Anyone have recent experience with ATF wait times?


New member
About two weeks back, I was talking to this guy today that said that I will be waiting much more than 6 or 6.5 months to get my stamps.

He said that the dealers just say that so that you don't get discouraged.

I kind of ignored him, until today.

Today is week number four from when I first submitted my ATF paperwork.

According to one of my dealers, he said it will take about 3-6 weeks, and on average four weeks, for the form 3 (to transfer the gun from that out-of-state dealer to the dealer in my state). Today, when I called my local dealer, they said it takes much longer than 4 weeks for them to receive the MG. DOAH!

I read that ATF strives to have the stamp issued within 9 months!!!

I read on another forum (from about a year ago), that some guy had waited seven months, and still didn't have his stamp.

Does anyone have recent experience on the actual wait time? Is it really 6-6.5 months? Or am I waiting until spring for my guns?
Actually, the ATF strives to get them out in six months. Until recently, that's been the average. Lately, times seem to be closer to seven.
This wait officially sucks.

I've bought everything possible and reloaded to my heart's content.

Now it's just a matter of waiting.

I'm gonna go picket DC and put some pressure on the ATF, I'm so bored.
I just got one back that was right at 7 months, almost to-the-day.

Check out - that place confirms, everyone is waiting pretty much seven months right now.
Place that I bought my NFA item from told me to expect 8 month wait. Getting the Sherrifs signature on the forms took 3 weeks - I'm going to try to forget about it and wait to be surprised someday when I get my tax stamp.
I gotta gripe a bit.

This absolutely sucks.

If this was a private enterprise, the enterprise would hire more people and speed up the wait times, knowing that they would be making more money.

But then again...ehhhh...maybe I'm wrong because there's still an ammo, powder, and primer shortage and manufacturers and suppliers have said that they aren't going to add production because they expect the bubble to burst.

Screw me! This wait sucks.
The first one is the hardest, hang in there man. Once I had my first stamp come in it was soooooo much easier to wait, since I could at least play with something.
Tony, I just received a stamp last week that took right at 7 months from the date the stamp tax check cleared the bank.

You do realize that your real wait has not even started right? Once the dealer receives it you get to do your form 4 and that's when your 6-7 month wait will begin. My last F3 to dealer took about 5 weeks.

Hang in there.
Submitted Form 4 February 3, returned by BATF this week for a minor typing error in the address so it should be here approved within 2 weeks. That's 7 month hopefully. Later submissions will be taking longer.
just a shade under six months

I posted this in the thread about my first purchase so I'll be brief. I submitted last october and it was 179 days.
They cashed my check in early January. My dealer called ATF a few weeks back to check on the status of all the items transfering through him and he was told to expect transfers to take 9 months right now.
Hmmm. I heard from someone else that 9 months can happen. Wow!

I wonder what they'll do when the line/wait reaches 12 months? Are they going to add staff? Probably not, is my guess. That's what happens when you have a monopoly.
I'll let you know how accurate the 6 month time frame is in January when my suppressor stamp does or doesn't get completed... :(
I ordered my can December 23rd. Still waiting for it. I don't check the status or anything to know any more than I am still waiting
So I spoke to my class 3 dealer today, and I mentioned the issues brought up in this thread. They say that they're on very good terms with the ATF processors. They are seeing things come back at exactly 6 months, most of the time. Otherwise, they see, at most 6.5 months. They assured me that I am 4 - 4.5 months away from possessing my silencers and machine guns.

We shall see.
My check was cashed December 20th... went pending Jan 4th

Still waiting.... :(

My first suppressor took a bit under 6 months.