Another Shooting

CNN is reporting that the nutcase turned himself in. He has ties with Aryan Nation, the Order and Christian Identity. In November, he started to commit himself at a psychiatric hospital, but for some reason changed his mind, and pulled a knife on staffers.

So, hopefully, the antis aren't going to get much mileage out of this one.
Yes, yes, Greyfox i also smell a rat here just as the deal in Columbine and other so called school shootings. MK ultra mind control has been a government program for decades and T. Kysinski (sp) was a volunteer at Harvard years ago for one of these insidious programs. These so called rascist groups of all colours are heavily inflitrated by the Feds. It is just old Hegalian Philosophy: Create a problem, find methods to solve the problem ,and then solve ths problem. The Feinsteins and other lackeys of the elites are probably toasting themselves right now. That Gov. Davis is right on cue from his handlers up top with his statement that militias and survivalist are to blame. Even a lot of people on this forum just dont get it and I think many honestly believe these politicians and lacky police chiefs are sincere in their reactions to these vicious acts. One question to the American sheeple. If there are so many wackos running around ,why do you want to give up your weapons ? This is a no brainer and I wonder why the gun organizations dont stress this fact. But the fact is that there are only a few wackos running around and I will bet you most of these incidents are well planned black ops jobs. Col Gritz on his show today was talking about how he set up hit teams in the Army overseas. He smells more than one rat as far as these shootings are concerned. But, boys, its hard to fight the government within this government. Oh well, we must make Amerika safe for the children.What do you think? Would your government ever do such heinious things?

He didn't change his mind about being in the mental hospital...they kicked him out because he was a threat to the staff. Do they have a sign posted.."Only docile and peaceful nutbars admitted"? Thats why they have all those jet-fuel drugs like calm them down.

That gun switch was earlier this year when CA AG Lockyer said that rocket launchers, machine guns and flamethrowers were publically being sold at the Pomona gun show (a big big gunshow BTW). The phoney guns were allegedly bought by undercover agents. The actual guns bought were perfectly legal AR Sporters, not the illegal AR' Lockyer trots out illegal guns from evidence room. Notice we never heard of any massive arrests and prosecutions?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Early reports said he "tried" to commit himself, but the real details are coming out now.

Just heard that the kid in Conyers, GA, who injured 6 students with a randomly aimed .22, will be tried as an adult. I'm kind of bummed about that; it was clearly a "cry for help", and there was no permanent damage (IIRC).

Let us agree that a 15 year old boy has the ability and sophistication to "cry for help" in many other ways than shooting class-mates.
If we can agree on that, I submit that he commited a crime that he understood was terribly wrong and should face the consequences, as an adult should.

I can't agrre that any teenager less than 18 is automatically incapable of excercising judgement and so must be treated differetly than an adult. Only in some cases should they be excused from consequences because of age.

Please explain why you are bummed just because he "called for help" and by chnace no one was killed, because I may need to reconsider my ideas on this topic if I am wrong.


If he'd been intent on causing harm, he could have done a lot more damage. Nobody said this was his first "call for help." Just the first that his parents and teachers couldn't ignore.

Since the Conyers kid didn't kill anyone, he won't get the death, it all fits; as you said, no harm ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
According to reports:
70 shots fired.
Semi auto weapon used.
4 min police response.

How many mag changes are needed to fire 70 shots? How many aimed shots can be fired in the time alloted? Why would someone with the supposed training the dirtbag had use a semi-auto in a pistol caliber instead of a shotgun?

Answer seems to be a setup.

Want to feel your age?Check it out.
4 minute police response? That is FAST! Unless, of course, you're the one being shot at, then it seems awfully slow...

Maybe I'm alone in all this, but I don't think it's a conspiracy. I think it's the inevitable result of two things:
1) How lax we are in prosecuting/detaining violent felons
2) The severe cutbacks in spending on mental health care we've had in this country over the last 10-15 years.

We know we have violent people walking around. That's always been true. What's new is the numbers of violent people we know are violent walking around untethered. There's no money/space available for treatment, so the only place mentally ill people can wind up is in jail, but they're too crowded, so they have to release them ASAP. So, they committ more and more violent crimes, until finally....snap. Once they shoot up a school, they're a big enough problem to warrant attention.

Just my opinion...
A retired Marine officer who worked in Special Operations, once described these types of "black" operations to me as this.

He said that there is this specific species of snake that has a bulbous flesh-like end to its tail. And what it does to catch its prey is to coil up and flick that bulbous tail tip, immitating its prey (the mouse). Now you see, the mouse (the snake's prey), sees this bulbous tail tip as the head of a baby mouse in dire need for help. The mouse becomes so transfixed on what it thinks is anouth mouse, that it never sees the snake's head (readying for a strike).

See the comparison? Americans are so transfixed on the rhetoric puked out from a leftist controlled media propaganda machine that it cannot see the "Red" hands which are grasping for our Constitution.

Wake up people!!!
Hal sez:
70 shots fired.
Semi auto weapon used.
4 min police response.

How many mag changes are needed to fire 70 shots?

Using an Uzi, he's probably using 30 round mags. That's three magazines, i.e. two magazine changes. If 20 round mags, that's three changes.

How many aimed shots can be fired in the time alloted?

In four minutes, that's 3.4 seconds per shot - PLENTY of time to aim each shot, a trivial task at close range. He could have aimed each shot and finished the 70 rounds in under a minute. Considering that of 70 shots fired, less than 10 hit people and those hits were badly placed, so he wasn't even trying to aim.

Why would someone with the supposed training the dirtbag had use a semi-auto in a pistol caliber instead of a shotgun?

1. Faster rate of fire. Can hit more targets in the given time, as a medium-caliber semi-auto has a shorter "recovery time" between shots than a major-guage shotgun.

2. Greater ammo density. Can carry more pistol rounds per volume than shotgun rounds.

3. More shots between reloads. 30 rounds per reload for Uzi, ~5 rounds per reload for shotgun.

4. Faster reload. Uzi magazine permits 30 rounds loaded with one motion, while shotgun requires each round be loaded separately.

Answer seems to be a setup.

No "setup" at all. Don't be conspiritorial when mundane explainations work just fine. He was a goblin with a semi-auto; there's absolutely no reason to look for a conspiracy.

Why this link? Because the University of Stanford used this drug on 61 teen-age inmates over an eight week period at the California Youth Authority correctional center in Stockton in 1997. The inmates were selected because of their violent offences.

I'll admit, my choice of the term setup was not the best. It may not have been a setup, but it was awfully damned convienient. Just like the convienient use of preprinted form letters at VPC, and their instruction to reference the latest shooting. Something stinks here. There are just too many convienient links for my taste.

Want to feel your age?Check it out.
What I want to know is where did all the weapons come from??

Local PD reported after searching the van that they found:

One ammo can with loaded hi-cap mags
Smoke grenades
One book (ranger something)

Later reports now say there was half a dozen assault weapons, 7000 roundds of ammo, body armor and numbers books containing (hate thought????)

I don't believe that this was a conpiracy but, how did all the PD on the scene miss all that in the van, and it magically appear later for the press. OH, my bad I guess that would be a conpiracy wouldn't it.

lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate
in seeing the apparrant rash of shootings in the news..( anti-gun as the media is can guarentee that EVERY shooting in the country is going to make the news) it occured to me that a possible solution to this is to treat shootings the way that sports broadcasters treat the idiots who run out on the field during a sporting event. that is, to deliberately ignore not show them on camera.In my opinion, every nutcase with a deathwish and a gun sees that they can make the evening news for days just by going postal in a public place..!But this will never happen...the media has an agenda, and that is the manipulation of our opinions.It is time for people who have the resources to ignore TV and newspaper news and get their info from alternative sources..namely the internet. I am sure many on here have already done this...

resistance to tyrrany is obedience to god...thomas jefferson
Saturday, August 14, 1999

Receptionist Recounts Face-to-Face Encounter With Gunman
Tragedy: In her first interview, Isabelle Shalometh, who was shot twice, describes the scene at the
Jewish community center as gunfire erupted
Isabelle Shalometh was returning to her reception desk to help the burly,
balding man who had walked into the North Valley Jewish Community
She had just made eye contact, was leaning forward to ask how she could
help him, when she saw him pull out a gun and begin shooting.
In her first interview since Buford O. Furrow Jr. allegedly walked into the community
center Tuesday morning and sprayed gunfire that struck her, three young boys and a
teenage camp counselor, Shalometh described what happened.
The man started to the right, fanning his gunfire in a semicircle down the hallway,
across her desk and down the hallway to the left. And then he was gone.
Anyone who got hit was in that hallway, she said.

search on furrow
