" Another day in paradise" - Fred Thompson

You guys are reading waaay too far into this...

First, he said "paradise", that doesn't necessarily mean heaven or some other religious afterlife place.

He was merely expressing he enjoys being at a gun show. I would think people on a gun forum would appreciate a presidential candidate willing to throw political correctness to the wind and admit he likes guns (despite his other views).
Fred Thompsan is the same guy that rented a pickup truck during his senate race so that he'd look like a regular guy.
I'm guessing his love of guns is just as real. I'd also be willing to bet that my oldest grandson has more firearms experience than Fred.
Looking for a candidate endorsed by the NRA who gets it right on guns, Iraq, education, health care, and veterans?

Note: Endorsement of an opposing candidate (Richardson) within a thread expressly about a particular candidate (Thompson) is forbidden. The entire post, except the above opening line has been deleted. - Antipitas
You'd think a guy who's been in the Senate and on TV would learn to control his mouth better. No Fred, the presidency is not a Law & Order script...
What exactly is wrong with what he said?
What he said was not carefully scripted pablum for the masses, meaningless but simultaneously sensitive and compassionate, therefore it was wrong.
What he said was carefully scripted pablum.
Thompson can't act without a script.
Before he became a K street lobbyist, he was a staffer for the judiciary committee during Watergate. He made his bones by leaking information to the Nixon administration.
This guy is far from being the real deal, if your looking for personal integrity or principle.
What he said was carefully scripted pablum
We have a winner.

We have two distinct schools of thought on this. Some people like their candidates carefully coached and polished while others like their candidates "unplugged" and sincere.
I don't imagine that anybody from either school is going to talk the others out of their view.
I hope many things about the afterlife. I am, however, in no hurry as I enjoy what was created right here.

Guns, girls, and motors would be a few I would like to see again. I think it is interesting when people judge each other on their beleifs, as it is the only thing which cannot be proven. I guess that is why I enjoy being Agnostic. ;)

I'll tell ya what -- I'll get back to you on what is on the other side...:eek: Well, maybe not!
Looks like the Fredster is about finished.
Fred Thompson has little cash to pursue late Iowa strategy

Associated Press

DES MOINES, Iowa — Republican Fred Thompson, Hollywood celebrity and former Tennessee senator, went from hot to not in short order.

Now, he's trying to create another popularity burst in the presidential race, this one perfectly timed. Read the full article