Another Shooting

MSNBC just had Feinstein on the phone, and she was saying how this has changed her plans on gun control and now she is going to introduce major gun legislation after the Senate returns from recess. The legislation is going to be registration of all guns and licencing, and possibly making pocession of so called assault weapons illegal. Didn't talk the gun grabber long to dance in the blood.
Now every nut job who is thinking about offing himself will be encouraged to go out and do a massacre. They know they will get their picture on time and newsweek and on the news at 6. Instead of just blowing their own brains out and not being noticed they will massacre a few kids and gain notoriety.

We live in a sick society encouraged by the media, they just love this S**t, now they will have special reports with all of the graphics and body bag chasing reporters furthering their vacuous careers.

Next time someone derides you about shootings reply that "if it happens here better hope I am around to end it". That should shut them up!

Folks, I expect more of this in the near future, I just know deep in my gut that we will see more and more massacres in the coming months.

We have to stick together, now more than ever.

Geoff Ross
Clinton: Shootings should 'intensify
resolve' on gun violence

August 10, 1999
Web posted at: 6:47 PM EDT (2247 GMT)

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Clinton urged the nation on Tuesday to "intensify our resolve
to make America a better place" in the face of a shooting that wounded two women and three little
boys in a Los Angeles Jewish community center.

"To the victims and their families, like all Americans, I offer thoughts and prayers," he said.

Speaking to reporters on the White House lawn, Clinton said he had been getting updates on the
search for the gunman. He called the shootings "another senseless act" and offered federal
assistance to local law enforcement agencies.

"Once again, our nation has been shaken and our hearts torn by an act of gun violence," Clinton
said. "It calls on all of us not only to give our thoughts and prayers to the victims and their
families, but intensify our resolve to make America a safer place."

Earlier, Vice President Al Gore offered his thoughts and prayers to the victims and their families.

"We're monitoring the situation very closely," Gore said. "There is still a great deal we don't
know, except the fact that we've seen a neighborhood and a community shattered by violence."
Other multiple shootings this year

August 10, 1999
Web posted at: 4:36 PM EDT (2036 GMT)

Some major multiple shootings in 1999:

Aug. 5: Alan Eugene Miller, 34, is charged with killing two co-workers at their office in
Pelham, Alabama, then killing a third person at a company where he used to work.

July 29: Frustrated investor Mark O. Barton, 44, kills nine people and wounds 13 at two
brokerage firms in Atlanta, then kills himself.

July 12: Six members of an Atlanta family, including four children, are shot to death by
Cyrano Marks, the live-in boyfriend of the children's mother. The gunman then kills

June 11: Joseph Brooks Jr., 27, kills his former psychiatrist and a woman at the doctor's
Southfield, Michigan, clinic. Four others are wounded before Brooks kills himself.

May 20: Six students at Heritage High School in Conyers, Ga., are allegedly wounded by
T.J. Solomon, a 15-year-old sophomore who fires 14 shots from a .22-caliber rifle and
.357-caliber Magnum handgun.

April 20: Dylan Klebold, 17, and Eric Harris, 18, kill 13 people and then themselves at
Columbine High in Littleton, Colorado.

April 15: Sergei Babarin, 71, opens fire in the Mormon Family History Library in Salt
Lake City, killing two people and wounding four others before police shoot him to death.

March 18: Walter V. Shell, 71, kills his attorney and one of the lawyer's clients in
Johnson City, Tennessee. Shell blamed the lawyer for a $100,000 loss in a dispute over
his ex-wife's will.

Jan. 14: Di-Kieu Duy, 24, allegedly opens fire in a Salt Lake City office building, killing
one person and wounding another.
I have just written my senators and representative and asked them to introduce legislation that would allow concealed carry of handguns, and which would pre-empt state laws which prohibit concealed carry.

I encourage all of you to do the same.

Maybe if intended victims start fighting back ruthlessly with deadly force, some of these attacks will be prevented.

(and yes, I know that I don't need a federal permit, or any other permit to carry a gun, and that this is a states rights issue, but they're the feds, and you have to speak the federal language when dealing with them.)

[This message has been edited by deanf (edited August 10, 1999).]
Whats really scary to me is that some day someone is going to go on one of these shooting spreed that actually knows what they are doing and well end up with possibily a 100 dead. Especially in CA because no citizens are legally armed so whos going to stop someone who really wants to kill a bunch of people?
It is rather ironic he used an Israeli weapon to shoot up the Jewish center.

I am not up on Cali law, but the newscaster said that the UZI has been banned in Cali for a decade! Hmm....that didn't seem to stop the shooting.

Yet, Gov Davis is already harping about his new SB23 assault weapons and magazine ban as if it will help. When will these idiots figure out that their stupid bans don't do a darn bit of good?

I tried to post this reply on Frank's letter regarding the same incident, but got the message that it was closed, SOOO I'll put it here! (He was asking why Hollywood only makes movies w/ guns, and not other "tools" with which murder can be committed.)

As has been mentioned on other threads before, people can use ANY tool they get their hands on to murder people (baseball bats, rat poison, forks, spoons, letter openers, crow bars, assault tunas, widgets, Ewoks and etc..,) Heck, here in TX a few years ago, a mother hacked her two sons to death with a kitchen knife! But I don't see "Kitchen-Knife Control Inc." popping up in the aftermath!
Or how about Susan Smith in SC who killed her kids by driving her car into the lake? Let's ban all cars as dangerous deadly weapons! (I'm sure they truly do cause more deaths annually than guns do.) Or better yet, ban lakes! ;)

Heart Disease: the #1 killer in the US... Let's ban Crisco, Whoppers, Reese's, Salt, Oreos, etc... that'll solve the problemo!

I do think that the media et al, has glorified gun violence too much. They make the movies/shows, jump on the stories and such, that glorify violence. Yet anytime some wacko gets the notion to bump off a few people, as well as himself, they scream for retribution and the banning of all guns. How hypocritical!
I don't know if these wackos today commit their crimes with guns solely because of what is portrayed in the media, but I bet that it does play some part in it.

I could go on about this fer a long time, but I'll get off me soapbox now! my $.02

"...What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?... Fight, and you may die, run and you'll live, at least a while. And dying, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that, for just one chance, to tell our enemies, that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!!!"
je suis prest

[This message has been edited by Darthmaum (edited August 10, 1999).]
Hi dZ & Paul Revere-

Your points about a "planted lunatic with a firearm" seems to make more and more sense when viewed against what has been occuring lately.

I'd hardly describe myself as a conspiracy theorist, but these latest criminal acts truly do beg the question!

You stated it best by describing the feelings of the Antis as "impatient" and looking to make rapid change.

Coinneach, that classic line of "...and you should all be killed..."always sticks in my mind when I think about the agenda of these allegedly "nonviolent, peace-loving" people.

We really need to keep the faith now, friends. To paraphrase Benjamin Frankin: "We must now all hang together, or we will surely hang alone."

Regards to all,

~ Blue Jays ~
I don't think the Y2K hype can be discounted in explaining the rash of recent shootings. It's not that all these people are freaking out about the millenium, exactly. But the constant harping on Y2K has created a general, not-so-defined feeling of uneasiness and doubt about what the next several months will hold. Whether you give it any thought or not, you're still immersed in it. It's pervasive. It's surely not the reason for these shooting sprees, but it doesn't help much, either.

Darthmaum, if I wanted to kill a large number of people, I'd certainly use a siege engine and a considerable tonnage of frozen seafood. Perhaps swordfish. ;)


If it's not scrod fish, it's CARP!
I was watching Fox News yesterday, and I noticed that every liberal they put the camera on couldn't wait to spout off their anti-gun agenda. Fox news was as bad as the rest for the most part, saying it was a "high power weapon" and other things. you could tell they knew nothing of what they were talking about. later in the evening they then had some voices of reason on, about blaming this kind of stuff on people instead of on an object. If the van they found was the shooters van, things were not near as bad as it could have been. all that ammo, smoke grenades,etc. it looked like he had intended
something more than what he did..

what me worry?
I think the media should take some of the blame here. Every time a massacre occurs its hyped up, live reports, there are special tv reports, special newspaper features on massacres. Its entertainment, death sells people love watching that sort of stuff. The murderers are potrayed as evil madmen and a lot of attention is focused on them.
Martin Bryant supposedly carried out his record to be famous and kill the most people - I don't think it was a coincidence that the massacre of English schoolchildren only occurred a few month before.
The murder rate in Australia has been stable for the last 100 years. It's the way the media sensationalises the murders that has changed.
I remember in 1992 a newspaper here had a special "massacre in the mall" edition after a mass shooting. Pages of photos of the area etc etc. This happens after every massacre and encourages the nut cases.
Just look at your tv news - why do they report the death of one person in say for example an air show - which they happen to catch on film ? One person dieing somewhere usually in another country isn't really national news. News is just entertainment now.
Regarding conspiracies, think about the timing here. The Clinton administration doesn't have allot of time left, and Gore doesn't stand a chance against the "establishment's" chosen man, George W. Bush.
Clinton made a promise to the Bilderbergers before he was handed the presidency by them, to deliver to them a socialist state during his term. Guess what folks? Its happening by design...all of these incidents are a sinister way to make your neighbors beg their government for legislative action. With all that this anti-gun administration has done thus far, what would make you think they couldn't be behind these incidents? Think about the massive government cover-ups surrounding major incidents like Waco and OKC.

I said back after Littleton that these incidents would escalate over the coming months or year. It is obvious that the momentum that these crimes create have paved the way for more and more intrusive restrictions against us, the good guys.

I also said yesterday afternoon to expect Ted Koppel of Dan Rather to be on last night with the "establishment's" latest gun attack. If you watched Nightline last night, Ted Koppel was right on que. His story had nothing to do with these shootings. It was about gun registration, licensing of gun owners, and removing our 2nd Amendment freedoms. A continuous flow of rabidly anti-gun propaganda, flowing into America's living rooms.

As does a great chess player, anticipating his opponent's next move, we need to look beyond the media spun facade. Our opponents know Americans will never put up a fight, if they feel they could be the next victims, to removing our 2nd Amendment freedoms. So they are doing whatever it takes to allow Americans to put the noose around their own necks. And its working...check...checkmate.
maybe we need to do some spin control of our own

what could we do so show gun owners in a patriotic pro "for the children" light?

we are to easily painted as radicals that support the death of children to protect a 200 year old concept.
we need something family oriented that will play well on TV.

national turkey shoot for a charity?
every gun club & range
one weekend
a good time for all
a grandma needs to win...

I found it rather perplexing to see the officals from the community center wailing about needing to rid our country of guns. This is shaping up as a racist thing. What happens when some one tries to kill Jewish children in Israel? Seems to me that if this had happened there, the shooter would have been cut down by armed teachers or parents within seconds.

"High-powered rifle", "machine gun", "Uzi submachine gun", "automatic weapon", "9mm pistol". Apparently, the media finds these terms quite interchangeable. More "searching for the truth", one supposes...
Does anyone else find it strange that after most of these incidents, police often find hundreds or thousands of rounds of unused ammunition, lots of backup weapons that went unused, unexploded bombs, body armor, knives, etc, the perp's car or home or whatever. I mean, really, if *I* were planning on pulling one of these things, and I brought all this ammo, explosives, guns, body armor and such, I'd be USING it! I'd be carrying all the guns, I'd be wearing the body armor, I'd be throwing and planting the know what I'm saying. I'm not really one for conspiracies, but I have to wonder sometimes if these arsenals that the police find later and the "news" cameras hound over were really as they found them, and if they were really as extensive as claimed to be.

Someone on a long ago post in another thread related a story of the police who, when asked to describe the type and number of assault weapons they had confiscated from street scum for a news show, had nothing to show, since these weapons simply are not the main choice of common street punks, unlike what the mediots want us to believe. Anyway, the police had to import legal assault weapons to the evidence room, then they took them out and put them on display for the cameras, with the statement that "these are assault weapons taken from our evidence room...". Well, true, techically. But were they really confiscated after being used in street crimes? No.

Sorry if I butchered this story. I don't even know if it's verifiable. It just rang a bell for me. But stuff like that wouldn't surprise me in the least.

I don't know. Maybe it's just me.
Consider the facts.

Lone male gunman walks into the lobby, empties one 20 to 30 round mag and promptly disappears. He never says a word and witnesses state he appeared relativly calm.

Folks, I may be crazy, but this doesn't sound like a nutcase to me. IMO this was a carefully planned and exicuted TERRORIST attack. I'll almost bet that when he is caught you'll find that the so-called shooter isn't smart enough to have accually planned or carried this out. Stinks of a set-up to me.