Any Sig fans here...

Walt, getting used to the initial DA shot on a DA/SA really comes down to one thing: dry firing a lot. I bought one of those Beamhit laser-target systems to make that practice more entertaining. But that's really all it comes down to -- doing it a lot. I happen to like DA/SA because I'm not terribly fond of keeping my 1911 cocked and locked (yeah, I know intellectually it's safe, but that's a topic that's been done to death on other threads), and I simply don't like the feel of Glock triggers. DA/SA is the best compromise for me, and I got used to it.
I like DA/SA, too, and that's the way I frequently shoot my CZ-85 Combat. (My first shot is not quite as accurate as when I shoot it cocked and locked, but its noticeably faster.)

I have nothing against DA/SA -- I simply haven't found a SIG (with the exception of the one P-220 I mentioned) that really does it as smoothly as I would like, even after trigger jobs.
Gee, a gun collection without a Sig??? Incomplete at best.
I have a 220 (want the new SS 220 bad) and a 226 9mm.
Both are flawless in function. I have several different makes and models of what I think are quality semi-auto handguns including Sig, Glock, H&K, CZ, Browning & Beretta...they all have a place in my safe and I like them all. I feel that as long as you buy quality, you will most likely will be happy with your purchase.
My .02
Welcome to the family. In my opinion, you own pieces from the two best family of pistols HK and Sig.

If you don't mind a suggestion, I would say look for a 225 for your next one. At least pick one up and see how it feels in your hand. The reason I say look for it next is because they are leaving the sig line of products and that you can get one for less than $500. It is just sweet. As long as you don't mind only 9 rounds. It is a classic and a sleeper.

Hey guys, just for the record, I am on Glock Talk every day and I would just like to say that they do not bash Sigs over there, actually many members there all own Sigs much like myself.

Beleive it or not, there is enough room in my safe for my Glocks and Sigs so I really dont think I have some kind of complex like suggested above. To be honest, some of the comments above are actually promoting teh same thing you are bitching about. That doesnt make much sense now does it?

You know, like JMack, I frequent Glock Talk (and several other forums) and I admit there are certainly some "dyed-in-the-wool"/closed minded Glock-a-holics but the vast majority of GT's members seem as open minded as those found at other "Brand-Name" forums. True-blue "brand followers" certainly can and will be found in their respective forums...but I really don't see or feel the "Glockhead" mentality some here have implied. The few who are "brain-locked" are generally overlooked by serious folks looking for fair and unbiased information. I think several replies to this post are fairly biased. Do you really think those who rattle the Glock, Sig, H&K etc. cage(s) are taken as serious un-biased thinkers? I respect their views/opinions but like most people, I tend to take their information with a "grain of salt".
Sigs are bad for my business.

Know why? Because I never see any unless somebody wants night sights or action work.

In 9mm,they will eat all ammo,forget whether it is lead or not,and are as reliable as the 92 series Berettas.

The next cracked frame or rusted slide I see will be the first.

And ya know what? I see more broken parts on 1911's than anything else.

There is no better handgun produced in the world than the Sig 220 line of pistols.
"I simply haven't found a SIG (with the exception of the one P-220 I mentioned) that really does it as smoothly as I would like, even after trigger jobs." - Walt

I'd have to say that of the three DA/SAs I own -- HK USP45, Sig P232 and Beretta Elite II, the Beretta has the best double action. Wish I had a bigger sample, but that's my experience, for what it's worth.
Although almost every gun I've bought is my 'favorite' for the next week or so, I havn't been able to pick up another for any length of time since I got my SIG 220. I don't plan on getting rid of any of the classics (1911, S&W 686 and some others) but my next handgun will definitely be a SIG. I just need to figure out which one and if I can afford it without (shudder) selling another one.
There may be...

...better out-of-the-box combat pistols than the SIG Classic series [the P22x line], but I'd be hard-pressed to say which, and I've been looking for better than a decade.

My personal favorite is the P229 in .40Auto/.357SIG; it's compact and light enough for everyday carry, with plenty of horsepower...25 rounds if you carry just one back-up mag.

If there is to be a first SIG for any of you, the P229 gets my vote...but all SIGs are great pistols. :cool:
Before going to far check out this months FIREARMS FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT. This is about the most comprehensive study I've found so far. Sig just blew folks away. The top two pistols were Sigs (one Sig, a 220, DNFd so Sig ain't perfect) and while the Sigs scored 839+, the next best pistol was an HK that came in way down in the six hundreds. This wasn't even close, there was nothing else even on the horizon. Glock, as expected, came in way behind Sig and HK.

"Glock, as expected, came in way behind Sig and HK."

As expected? In whos eyes? Certainly not mine, why are there so many LEOs that tote Glocks every day of their lives and love them?
I have a SIG 229 40S&W and really like it. I have about 5,000 rounds through it and have had no problems. I love the way the SIG P series pistols point, more natural than any other pistol.
Only thing I would like to see improved is the recoil. It is more harsh than the Glock 22/23, Ruger P-series, CZ.
Other than recoil the SIG P-series are excellent pistols.


Please read as "Glock, as unexpected, came in way behind Sig and HK".

Please accept my appology.
I really like both Sig Pistols I own. My 228 was my carry gun for about a year, now my Girlfriend has claimed it. I also own a 232 sl that I bought when Jumbo Sports was going out of business. I still dont know why I have it I never shoot it anymore but its a nice little gun. Never had a problem with either gun.

My problem with Glocks is most likely related to their basic shape. When I hold a Glock and bring it up into the firing position, I find that I'm aiming slightly down and to the right. The grip on other pistols; Sig, BHP, 1911 etc seems to fit me far better. YMMV. I've tried to find one that works for me since they came out, but with no success. They just don't fit.

I realize that this is purely subjective and personal, but the 225, BHP (including all the licensees and clones) just seem to fit me better. Glocks are fine pistols, I'm just not built right to shoot them.

[Edited by jar on 03-30-2001 at 05:29 PM]