Apathy and No Guns Signs

You walk up to a business, and there's a "No Guns" sign on the door - what do you do?

  • I disarm before entering.

    Votes: 7 6.1%
  • I do not enter or spend money there.

    Votes: 28 24.6%
  • I do not enter or spend money there, and I contact management and explain why.

    Votes: 28 24.6%
  • I spend money there, but I talk to management.

    Votes: 2 1.8%
  • I carry anyway - concealed is concealed.

    Votes: 49 43.0%

  • Total voters
Like FireMax in Oregon I don't care what signs they post on the front door. With the exception of the post office and the courthouse I'm armed. Once asked to leave if you fail to comply then your guilty of trespassing.
I recently stopped attending several motorcycle events in Arizona that have posted "no Firearms" or "no weapons allowed" on their registration forms.

Although I explained the training involved in obtaining a state CCW permit and a persons desire to obey the rules set forth by Arizona DPS and that I'm a retired state LEO, all I receive from the event organizers was a dumb look and a feeble "sorry, no guns allowed" answer.

For public events of that sort, it is usually an insurance issue. If they allow firearms, the insurance carrier will hike their bill.
I love to see a "No concealed weapons sign"!

When ever I saw such a sign,I went back out and remove my concealed carry.I then strapped on my big SS Rugar Blackhawk in my shoulder holster openly and went back in.When or if I was questioned,I pointed out that I went out of my way to obey the sign!For the ones that say nothing but have called the police,I said the same to a officer when they arrive.I was once told that I could "Go to jail for this".My reply was that "I can not think of a finer thing to be arrested for on private property than for obeying the law and the request of the store.To my regret I have only seen 5 worded this wonderful way in my lifetime.

Is it not discrimination if they allow guns just because the owners are law enforcement?Alfred.
to all of you that inform owners and management of business`s posting no gun sign that you are taking your business to there competitors, a big "THANK YOU" for doing your part in promoting and actually acting on what you believe in. kudo`s to you from a fellow ccw license holder.:D