The question I ask is if am qualified to CC what magic line do I cross when going on a college campus or school grounds that suddenly makes me too dangerous to CC? If those same people are on the CC side of the line with me they are safe but if we cross that line they are not??
This has always seemed odd to me as well.
There are thousands of people that cc on a daily basis. They carry at stores, malls, restaurants, etc. They walk, jog, sit out in public and sometimes, I'm sure have an occasion to even talk to other people on the street that may have children standing next to them while these conversations are taking place.
Bottom line is, children(just like adults) as the result of cc becoming legal, are very likely to be in close proximity to someone concealed carrying whenever they leave their homes.
Does that make them unsafe?
If we want to talk about 'studies'. There were people claiming at the onset of the legalization of cc that the states 1st to legalize cc would be like the wild west with shootouts in the streets everyday. Didn't happen.
Deaths as the result of the legalization of cc did NOT increase. It did not increase for adults, it did not increase for children.
How many years has cc been legal now?
What better study do we need.
Along with many others here, I cc on a daily basis. I share the same stores, malls and very often even enjoy the same restaurants sitting right next to families with children.
For those that think their children would be less safe if teachers were allowed to cc, do you feel less safe for your children while your family sits at the table next to me while dining at a restaurant?
Probably don't know I'm carrying.
What about at the mall, stores or walking down the street when I walk past your children while cc'ing?...Do ya feel less safe for them?
Again...your children just brushed by someone with a gun that you, or them were unaware a gun even existed.
For those thinking we can totally stop these school shooting tragedies by more secure construction of the buildings? Here's something to think we not lock all our doors/windows at our homes? Do we not put up security lights ,install security sys., camera's, have dogs and in some cases, even bars on windows? Do we not do all these things and still have a gun or three inside our homes for protection?
And still yet, if a BG wants to get in that home bad enough, he will. Happens everyday.
Same if someone that has made up their minds to kill someone. They will figure out a way to get past means of security to do their destruction.
My kids are grown. I have one 25yr old in college and several G-children that are in school. I cannot fathom the idea of the pain and misery we would feel if one of these tragedies would occur at one of the kids schools. I know if a member of my family was in a school with a deranged killer, rather then waiting the minutes it would take LE to get to the school, I would be praying that there was at least one armed, sane person already inside that school doing there best to fend off innocent lives being lost till LE arrived.
Please do not interrupt my moral outrage with pesky facts!
Please carry on