Anyone worry about what cops might think....

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Does anyone worry about what cops might think of those who have more than one gun on or about their person?

I frequently travel in my car with a mid sized revolver on my person, a 6 inch N-frame .357 in between my seat (a horsepistol of a sort ;) ) and a little snub nose in my glove compartment for backup. All of them are loaded and I would be required to tell a policeman about them. What would he think about a guy with more than one gun on him?
No, I don't worry about it, but in PA automatic disclosure is not required.

As long as you are legal, what he thinks is irrelevant. The only problem I see is that a matter that may be resolved in minutes, may take quite a bit longer once he finds out about your multiple weapons. Other than the inconvenience, if you're legal, you're legal.
People carry car insurance, you carry defence insurance. That is what having multiple handguns on your person or within reach is.... I would think.
For now, . . . the Ohio CHL specifically uses the term "a concealed handgun" both on the front and the back. In proper English, . . . that means only one handgun.

Until that fight is fought in the courts by someone else besides myself, . . . I will carry one handgun, . . . small knife, . . . maybe a flashlight.

May God bless,
I have 3 guns in my car most of the time. My .32 Kel-Tec is hidden in the car, which I just slip into my pocket if I go into a store, or otherwise am not packing my bigger pistol. I have a full-size pistol handy, which is usually a Glock 19. I always have my Maverick 18" 12 gauge in the trunk loaded with 00 Buck. These all serve the purpose, but I wouldn't die of a heart attack if my car was stolen, and all of 'em went with it.
I always have my Maverick 18" 12 gauge in the trunk loaded with 00 Buck.

Is your Maverick at least 26 inches overall length?

Doug as long as you are following the law in your state and the states you travel in you should not have a problem. Make sure that if your state requires you to disclose the fact you are armed that you do so. Honesty goes a long way with patrol officers.
MY permit doesn't have limits

My permit does not limit the number of firearms I may own or carry, so an LEO would not be bothered by it if I had 12 pistols on me. If the same rules apply to your permit, then you have no problem and the officer who pulls you over won't have one either.
Ultimately, they shouldn't. But what a cop thinks can make the difference in whether or not they retain their liberty that day. A little forthought never hurts.
Mannlicher, you dont honestly think that, do you?

Remeber this: 9 times out of 10, the people who cops meet who have weapons on their person have either just committed a crime, or are about to commit a crime. So cops will always treat someone who is carrying concealed a little differently. To suggest otherwise is absurd.

Will your freedom to move freely be interrupeted mometarily? Yes, without question.

Would you like cops to patrol your neighborhood who didnt act in such a manner?
yeah srtdog, I really do

I expect cops to act like cops. That they will be suspicious and mindful of their safety is to be expected. No one said anything about antagonizing them. I just dont care much what they think though, its not important.
Further more, your opinion about what I feel means even less.
I don't worry about it - disclosure no required here either...

And speaking of which -
9 times out of 10, the people who cops meet who have weapons on their person have either just committed a crime, or are about to commit a crime.
Where do you get such statistics? Around here I suspect it to be far from accuaret - simply because so many people carry. Maybe in the inner city somewhere that CCW is illegal, but that's the nature of such places. Out here in the "real world" normalcy is a lot less worrisome.
Seriously folks while legal is legal and will win out in the end(hopefully) , some of the things I see discussed here among the many threads could result in the field interview vershion of a colonoscopy and frankly with good reason.

Now I am not talking about Doug with his 3 revolvers, No, definatly not, It would be my guess that that is the outer limit of resonable for most officers in CCW states, something that might raise an eyebrow but if all else is in order life would move on a a rapid pace.

Now for folks who are carrying more than 3 guns on their person as has been discussed here from time to time, or carrying a shoulder slung AR 15 pistol as I saw mentioned once, hell yes I would expect that to cause some suspition of the part of a law officer and while it may be your right, and you may not have done anything wrong I also would expect a closer look from an officer, I'd frankly be disapointed in anyone who did not give such an individal a closer look, It's outside the norm of CCW, pushing the limits of what is reasonable and prudent and thus it's not unreasonable to have an expectation of a closer look --- yeah and this migth inadertantly take a 1/2 hour out of your day while they double check things --- this is there job.

As an alternative imagine this --- In most places it's legal for me to buy 100 boxes of Sudafed (a major ingrediant for one method of making crystal meth) if I want, say I'm taking it on a trip to the 3rd world to do some medical relief work, and it's legal to drive around with it in plain view on back seat. However if I'm stoped is it reasonable for me to have an expectation for this to NOT be looked into or to get an attitude about it when it is? No it's not a reasonable expectation, my actions are considerably out of the norm and somewhat compatable with criminal activity, whild I'd expect an explantion and looking into my backround, and the orginization I work with would put this to rest in short order the arousing of suspicion is understandable and is what an Officer shold be expected to do.
Indiana law states that I DO NOT have to inform a cop if I'm carrying, I just have to give him my CCL on demand. Sounds good, I just don't understand it. I'll carry 10 if I have to, I'd be more worried what my mom thinks than what a cop thinks.:D
I've had to hand out the card ONCE... (Failed to signal a turn, it was late, he probably was just checking to see if I was drunk, and WA is a MUST notify state.)

He asked where it was, I told him what and where (SA Loaded 1911 on my right hip sir...), and he proceeded to chat with me about his own SA 1911. Got a warning about the signal, and I'm more carefull now.
Doug do you really need 3 guns??? Again if everything is legal that is fine but the cop may get annoyed by the fact that your leaving two loaded handguns in your vehicle when your not in it. Somebody breaking into your car will find those guns.

Again I just want to remind people that stolen guns are used in crimes. Your gun can be used to rob, rape, and kill if someone steals it. Leaving a gun in your home unlocked or in your car makes it more likely to get stolen if a thief breaks in. Doug I don't care how many guns you need, just keep them on your person when you exit the car. Your guns, your responsibility.
More than one gun

Cops don't think too much of that. I rode with a cop once. They look at how well the exterior of the car is maintained. Is it smashed up? Dented? Dirty? If so, the person might have an expired license or registration. Then is there more than one person in the car? Inside - is the car filthy? Cigarette butts on the floor? Empty beer cans. Next what does the driver look like? Anti-Establishment type? Like it or not, people judge you on your appearance. I don't always agree with this either But that is just they way it is. Clean cut multiple guns all the proper paper work - No problem. Going back to square one, why were U pulled over in the first place? Speeding, u might get off. Driving like a jerk - U R getting a ticket.
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