Anybody else just not like stainless pistols?


New member
Try as I might I just can't buy one.

Sometimes I think I want a stainless finish, then when I get to the counter and hold it I just can't get over how shiny it is, it seems flashy, not what a gun should be to me.

I like blue, parkerized, tan, green, etc. coatings. But just not stainless or inox.

I can't be the only one.
You aren't! ;)

I have owned a lot of pistols over the last 50 plus years and I have never owned a shiny one. I just don't like them. I like blue and I don[t care if the steels hows through a little from good honest wear - I love vintage pistols - vintage Smiths especially.

That doesn't make liking a shiny gun wrong - different strokes for different folks. I guess it's sort of like tires - some like whitewalls (I think they still make them - maybe I' showing my age? :eek:) and some like blackwalls.

I look at it this way . . . since I don't like shiny guns, it leaves more of them available for those that do and the opposite applies for blued ones! :)
All my handguns are stainless steel or plastic.
I had blue steel in the past but stainless or plastic is so much nice when it come to maintenance! A lot less worry about rust problems.:cool:
I don't actually dislike stainless handguns but I enjoy finding blued ones that are a bit shabby looking and can be had for vastly lower prices. Stainless handguns hold their value better.

I have gotten pretty good at rust bluing so refurbing has gotten to be sort of a hobby.
I like stainless just fine.

Shiny doesn't bother me. In fact, I've even been flirting with the idea of sending a beater Makarov and maybe a shotgun out for hard chroming.

You like what you like. To each his own.
That's the best part about this hobby

There are so many options to fit everyone's different tastes

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Depends on the firearm I guess. I appreciate the stainless slide on my Kahr for concealed carry and I like the stainless Ruger SBH's much better than the blued ones. I prefer blued shotguns and lever action rifles over stainless. I prefer blued or parkerized 1911's over stainless. Yep, just depends.
For appearance, I much prefer the old school high polish blued finishes. Hard to explain but there is something special about them. Yet, for working firearms stainless steel is hard to beat. Easier to maintain with fewer worries about storage rust problems. So, I accept and use them for the great tools they are.

Not to nitpick, two small points. Stainless steel is not a finish it’s a specific steel. The natural appearance of stainless steel is dull not shiny. Unless it is a custom order all the factory revolvers I’ve seen have a dull, almost gray, finish.
I agree blued looks better but stainless wears better . I buy stainless to shoot and blue to look at . I am speaking of revolvers ( except the SAA ) , pistols it doesn't make much difference to me .
Glare(shine) off a nicely blued gun is more than a brushed stainless, especially in the hunting woods. Some folks just like the looks one way or the legitimate reason one needs to validate that preference to others. One reason there are so many different finish options out there, is because there are so many different preferences. IMHO, if it trips your trigger.....go for it and don't look back.
I can't be the only one.

You aren't. I have two shiny guns. A Kahr CW9 that is my on-again, off-again carry piece, and an H&R 733 (that is actually a nickel finish) that was passed down from my father. His only handgun ever, to my knowledge. The Kahr is silver colored, but it is a dull gray and isn't pretty. That's fine... it does not rust when I sweat in the summer.

Other than that, all of my other firearms are parkerized or blued (or nitrite or whatever the new finish method is). To me, stainless = soulless... other than my father's old gun. It only has a soul because it was my father's.
My S&W mountain gun is brushed stainless, my Ruger SRH is Ruger's "Target Grey" finish. I like them both over blued guns. Less to worry about as far as rust goes.
I have around 14 handguns, only 4 are not stainless steel and none are blued (i am not sure if you would consider a s&w model 28 blue).

I like stainless, in fact I went as non-traditional as possible with my Remington New Army......oh the horror of it, it's stainless. It's also ten years old, and not a speck of rust on it.
I live in rain country. I'm also a boat guy, salt water and brackish. I like Glock for the same reason. Heck my 1918 LC Smith shotgun does not get shot as often as it should, cuz I don't like getting it wet.
My old Model 12 is the rainy day trap gun. Yes, it does get cleaned and dried when I get back home. In fact it gets pretty well dried before I go home.
To me guns are stainless or blued - and it depends on the gun which I prefer.

As long as it's not one of the new toy colors :)
They look cheap and fairly ugly to me. But they are practical if you need a gun that's a tool rather than a piece of art. I own two SS handguns and both are working guns.
Skeeter Skelton wrote that in the dry desert where he lived there were no advantages to stainless steel. If I had a CCW I would carry stainless-I am an awful sweathog.