Another bump in the night question: Ammo Capacity Vs Caliber

It also depends on the threat. One guy or four, one guy possibly then 1911 with eight rounds might be enough. But the fact is you don't how many and what they will be armed with. Take here for example if terrorists are coming to your house for your guns or for you they came well armed ak 47 ect and in numbers.

So what would i rather have a 9mm cz with 19 rds or a 1911 with 8 rds i think the answer is obvious.
If multiple people show up at your house armed with assault rifles,looking to do you harm, and you answer with a pistol, you are up crap creek without a paddle.
Today, 04:50 PM #83
Senior Member

Join Date: October 4, 2007
Location: All the way to NEBRASKA
Posts: 3,275 If multiple people show up at your house armed with assault rifles,looking to do you harm, and you answer with a pistol, you are up crap creek without a paddle.

Obviously i would rather have a GPMG pointed at the door but you have to make do with what you have.

My point you don't know how Many are coming to your door. So i think its a no -brainer that you want as much ammo in your pistol as possible. You don't want to be changing a mag during a fire fight if possible.
So i think its a no -brainer that you want as much ammo in your pistol as possible.

Faced with multiple people with AK's I think it's a no-brainer you'd want a long gun as opposed to a pistol..... a pump shotgun and buckshot at a minimum.

If I knew there were multiple folks armed with assault rifles coming to my house, I'd want running shoes, above all else.......
I hope this won't come across as impetuous but I have to ask why those who reason that extra ammo is unnecessary. And I can't see how one's choice of caliber would have anything to do with this choice either. Are you not considering the possibility of a failed mag? The possibility of missing? The idea of multiple assailants? Why wouldn't you want have an extra mag or two of your personal flavor as insurance against the unknown?

And I really dislike it when I read of statistics used as reasoning in such conversations. Statistics are for beans and for dead people. I say that because that is usually the only time statistics hold any value. Statistics, they don't get shot, stabbed, raped or slaughtered. Victims do though. And then those victims die and become more statistics.
Around 8 years ago, a friend of mine was surprised by the presence of 3 robbers inside his house's outer perimeter at around 8 pm or so. All he had was a .22 short 8 shot revolver. He fired on them from window and emptied it, reloaded once by going inside the washroom but did not have to fir again as the robbers fled like hell while returning fire aimlessly. No 1 got hit.

Called his friend in LE and the police arrived in 10 mins or so. Of course they were long gone but it turned out that there were actually 7 robbers who fled from the scene.

The thing is if they were determined enough to get him, he would have been toasted as he did not have the capacity nor the caliber but in most home invasions the result may be the same as this one if the owner reacts on time.