Answering your door (day and night) armed or no?

Do you answer your door armed?

  • Night and Day - I pack and show my M60

    Votes: 8 6.0%
  • Night and Day - but it is hidden from view

    Votes: 68 50.7%
  • Night only or stranger only - condition yellow

    Votes: 42 31.3%
  • Never - If you can make it past the bear traps and land mine - you can knock on my door. :)

    Votes: 16 11.9%

  • Total voters
Charlie is not lurking in the woods.
Yeah, but my perverted neighbor who sells videos of gang rapes might be :(

At least until next month when he is supposed to go to prison for a few years ...
FWIW: the Columbus Dispatch (Ohio) carried a story on 5/8/05 about 2 brothers, Gary & Erik Watkins. They robbed at will, aided by the fact that none of their "targets" met them at the door armed, . . . or at least were not sucessfully armed.

They would stage a home invasion of one of the employees of a credit union, check cashing facility, or other high cash business: hold part of the family hostage while the other one went with the employee to clean out the safe. They got $643,000 in one heist.

Apparently they "only" hit 6 times in a 2 year spree, . . . but far as I am concerned: it was 7 times too many, . . . and it just proves my point that one should never answer the door to someone you don't know unarmed.

These folks were not targeted because they lived in the hood, were crack dealers, or any of the reasons we take for granted. Just common working folks who did not take life seriously enough.

May God bless,
I find it curious that people who defend the uh, popular line of thinking go to extremes to illustrate their point. They have their point and opinion and yet try to somehow ridicule those who differ in opinion.

Charlie's not in the woods.
Set the claymores up foeward.

Stuff like that. Statements like that serve no purpose but to clarify the posters confusion and lack of ability to see the writing on the wall. Try comparing those statements with some of these...

It can't happen here.
I never thought that guy would do anything like that.
I was minding my own business when...
All of a sudden.

If the world was so safe, then why don't cops just carry batons only. Oh, They see more action being in law enforcement you say? Correct. Action usually started against a (non-paranoid) citizen that went over the deep end and required intervention by armed professional officers since the citizen was unprepared.

Charlie is in the woods. Animals are not paranoid. There is no nice neighbrohoods (free from crime). Some people see it, some do not. So charlie is camoflauged and you can;t see him. Animals do not run right out into the meadow, they proceed cautiously, having the instinct to know that a predator could be lieing in wait, ready to pounce. Thats not paranoid friend, that's situational awareness.

Were the jews paranoid. No, but they should have been. Might've saved a lot of lives. I submit that if people who answer the door armed, are paranoid, than people who ridicule this mindset must in fact be naive.

I'd rather answer the door 10K times armed with no incident, than once unprepared and have an incident occur.
Great post edward.

I would rather be prepared than not.
It only takes 1x to lose your life or the lives of those you love.
If you answer and it is a non-threat, the non-threat would never know you were prepared! :)
On the rare occasions that I do get a knock on my door I do have a gun with me when I go to check it out. More often that not, when I look out the peephole it's not someone I recognize (salesmen, folks looking for petitions to be signed, etc).

Typically If I'm not expecting anyone and it's not someone I recognize, I don't even bother to open the door at all. Just look out, decide I don't want to be bothered, and go about my business.
Thanks Batman.

As an aside, I remember the Batman cartoons and while Batman didn't get many visitors, I don't recall him removing his Batman belt while in the Batcave. :D
This is the primary reason I don't see long arms as home defense guns.

The victim of a car accident asking to call an ambulance at 10pm doesn't need to see your shotgun.

Well looks like I'm outnumbered here........... Just remember though if your going to be answering your door with gun in hand, be careful. I know that most everyone here remembers when that guy in Louisiana shot that foreign exchange student on his front porch with a .44 Magnum, just because the poor kid knocked at the wrong door. I know that most anyone here on TFL probably has more common sense than to open the door and start pumping lead downrange (or setting off the claymores ;) ) like this guy did. But the gun-banners jumped all over that as a prime example of why American gun owners are a bunch of lose cannons just waiting to blow someone away. It only takes one person being a dumbass to make all of us look bad and giving them more ammo against us.
Good posts...Dwight and Edward.

I definately second the motion. Nothing wrong with being prepared. Just dont go to the extreme. No need to scare the girl scouts or the next door neighbor. :p

Hey the claymore were there for humor purposes only.

Kinda like watching those fear factor stunts on TV. Leave it to the professionals. Dont try it @ home kiddies.
The other night, I was sitting at home. It was WELL beyond dark, and I had a knock on the door. I looked out the winow, it was about 4 adults and 8 kids out of a large cargo van parked on the street. Instead of answering the door, I went and got my gun. They were gone the next time I checked, and they left me some nice you're going to Hell if you don't turn your life around material, but what business they had coming to my door that late I will never know. I wasn't going to answer the door, but I was going to be very prepared if anything happened.
When I am home alone, the 12 gauge never leaves my side. We've been broken into twice, and are well off the road so.
During the day I usually look through the peep hole, and if it looked like someone dangerous I would get one of my guns. During the night if I don't know the person the gun is with me before I open any door.
My friends and family call before they visit, just as I do. I do beleive the days of "just dropping by" are gone. Like Ben Shepherd said, "If I don't know you, I won't answer the door period. I'm not paranoid, I just value my ME time." I live in the County Seat of a very rural county and don't expect ANYONE knocking on my door after dark. The last occasion was this past February. It was about 7 pm and suddenly someone was pounding on my door, and I mean POUNDING! I picked up the Para and and yelled "who is it?"
The answer I got was "we have to talk to you". "Who are you?" "We need to talk with you." The outside lights went on, I opened the door a bit with the wedge at my foot and the .45 in my hand.. they were "missionaries". Well, they got a fire and brimstone and "you #%@!!!" sermon from me they won't forget for a long time.
In general, I don't have a weapon while I answer the door.

Today, though, I changed that. At around 11am, somebody rang my doorbell. So, I asked them through the intercom system who they were. The guy on the other end said, "Postman... [mumble mumble distortion] package for you."

But, I wasn't expecting any packages. Neither was my roommate. Furthermore, if it were the postman, he could have just left it in the entryway downstairs (I live in a three-unit apartment building). What's more, something just felt off.

So, I told him I'd be down in a second. Grabbed my pistol, slapped in a magazine of +P JHPs, racked the slide, and tucked it in the back of my belt under my shirt.

I went down and answered the door. Turns out it was the postman. No problem. But, I'm still glad I went with my gut feeling on that.
some years ago, the wife presented me with an x10 camera system, I have the monitor in my den, can flip between 6 cameras with the push of a button, if I see someone at the front door that looks like they don't belong there then I answer with an auto tucked in the belt.
Well i can say that I only answer the door armed when i am home alone or it is late at night. I live in a good neighborhood so i never saw the need.
I carry whenever I'm not at work -- so I have one close at hand at home and it is with me (concealed) when I answer the door. Things happen when you least expect them to happen. I think of my gun like I do a fire extinguisher -- it is better to have one and not need it than need one and not have it.
I only make a point to answer the door armed if it's a stranger or at night. I live in rural KY, so I know most of the people who'd be coming to my door. Also, I work from home & sit at my desk looking down my half-mile driveway, so I see who's coming. Of course, my county has a really bad meth problem, so I'm usually carrying anyway (even in the house).