Are all pepper sprays equal?

When I was a kid I had a job policing brass at a shooting range near my house. On weekends they had self-defense courses, and the most popular was the "tear gas" course. It was an outdoor range, and due to the prevalent gusty winds of the city, I got decent facefuls of every major pepper/tear spray on the market. The one I most remember? "PUNCH." There is also "PUNCH II," but I don't know the chemistry difference aside from the II version being foamy.
The biggest problem I've seen with pepper useage is everyone gets it. No matter how hard you try you still end up with a snoot full. If you have never been through being sprayed and you get some coming your way, do you know what it does to you?

Most people see themselves spraying and running....well Sir like I said, your'e going to be running with a strong possiblity taking some spray along with you.
Good point. When I heard good things about fox labs I bought 2 cans. One to carry and one to practice with. I did this to become familiar with the spray pattern, amount of spray, and how it effects me.

Well needless to say I caught a good whiff of it while spraying it (in my enclosed garage, a windy condition could have been worse) and I damn near puked! (not joking). At least I know what it does to me when I accidentally inhale some over spray, although catching a hit to the face/eyes is a whole different story.
I have heard from trainers, that dark skinned people like African Americans, Indians and Arabs etc. aren't nearly as effected by pepper spray as lighter skinned Caucasians and Hispanics? Anyone know if there is any truth to this.
Do not go by the % of OC in pepper sprays. What you need to be concerned with is the Scoville Heat Units or temperature of the spray for a lack of a better word.
A pepper spray product can contain 10% or more OC, but have only about 500,000 SHUs. A 2-5% spray OTOH can have 2,000,000 or more SHUs. The only thing the concentration of OC affects is the time required for decontamination.
Most pepper sprays from reputable manufacturers run in the 1.5 to 2 million SHU range. Punch II, BodyGuard OC10, CAP-STUN, and Saber are in the 2 million SHU range (as some others I can't think of right now). FOX 5.2 is 5.2 million SHUs and Vexor V7 is 15 million SHU.
Only problem is the weenies at Zarc who manfacture and market both Vexor and Cap-Stun refuse to sell it to anyone other than LE/GOVT agencies. :mad:
I have put devastator 10% on more than a few folks and it worked like a charm. I never gave the spray much thought when I was in uniform because what we used seemed to work pretty good.

When I was in the academy they put us in a tear gas tent and that sucked! They did not spray us in the face with the OC. For some reason they made us line up with our backs to the instructor and they sprayed the OC over our heads and let the stuff "fall" on us.

I never got the whole "needing to be sprayed" thing that some departments did. Hell I didn't have to get shot to know what a gun does to you!
They do the same thing in the military, put a "tear gaa" canister in a 55 gal. drum, and march you around, and then try to put on your gas mask. At least when my father was in.
On the days I carry the spray, it's Bodyguard LE-10 in either Foam or Stream. 10% OC and 2 million SHU's I believe. Amazing stuff.
"I never got the whole "needing to be sprayed" thing that some departments did. Hell I didn't have to get shot to know what a gun does to you!"

Having been in LE for 11 years with 3 different agencies, I found it Ironic to be sprayed at the academy and then again at the department.

All of my defensive tactics instructors have told me that since the spray will more than likely be used more frequently than our service weapon, we need to be exposed to it. Both directly and indirectly. My current department prohibit's OC training with application and boy the instructors are not happy about it. But I have 3 certificates. Academy, Dept 1 & 2 showing that I have had application.

But contamination is the key. You spray a suspect you are responsible. You spray somebody and transport them you are bound to get some on you. Then... Poof. Major pain.....

Our stuff is 500,000 to 2 million SHU's and contains 5 to 10% Capsaicin. The burning agent.


But the stuff is good. Not 100% effective, nothing is. But it sure beats fighting and wrestling with everybody.
Being extremely familiar in OC deployment, I have been sprayed with, and consulted with longtime instructors of different types of OC, CN, and CS variations.

However, the one that I have found most effective, and have carried, and used for almost five years now, is the MK-4 ballistic stream from DEF-TEC.

I have seen it work on almost every person, (-1) and animal, (except badgers :D ) and have never had a problem. (Just don't spray it into a 30mph wind after a foot pursuit.)

Don't listen to all the talk about SHU's because it doesn't account for a whole lot. Its just mostly numbers so certain companies can entice you to buy their product. (Mine's Bigger Than Yours Theory :) )

The real general rule for OC is, "No Pain, No Gain". For the most part, your hoping on a physical reaction to the spray, as opposed to psychological. If they're too, "doped up", or drunk to feel pain, chances are, its just going to piss em off.

Personally, if your lookin for good sprays, stick with OC, (the ones that have food-grade ingrediants), and avoid the others with harsh chemicals. Easier decontamination if you have an "accidental emmission". :eek:
Hmm. Bring up an two month old post to advertise for a company and touting the Def-Tec party line about 'food grade products' and 'ignoring those pesky SHUs'. Gotta luv it. :barf:
I've been looking at getting some spray, but I can't decide between the regular spray and the foam. What is the opinions of the foam?
Don't know much about the foam vs. the spray. Look at the concentration of OC in it. Some have very little, some have a lot. Buy one and try it out, so that you know whats going to happen when you spray it (not saying spray yourself, unless you really are a glutton for punishment).
I've been sprayed several times and have sprayed many folks over the course of 15 years. You can get fog, cone, straight stream, or foam. I've seen people wipe off the foam and throw it back at you. The fog is very easy to be downwind of. If you're inside it is great. The straight stream IMHO is the best if you're calm able to put it where you want it. For most purposes I prefer the cone shaped blast. I'm not even sure you can still but the fog. I think the cone replaced it. As far as brands I think the research has already been done. I don't see much difference. I'm issued defense technology in the 4 oz. but usually carry a 2 oz of a product called blue hades. I'll have to look to see who the maker is but it is the shiznet.
In some states, BTW, it's legal to buy "bear repellant" sprays at concentrations which aren't legal for "personal defense" sprays - does anyone know if those are significantly better?
Thanks for the advise about the foam. I was told else where that they have seen them wipe the foam off and throw it back. So it's kinda funny you mentioned that. I ordered 2 cans, one stream in 4oz and fog in 2oz. both are fox.