Apparently Cabelas thinks its illegal for me to feed my rifle.....

If you are really upset... Take your rifle in with your receipt and tell them you want to return the rifle, since they will not sell you ammo for it! Maybe this will get their brains working.(might not, but it would be great to see the expressions on their faces!) THIS IS WHAT I WOULD DO. Just a thought. Ken:D
Yes, call corporate HQ and explain to them. For sure, someone there will know better and inform the manager. He's probably just trying to err on the side of caution, but you should still push the issue in the proper way. Or if you know a local LEO who would go with you & explain your legality to manager, that may work too.
Remember it can be store policy along with state law. They can deny you a purchase because of your age. People under 21 are not part of a protected class.
I believe wal-mart has such a corporate policy nation wide.
Well I ordered 2 savage mark 2 magazines sent to my house, it said on website must be 18 to buy. So i did. Now i got an email from ups saying someone over 21 needs to sighn for it tomorrow:confused:

Wow this under 21 thing sucks. At least im not down in louisiana anymore, in that place you cant even buy lottery tickets under 21.....

By the way i went to cabelas to buy 22lr, and said "rifle" when asked, and that cashier sold it to me, no problems. So i guess i just ran into bad employees, not a bad store.
I was going to suggest the same thing Al Norris said about talking to the corporate. Explain the situation about how the store manager said when you bought the rifle from them it would not be a problem (as it shouldn't be) and now they are refusing even though they have reason to believe you are using it in a rifle.

Give them the store and name of the manager and ask that they contact that manager and clarify what their latitudes for sales are.

That has become my first resort when I have a problem with a big chain operation, usually just invoking with the store manager that you will take it up with corporate has them dancing to a different tune as they don't want the head office associating them with being dimwitted. You can get mid level peons off their high horses in a flash when they think it's going to be taken over their heads and they are in the wrong.

Otherwise when you are 21 it won't be a problem. :)

Try the .357/rifle thing with each clerk, you might get one who doesn't question it.