Another silly question on "used" BP pistols

Be careful with the hyperbole: 'very dangerous'.

Failure to lock up in battery is not a 'very dangerous' condition, nor is failure of the bolt to lock the cylinder in place, in my opinion. However, if it were dangerous, and you sent the gun back with knowledge of that danger, you could be liable for damages if someone were injured.
Sabot and Mykeal

We had a discussion about this very instance in my class last night. The class is PSYC305 but it has nothing to do with psychology. The discussion last night involved the application of ethics in conflict situations. All of the students are business majors.

Only one of the class members thought that the seller had done no wrong. That student also mentioned the legal ramifications of the situation as you did. But she was concerned about a slander charge by the seller, citing this forum.
The fact that a business major feels that intentional omission of pertinent facts regarding condition of the article for sale is "doing no wrong" leads one to question whether she has any concept of the word 'ethics'. There can be no question that the seller is aware of the deficiencies in condition; while I don't realistically expect him to say, "This gun is a POS", I do think a simple, "action needs work" is called for.


And the majority of the class agrees. In fact, their point was precisely as you have described. The seller committed sin of omission and very likely, it was deliberate. I will avoid him in the future for five reasons.

1. Misleading (and this is putting it kindly) ads.
2. Terrible attitude following the sale.
3. "As-is" refund policy
4. $20.00 shipping on a pistol which can be mailed priority for a little over a third that amount.
5. High (opinion) prices.

She was focusing on the technical accuracy of the ad. In every class I find at least one student who wants to over-lawyer things. And as you say, these business majors get only one class in law and one in ethics both of which are in the future for them.

This is why these students are just that, students.

As the class broke up, she left, saying (with her mouth) that the seller was technically correct and thus it was up to Sabot to choose to buy or not to buy. My sense though is that, given a similar situation she might arrive at a different conclusion. Her ego would not allow her to acknowledge that in the classroom. But this was a class in ethics, not in human nature.

As the professor of the class, I could call her attention to the nuances of the transaction that we have already discussed here. But I could not force her to take a different position.

I really had a good time doing that discussion. I hope that ALL of the students had an opportunity to learn something. We will never know.
Hey, guess what? I got my refund.

The seller returned $175.00 of the $199.00 price of the gun. He stole a lot less than I expected him to, it must have been a 12.5% restocking fee. Shipping both ways + restocking fee, what a value for almost 2 weeks of anger and frustration.

Doc - Explain to the wayward student that law is not the same as justice, and that some of us still have God in our lives guiding us with moral values.

Remember... If you ever get caught telling a whopper of lie, just say "I misspoke" - Hillary Clinton
I notice this seller still has an A+ rating with only one negative feedback, and none in the last 30 days. With two forum members having had unsatisfactory experiences I would have expected that to be changing rapidly.

You guys owe the buyers on the benefit of your experience. Leave some feedback, or don't ever complain about Gunbroker purchases.

His failure to refund your entire cost is completely unacceptable. Don't take this lying down.
I'll do just that... after the check clears.

He has 4 negative feedbacks, and if you read through some of the positive ones you still see complaints.
I am glad I ran across this posting. I was looking at a Remington new model for 1800 he had. It brought up a few bells when he said he had a bad camera and could not take better photos or any photos of the address on the barrel. It looks like it has been sprayed with clear coat and he said it was oil. I also don't like it that I would have to send in cash and wait. I would have no recourse if he lied about the condition. I found one in better condition for a bit more but its credit card friendly and if there is any problem I can get my money back. Myankee on GB has now 16 Neg feed backs and many talk about him yelling and trying to bully buyers.