Another local shooting

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The original intention was to bring and share this news story. To show that shootings don't just happen in larger populated areas and to once again show how this is spreading even into quiet rural areas. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised because of the proximity to the freeway and our location between Chicago and Milwaukee.

Last night the Sherriff had a news conference and gave a report as to how much drugs pass thru the county going back and forth between these two cities. Then to hear this morning there was another shooting last night at a bar.

This area has changed in such that a year ago there was a drug bust in the same area where drugs from pot to heroin were recovered along with thousands of dollars worth of stolen property. Including all manner of firearms, pistols, rifles, shotguns.

The second part of the topic was to decide how to protect the guns I keep loaded out of the hands of the little children that are constantly in and out. I am not in a position that I feel that I need constant coverage but I do want to keep one next to the bed and just left in a drawer isn't going to cut it.
Also forgot to mention that yesterday afternoon there was a new report the expressway in Milwaukee was shut down but they didn't know why yet. It turns out there was a road rage incident and 2 drivers suffered gunshot wounds!

Well, Deer gun season opens today here in Wisconsin.
You may want to consider keeping the gun loaded and out of reach from small hands by hiding it on a high shelf but available to you, provided that when children come over you would immediately retrieve the gun and lock it up until they leave. Likewise if you leave the house and children may come over in your absence.

I keep a firearm on each level of my home, as well as in the garage and car, in case I am chased or choose to retreat. All are loaded and ready to fire, but I have no children visitors. If I did I would unload them and hide them well in high places with magazines hidden in a high area of a different room. If I had regular children visitors I would get a safe.
The original intention was to bring and share this news story. To show that shootings don't just happen in larger populated areas and to once again show how this is spreading even into quiet rural areas. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised because of the proximity to the freeway and our location between Chicago and Milwaukee

I have learned a long time ago, not to equate more urban areas with higher crime rates. Sometimes, just the reversal is true. I live in a very urban area. No fields or vacant properties. Trying to find parking is a nightmare. There are two subway lines and two bus lines within walking distance. The neighborhood is predominantly Russian and Chinese, with a smattering of Orthodox Jewish and older-generation Italians. There is virtually no crime. And I mean none. You can go days without seeing a single police cruiser drive by. When something does happen, it is usually just some drunk guy acting stupid.

Now let's see about Nassau County: It is suburban, with a few pockets of rural, and very woodsy. A few gated communities, and a few family owned farms. A lot of criminal activity. Very heavy drug trafficking and high population of addicts. And A LOT of gang-related murders. MS-13 and Latin Kings seem to frequent the area and settle scores there. Many bodies dredged up from rivers and ponds. Several high profile cases over the recent years of innocent high-schoolers lured out into the woods and barbarically slaughtered for gang initiations. Also a drug addict named David Laffer massacred five people in a CVS store because he wanted oxycodone pills and did not want to leave witnesses. A lot of highways nearby. With a lot of exits and entrance ramps. Translate that to a lot of contraband flowing back and forth. And prostitution. If I am living in Nassau I am going to carry even inside my home. Don't know about apartments, but if in a house, I am definitely toting a gun everywhere. A LOT of home invasions. And raccoons. Some of which are rabid and have attacked pets and children.

It turns out there was a road rage incident and 2 drivers suffered gunshot wounds!

Illustrates that you don't have to live in an area with a lot of criminals to be unsafe. There are a lot of emotional and immature children trapped in adult bodies out there. Adult bodies that have unfettered access to booze, drugs, vehicles and weapons. Any number of things can make these seemingly normal individuals tick off and start acting irrationally and dangerously. Remember, John W. Gacy did not live in a bad neighborhood. Yet, 30 neighborhood residents were murdered and stuffed into a crawlspace under that guy's basement.
Why is this so difficult? I've stated 3 times already I do not and am not going to carry a firearm all day everyday inside my house...
It's not so much that it's difficult as it is a matter of what you want to do being more or less ineffective against what you have stated you want to prepare for.

If someone says they want to be able to remove Torx screws but stated that they were going to buy a set of Phillips head screwdrivers for that purpose, it makes sense that people would speak up and point out that Phillips head screwdrivers won't meet their requirements, even if the original person is adamant about wanting Phillips head screwdrivers. I think that's what's going on here.
Now someone please explain the difference between keeping one in one of these lock boxes or in a nightstand drawer? A nightstand isn't going to keep it away from little hands.
Correct. I believe the comment about the nightstand was based on the assumption that no children would be able to access the area during the night when the gun was in that position.

If you want to keep the gun away from children, something that locks is definitely the way to go.
I agree that it is a dilemma when small kids are involved as they are naturally curious.

I will relay this: My sister's family was victim to a home invasion one weekday morning.

My neice left the house around 06:30 to go to UTSA where she was a student.

My nephew was also a student there but had later classes so he was still home with my sister and BIL. There was a knock on the door shortly after the neice left and the nephew thought she had forgotten something and came back.

He opened the door and a guy forced his way in and had a handgun at his head. Nephew asked "what's going" on and the guy said "where's the money?"

BIL came out the see what was going on, the guy repeated "where's the money?" He told him they had a safe in the bedroom closet. the bad guy did not want to go into the bedroom, got spooked, and ran off to a car waiting in the street.

All the while my sister was hiding in the closet.

At the time, all their guns were in the safe, out of reach.

Something terrible could have happened that morning and they had no defense.

After that, all the guns did not stay in the safe and don't to this day. They live in a rural area about 7 miles south of the nearest town.
UPDATE to the story!

We just found out that the woman that was shot in that house was one of our daughters best friends from school, she has been to our house many times. She suffered 9 hits but was saved by her boy friend. The one that was killed. My daughter has been in touch with her friends mom. This has now gotten way too close.
I see by the numbers that a few are still following this story and I thank you. Not really much to comment about but update from last night news report.
All 4 suspects were in court yesterday and being held on $1million. So far the investigation has revealed that this was an invasion robbery and the suspected admitted that they didn't even know the victim and only that they were told and lead to believe he had money and was an easy target.

Story goes on to say that 3 of them kicked in the door and they entered shooting. The victim was able to return fire and struck 2 of them. So my guess is he was carrying. So as many of you have suggested I do the same have me thinking I should rethink my position.

This has made the realize just how random this was and that it could happen to anyone at any time.

Lastly, still no update on our daughters friend.
There are dozens of little desktop or nightstand handgun safes out there. Many with electronic lock systems or electronic fingerprint readers. Here are several examples and only to serve as examples. They can be had at any retail sporting good store or an online purchase. Just about any of them are suitable for keeping small and curious hands away from a gun. That being pretty much what they are designed for.

I have to add.. i havea 4 pound Chihuahua that barks loud upon the slightest oddity. UPS postal vehicles and other events and noises I may not hear. Having an alert little friend who alerts you to others approaching may give you the extra seconds required to assess and arm if needed. Having a dog doesn't always mean a Shepard, Doberman or other large menacing breed.
"Having a dog doesn't always mean a Shepard, Doberman or other large menacing breed".

So shall we just assume any dog larger than a Chihuahua is a large menacing breed?

Charlotte resents your comment! Not all dogs larger than a Chihuahua are large menacing breeds and many serve just fine as watch dogs.

Ron we have a big ol Husky that is so mean he keeps the squirrels out of the yard but that's about it. Anytime someone shows up at the gate he's expecting food to be delivered. All he thinks about is eating. He does bark and growl in his sleep though!

Last news release is that all four are being help on 5 felony counts and all as party to a crime.
Story goes on to say that 3 of them kicked in the door and they entered shooting. The victim was able to return fire and struck 2 of them. So my guess is he was carrying. So as many of you have suggested I do the same have me thinking I should rethink my position.

Well, as someone who advocated for that, I’m not saying you shouldn’t rethink. However, a better reinforced door doesn’t cost much and could have easily delayed entry long enough to retrieve a more effective firearm than a pistol.
So what do you think your landlord would say if you approached him and told him you wanted a better door because you were in fear that someone would kick it in?
Get lost, go scratch, yeah right, all come to mind.
"Here is how I feel. If I get to the point that I need to walk my house armed during the day then it is time to sell and move! So no I do not want to carry in my own home."

"This has made the realize just how random this was and that it could happen to anyone at any time."

That's the point some of us have been trying to make. I have an S&W M60 .38 Spl. that lives in my right side pants pocket. About the only time it comes out is when I change pants. There are two spare speed loaders in my left hand pants pocket. I can remember wen I first moved here in 1979, we could leave out doors unlocked at night in my neighborhood. Not any more. We have taken precautions suitable to our situation.
Paul B.
I guess I have to state that I feel pretty secure in my surroundings. Though it is a rather large neighborhood we are also protected on one side by a large lake. This neighborhood has only 2 ways in or out with a couple streets feeding into dead ends which is were we are. Also being very near the lake the house is raised so that when outside the windows are all above eye level which limits access via window w/o some sort of assist.

So without being specifically targeted I feel pretty safe back here.
20 minutes away... in the 14 years I've lived at my current address there's been more than a dozen murders within 2 blocks of me. Quieting down noticeably the last 4-5 years though.
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