek: :D :o

PS-If number 2 fails, see number 1:) .
Dog Defense

There is a spray that is not pepper based, it is called DirectStop. It is a citronella spray. It is totally useless against human targets but very effective against dogs. They can not stand the smell.

Shortly after I bought some I was talking my dog for a walk to our local park. There are always stray dogs around here. But this is a very urban setting, firearms are not the way to go.

Any way, about half way to the park two dogs approached us. One was a small terrier one was a large German Shepard. They were both looking to attack my dog. I pulled out the spray and said a prayer. I was hoping it worked. I aimed it at the the shepard and fired a burst. That dog turned around a took off as though it was scalded by boiling water. The little dog realized his big buddy wasn't around and followed him away.

This is a good defense against dogs.
Less than lethal...A good kick in the sack is always a winner. I don't like pepperspray because it can get all over the place including yourself, in a fight (personal experience). Would you use a handgun if the bullet could blow back at you in a strong wind. I think it only works well in law enforcement. What about a stun gun or a taser.