Another Shooting


New member
Just saw video seconds ago about a day care shooting in LA. Supposed to be 5 victims. No other details.

“The whole of the Bill (of Rights) is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. ... It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of.” -Alexander Addison, 1789
Saw it on the news last night. There were 4 dead and 1 rushed to the hospital (not sure it they lived) it is probably some "crime of passion" which is what the news was saying.

this one is happening right now:

Los Angeles, a Jewish Community/day care center...5 wounded, maybe more...all kids. Gunman is on the loose..white male dressed in black. Cops on scene

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
G*d forgive me for saying this, but I hope that this past week has been a statistical blip. We can't afford any more incidents.

Now then, will this latest incident point out that gun control does not, will not, and can not work, or will the bannits see another opportunity to howl for civilian disarmament? With the Wall Street shooting yesterday and this today, in two cities with the most heinous restrictions on guns, it would seem obvious that the cops can't be everywhere and protect everyone. Obvious to those of us with a grip on reality, anyway.

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
I just realized that this is a different shooting than the one last night. So far on the radio Ive heard someone had an Uzi and killed kids. I can see the cries for more gun control already.
Yeah, I just heard about the Uzi, although says in print that it was a pumpgun. At least the commentator didn't start raving about "assault weapons," he just said "an Uzi 9 millimeter rifle."

How many more attacks will it take before people start shooting back at these psycho bastards?

And on that note, if one of the adults had dropped the goblin, would we hear about this at all? I expect the headlines would be "Shootout at community center leaves 1 dead."

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
My local CBS news:

Maybe 2 gunmen, one was seen fleeing with a "9mm automatic rifle". Lots of unconfirmed rumors...cops may have inadvertently arrested the father of a critically shot victim.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
And another one, in Lewiston, ME.


A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
Granada Hills...3 kids, 2 adults wounded...8 yr old boy very critical, 55 yr old woman critical. A father was arrested for breaking thru the police barrier to get to his wounded son. Gunman loose, SWAT is searching the neighborhood...residents are told to stay indoors with doors locked.

I suspect the gunman will be toast when SWAT finds him

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Hopefully, the SWAT team will just make him *wish* they'd kill him. I'd like to know what the fsck the guy's motive was before he turns into worm food.

Also from ABC's live feed, the cops will not confirm what weapon was used, how many suspects there are, or anything but the condition of the victims. Of course, *now* the mediots are blatting about "rapid-fire" and "sprayed the lobby with bullets", despite the fact that the cops have no solid data.

Watch for the sharks to start circling in a few minutes.

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
Coinneach, if a LAC (Law Abiding Citizen) dispatched the loon, you wouldn't hear about it. It took me a week to find out about what really happened at Grady Hospital in Atlanta (about 2 blocks away) - all I heard was "there's been another shooting". This was the day after the big one down here. Turns out, a nut comes in the pharmacy waving a gun, trying to hold up the place. A security guard promptly shot him. No news except "Shooting at Hospital" - when the facts came out, you never heard another thing.

None of these tragedies would be so attention-grabbing if they were "good guy shoots bad guy" stories.

I think a lot of good, decent people will be arming themselves - legally or otherwise - because of these defective people. Especially around April 19.
OK, is the media just covering these stories more, or are there that many more shootings these days? (since Columbine) And if the rate number of shootings has gone up (as the media would like us to believe) then does anyone see this as going anywhere except a ban on all guns and/or martial law?

Jewish people, as awhole, are the last ones to support a gun ban, I would think. I just get that impression from the Jews for the Preservation of the Second Amendment web page. They are hard core pro-gun.

Everytime another shooting happens, my co-workers (who know i own guns) like to point that fact out to me. It is getting a little uncomfortable. They blame people like me for these shootings. And now they are being reported frequently.

Connecticut is the "Constitution" State
Each one of these shootings galvanizes me a little bit more to be armed at all convenient and inconvenient times.
I may just hurl.

ABC's talking heads are comparing this one to Columbine, nattering about "people storming in with guns and killing children." Never mind that Columbine was perpetrated by kids.

Oh, wait... they just mentioned the playground drive-thru. Amazing.

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
given that there are right to life people out there willing to kill doctors,
do you ever worry that someone is going to mole in here, act friendly, document their access to knowledge, buy a weapon, then for the good of the cause, create an incident?

could the antis get that radical?


Considering the level of outright hatred and malevolence I've encountered in the anti community ("you should all be killed!"), I'd say yes.

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
Again, may I add that the frequency of/and publicity that these shootings are getting always brings me to the same conclusion. That is, the possibility of a plan being carried out by those who are impatient for change in our society.

I don't mean these nut bags who are actually doing the shooting, I mean someone with an agenda. And I use "someone" loosely.

It is a foregone conclusion that we (most of us on TFL) agree that there is something fishy going on behind the scenes in Washington, D.C.. We see continuous attacks against our liberties, and especially our RKBA. Put yourself in the shoes of these conspirators. What better way to "make" people beg their government for more gun legislation, than to create these appalling incidents. Think about that. The leftist sickos who run things in our Capital know just how sheeple react to these incidents, especially when kids are involved. So why not put the odds in our favor? (they must be saying). Let's find out who has the potential for blowing a gasket, and help him out a little bit. Give him a push...hmmm, what shall we use to induce this violent act? Well, we have these really great mind altering drugs now...of course we could always use hypnotism, or that lovely shock therapy, you know, the one those right wing extremists call brain washing. Maybe we'll use all three to get the desired affect. Then when we are ready to send our little komakazee pilot out in the world, let's give him one of those "assault weapons", maybe even an Uzi or an AK-47. Then we'll send him to a school, no maybe a community center...yes a community center. No!...a Jewish community center. Perfect. Now let's just make sure Ted Koppel and Dan Rather are ready with our latest story against guns for tonight's broadcast. Send him out.

Get the picture?
Before you buy into the "rising random murder rates", consider that the media outlets are using every trick from the Soviet/Nazi/other unmentionables' repertoire...and are quite good at it. The "rash" of incidents could well be pooling of reports over a few days and then dumping them at once...and at 230+ mil population it isn't too hard to get five incidents together. And, as some have mentioned, some "creative" phrasing occurs.
Something I found startling about the initial reports on Granada Hills: suspect described as a white male, 30-40, wearing black, and carrying an Uzi.

I'm a white male, 30, who wears black, and I just got my Uzi today.

Damn good thing I'm not in LA, huh?

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
I think we are up to "Czech armored cars are machinegunning German nationals" stage. The question is, as stated by Henry Bowman, when is it time? My guess is, by teaching new folks to shoot and to be armed, we can reduce the other side's numbers without firing a shot. Whether it will be enough...we won't know till later.