I am an admirer of Glocks, though they are not my personal choice to purchase, but I do see some contradiction in the argument that the issue with more Glock NDs is that there are so many of them and so many of them are purchased by or supplied to non-gun people who lack the proper training to operate them safely. The contradiction is this: Glock owes its success and the fact there are so many of them out there to the fact that so many of them are in the hands of those who "lack the proper training". If Glocks were only used by and sold to those with a high level of training, Glock would not be the major player that it is. I am not slamming Glock; just stating the obvious. You can't have it both ways. A product that is sold to millions of semi-trained people has to take idiot-proofing at least somewhat seriously. My intent here is not to offer ammunition to anti-gun or anti-Glock arguments, but it is folly to build an expert's weapon, sell it to millions of non-experts, and then blame the non-expert purchaser when they don't handle it properly with enough expertise.