Anyone Else So "Done" with Mosins ...

Every one of my 12 different long guns i bought with 100% confidence after i did my research. Too many guys have some unintentional extra cash and buy a gun on an impulse buy only to realize a year later it's not living up to expectations. I bought my Mosin becasue i wanted a piece of euro militera history and weekly shootability. I don't buy safe queens. I bought a nice Century refurbed Mosin , stripped and refinished the wood, added a scout scope to be able to shoot out to 600 yds and lastly invested in X54R handloading components and millsurp ammo when it was still reasonable. LOVE the nostalgic 91/30 ! Its a keeper and a passer down to my kids..
LOVE the nostalgic 91/30 ! Its a keeper and a passer down to my kids..

Well I hate to tell you buy you just destroyed the collector's value by refinishing the rifle.

There is no nostalgia to be had from it now.
tahunua001 said:
cans are generally 440 rounds. depending on nation of origin/quality/desirability, a can these days usually runs $120

Where? Haven't seen them that cheap in a year or more. Most places are charging $200 plus any more.
I thought about making a "Anyone else "So Done" with Garands?" Thread last night, but I didnt.

Dude, seriously? :rolleyes:

The ghost of John Cantius his own self, armed with a proper vintage M1, would come visit upon you sometime after midnight, ... and most assuredly that will not be a pleasant experience. ;)

Sort of like suddenly waking up in your bed to find an Evil Scary Clown leaning his face over yours, nose to nose. :eek:

Just sayin' ... :cool:
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Plenty of little countries out there yet. IF they let them export. I am waiting to see what comes out of Viet Nam and Cuba. I remember when ANY sporterized surplus rifle was looked down on by the general hunting public. The firearms industry did everything they could to stop the import of surplus rifles. I get online and still see plenty of military and surplus rifles for sale. So the Russian bolt guns went up a couple hundred bucks? Big deal. If you think they are so wonderful, pay the freight. If you hesitate to spend $300 bucks for a rifle, may be you should reevaluate your opinion of that gun.
Reading Gunplumber's post got me to thinking.

Every now and then we run across old NRA (and other magazine) adds showing, for example, Garand's for $29 or so.

We become jealous wishing we could go back in time.

Really, in the late 50s I was mowing lawns for 50 cents. I had dug a well for $4 a foot. I'd be lucky to make $15 a week. In the 60s (pre-68) they were still cheap. If I was lucky, I could make $50 a week.

Based on the prices and wages then and now, Special Grade Garand's are cheaper.

Its all relative, everyone situation isn't the same.

I lived in NE Wyoming before I moved to Alaska in '72. At that time, around the Black Hills, SD/WY, Springfield trap doors were a dime a dozen. But I couldn't afford one. Had no problem last year coming up with $1200 for a fine example w/bayonet.

In 1970 I paid 90 something for a Ruger M-77, Last summer I paid less then $400 for a Ruger Amer. Pred. 6.5, which, compaired to my income now and then is a heck of a lot cheaper, plus in my opinion, the Rug Amer. is a better rifle.

Guns are cheap now days, I need to go buy more.:)
I just don't see how these jokers get away with selling field grade Garands on gunbroker for upwards of a grand, and the cmp sells them for like 6-700. Just doesn't make sense why someone would gouge that much.
I think it's worth it to keep one around considering what I paid for it. I don't shoot it much but I enjoy having it for the history.
Kraig have to remember when you were mowing lawns in the 50's you were just a kid making below minimum wage. so should compare what a kid in burger king makes to what gun costs today. Like to know what an adult made in the 60's and what a gun cost then comparison
In the late 60's, early 70's I was cutting grass for up to five dollars a yard. I bought a few Mausers out of a 55 gallon drum at Gibson's dept store for 15 bucks. They had two drums full of them. One at each end of the counter in sporting goods.
A lot of full time guys were making about $4.00 an hour in my area. A car was a major investment. Heck, a bedroom set was a major investment for a lot of people.
Getting 5 bucks a lawn then with 3 lawns mowed getting a mauser rifle is a good deal with not that much work. in 1968 at 16 years old I started framing houses for $2.50 an hour. I would say in the 80's for me I was making good money and guns along with houses trucks etc were "cheap". that was the best dollar to cost ratio . could some one tell me how to take a quote from another post to put it on mine?
could some one tell me how to take a quote from another post to put it on mine?

High lite the part you want to quote. Hit the left button (below my space bar on my computer), hit COPY.

Then in you reply type [ quote] then the left button again, hit paste, then type [/ quote] it will show up.

Do not put in a space between the [ and quote, or between [/ and quote]

I inserted the spaces so I could show you without making the actual quote. I would have looked like this without the spaces.

then the left button again, hit paste, then type

Hope this helps.
salt and battery said:
could some one tell me how to take a quote from another post to put it on mine?

You can also click on the "Quote" icon when writing your post, it looks like a speech bubble from a comic strip.

If you really want to get fancy, you can include the name by adding = and the username. What I posted above looks like this, but with brackets [] instead of {}.

{QUOTE=salt and battery}could some one tell me how to take a quote from another post to put it on mine? {/QUOTE}