Ann Coulter: Cruising While Republican

Kellyj00 commented:
Come on...whether he's a hypocrite or not, he left's over...done, end of story...he's no longer in power, get over it. Oh, hold on for one second here, Coulter constantly bashes Clinton for his adultery.

Clinton is still in power, his puppet is in the Senate and running for President. In the future, I suspect Hillary Clinton will be considered the most abused woman in history.

Who wonders when the STDs will kill WJC..depending on which statistics you favor he should have at least four.
kellyj00 said:
constantly bashes Clinton for his adultery.

What did Slick Willie think was going to happen? A world figure doing the dumbest thing a politico can do...

As for "get over it," I never take advice from people on the opposite side of the aisle. I'll decide when, where and how I view events of opponents and detractors.

Hillary is going to run for the most powerful office in the world. And whether she was simply ignorant or an accomplice to covering up the fat-girl/cigar incident, her bona fides need to be examined.

Willie had the cajones to sit next to David Letterman this week and judge President Bush43, a man who goes home to his wife.

And as a 'man' who has never faced combat as either a soldier or as a Commander in Chief, the only way we can judge any character issues is to examine the record he does have.

And the record of the woman who supported him.
Hillary is going to run for the most powerful office in the world. And whether she was simply ignorant or an accomplice to covering up the fat-girl/cigar incident, her bona fides need to be examined.

Well if she covered up for him then she participated in deliberately deceiving the public about her husband's penchant for sleeping with every woman around except her. If so then at least she can count loyalty among her virtues, but definitely not honesty, a personal code of ethics, or the ability to inspire loyalty in others. Not so hot for someone who wants to be leader of the free world.

If she was "ignorant" then she is officially too stupid to be POTUS. It was well-known that Bill Clinton did inappropriate things with women even before he was president (Gennifer Flowers, Arkansas State Trooper scandal, Paula Jones) and then went on to do inappropriate things with at least one intern. If Hillary Clinton didn't know her husband was a philandering horn-dog by '92 she displayed a propensity to sink into deep denial when faced with very unpleasant facts. Definitely an extremely undesirable trait in a leader.
The best thing Hillary could hope for is for the right wingers to try to re-focus all their attention on the Clinton sex scandals. It makes Republicans look silly, petty, and out of touch to rant on and on about how terrible Clinton was for messing around with other women. It makes Hillary look like a sympathetic victim. Remember when we were at the height of the Ken Starr investigations? It didn't do anything to help Republicans.

The Republicans have a president with a 30 percent approval rating. They've messed up the war on terror, Osama Bin Laden is still on the loose, the federal government is bigger and more intrusive than ever. We have reached new heights in social welfare during this administration... We have had a distinguished Republican Senator resign over a sex scandal in a bathroom. And now Republicans want to to shift discussion to sex. Dumb move. The Bible reminds us to remove the plank from our own eye, before worrying about the splinter in someone elses.

Are you sure you want to castigate Hillary for living with a man who had an affair? Have you ever considered how many other women (and men for that matter) have done the same thing? I seem to recall seeing a statistic that some infidelity has occured in over 50% of all marriages.
Most religions, including his, that hold that marriage is between a man and a woman also hold that sex is between a man and a woman (preferably after marriage). So if he has ever argued that marriage should be between a man and a woman on the basis of religion (or possibly even the hazier "morals/family values" which is pretty much the same thing) while still engaging in sex with other men then yeah, I'd say there's at least some amount of hypocrisy to that.

That's a little silly.I can think of a lot of "sins"that church goers do every day.Do I need to make a list?Or is gay sex more hypocritical for some reason?
Hmmmm. Let me think really hard about this one...Redworm or Ann Coulter? Redworm's verbosity or Ann Coulter's verbosity? hmmmmm. This is really tough! Redworm's legal education or Ann Coulter's legal education? Jeeez! Why can't these things be simple!???
Ann uses a lot of Socratic irony. Which is why nobody can really argue with her. They can say they don't like her, but she's not really doing anything other than pointing to holes in Liberal thinking and asking what's supposed to fill those holes. There's no real answer, so the Libs freak out.

And she likes to tweak their noses while they're sitting there frowning. It's fun for her and it's fun for the rest of us to watch.

[oh yeah, and they didn't like Socrates either]
wow, you know... I wonder what she would have said if it were a Democrat who did what Craig did.

Ever hear of Barney Frank? Gay congressman that bragged about having sex on Bush(41)'s gym locker? Had a male roommate running a gay prostitute ring out of his house? Still gets reelected every year. If you are a democrat, everything is fine.

I like Coulter because she has the nerve to say what she believes instead of being a politically correct white heterosexual Repubilican. Even Rush and Hannity play the political correct game. I'm sick of political correctness.
Oh, Frank didn't know anything about the male prostitute business that his boyfriend was operating out of Frank's house. So, Frank didn't get convicted of anything.