Anti-gun Romney as VP?


Sources close to Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign are suggesting he will reveal the name of his vice presidential selection this week while Sen. Barack Obama is getting the headlines on his foreign trip. The name of McCain's running mate has not been disclosed, but Mitt Romney has led the speculation recently.

There go semi-autos.
I can not think of anyone that McCain could choose that would help him in Nov. If he chose Romney then he might has well stay home since they will never beat Obama.
IMO, Romney could help him a few points, but they won't overcome Obama.
I think the only way McCain can win is to select Hillary as a running mate...
I will not vote for McCain with Romney on the ticket. I was on the fence whether to hold my nose and vote for McCain or just not vote but if Romney is on the ticket I will be voting for Obama. :(
At least with an individual right ruling from the US Supreme Court, you'd like to think that Republicans would have the self-respect and decency to abide by it regardless of their personal feelings on the subject. You can guarantee that Obama will not, however.
Keep in mind that we have a different view of Romney than many "conservative" pundits. If you look at Fox News for example most of their commentators are extreme "Wall Street Republicans" but many either barely tolerate your right to own a 30-30 or are for a complete ban. The will rabidly support anybody that will promote free trade, eliminate consumer protections, and cut corporate taxes. Fred Barnes openly supported the Clinton Assault Weapon Ban. O'Reilley is no support of private citizens owning AR15s. Charles Krauthammer was furious with Scalia over Heller and thought Stevens' gun-grabbing views were the correct interpretation of the 2nd Amendment. All of these are pulling for Romney. After all he's a Wall Street guy.

Outside of Fox let's not forget Hugh Hewitt who supported the California ban is a Wall Street Republican.
At least with an individual right ruling from the US Supreme Court, you'd like to think that Republicans would have the self-respect and decency to abide by it regardless of their personal feelings on the subject.
What makes you think that is true on any subject?
I was on the fence too, and then I realized that Obama's gun control ideas are really sensible, gun safety legislation. First of all, I really agree that all semi-automatic firearms need to be be banned. Because none of us need a semi-automatic rifle or shotgun for hunting. And nobody really needs semi-automatic handguns. Revolvers are just fine for those of us who are not members of the police force or in the military.

I especially like Obama's support of a new assault weapons ban. Because nobody other than those who work for the government need to own those evil black assault weapons; after all, you can't hunt with assault weapons. Besides, those are all semi-automatic, which we've already covered.

Finally, I really appreciated Obama's vote against the Protection of Lawful Arms in Commerce Act. I think that municipal organizations ought to be able to sue gun manufacturers and those who sell guns for the criminal acts of, well, criminals. If those lawsuits would have continued, gun makers and gun sellers would have to drastically increase the price of guns. But that's O.K., because I figure that only people who can afford to pay three or four thousand dollars for a handgun should be able to afford one. After all, you can't hunt with a handgun.

Yeah, after I carefully examined Obama's stance on common-sense gun control legislation, I came off the fence and decided that Obama is the man for the job. None of us need these guns. Well, none of us need them unless we work for the government. Obama is the perfect candidate to force millions of gun owners to turn in guns that they really don't need. Remember, you can't hunt with any of those guns.

I'm so excited about Obama's candidacy that I plan on turning in all of my semi-automatic handguns, all of my magazines that hold more than 10 rounds (which I really don't need, because they only work in semi-auto handguns), and all of my assault weapons before Obama is elected! Join me, fellow Obama supporters, and take the pledge to turn in your guns this week with me. Let's show Barak how much we believe in his common-sense gun safety ideas!!! You can show your support by stating the following:

Which semi-automatic handguns you will turn in;
How many magazines you're planning on turning in;
How many semi automatic rifles you will turn in;
How many semi auto shotguns you will turn in;
And how many assault weapons you will turn in.

Come on, guys, this will be great! Let's generate some real excitement for Barak's campaign on this Board. Let everyone know what you plan on turning in! :)
actually the hilliary thing aint a bad suggestion. as long as mccain gets a food tester and never flies around arkansas i think it would work out....
Fremmer, Im glad I read your entire post, my assassin fingers where itching on my keyboard for your Ip address about halfway through your post!! Funny though hahah!! hahahaha
I have never considered Mitt as gun friendly. From what i hear, he aint no friend of gun owners.
No, he joined the NRA about a year before he announced he was running for president.

He also claimed to be a lifelong hunter because he shot a rabbit once while a kid.
I could only hope that McCain chooses Romney. His business judgment is about the best chance our economy has right now.

Romney on the ticket is one of the few ways McCain will earn my vote.
Come on, Romney can't be that bad, after all, to quote him,

"I purchased a gun when I was a young man. I've been a hunter pretty much all my life,"

Of course, bookended between his two lifetime hunting trips (at age 15 and his second at age 60) he took the time to point out during his 1994 U.S. Senate campaign that he was a "moderate outsider, warning special interest groups to stay out of the race and saying he supported the Brady gun control law and a ban on assault rifles."

"That's not going to make me the hero of the NRA," he told the Boston Herald at the time. "I don't line up with a lot of special interest groups."

Of course now that he is a Lifetime Member of the NRA, he has a strong support for the 2nd Amendment.

I'm curious how the NRA might spin this one if he indeed is McCain's choice for a VP.