Ann Coulter: Cruising While Republican

"If the charges against Craig are true -- and that is certainly in doubt"

He pled guilty... Or does pleading guilty no longer equate to actually being guilty?

I pity those who drink her kool-aid.
Redworm commented: "Are we forgetting that this woman actually believes we should convert Muslims to Christianity by force? Yeah, great symbol to represent conservatives."

Are we all forgetting that the Koran requires all Moslems to either, convert, enslave or KILL all non-believers? Oh, and tax the heck out of believers who are not Moslem, but Christians or Jews?

Who notes Ms. Colter points out the absurdity of liberal positions, but is usually criticised for what she DID NOT SAY.
People complain about Ann and her ilk . Somewhere someone wants to hear this because there are advertisers that pay them money . There are others who "shrill" but no one has the balls to jump them . Jesse "Race baiting poverty pimp" Jackson . Al "Not too sharp"ton .Kanye "President Bush don't like black folks" West . Louis "Bush blew up the New Orleans levees" Farrakan . The vile crap they spew on a day to day basis would gag a maggot . Alex "Drag Special Prosecutor Henry Hyde out of his house and stone him to death" Baldwin still travels freely even after calling for the murder of a Public Official . Did I mention finger wagging William Jefferson "I did NOT have sex with ....... well , you know .Free speech , love it or leave .
Jesse "Race baiting poverty pimp" Jackson . Al "Not too sharp"ton .Kanye "President Bush don't like black folks" West . Louis "Bush blew up the New Orleans levees" Farrakan

They are obnoxious idiots too, like Ted Nugent and Anne Colter and Michael savage....

Clinton did more than just tap on the floor; he tapped something else with his stogie and then lied under oath about it. This is all fact and he is still sitting pretty. Sen. Craig tapped his foot on the floor, etc. Which is the greater wrong and which person should be held to a higher standard?

If I may play the devil's advocate here, at least Clinton played stogie games with a GIRL. Thus, Clinton held himself to the higher standard.

And concerning Ann Coulter: Unless you rabidly hate liberals (as defined by Ms. Coulter) you just can't read anything that crazy ***** writes and not cringe. I really wish she'd find something else to do and let others articulate the conservative viewpoint like grownups.
Her point is, she acts like a liberal, and never says or writes anything that does not echo a liberal, with the opposite tack.

Who thinks the poor girl needs a few good italian dinners.
So lemme get this straight. Ann is essentially saying:

1. Having sex in public bathrooms is NOT "deviant" sexual behavior? Raise your hand if you do it, too. "Deviant" by sociological definition, means little more than "very unusual" or "not common". Regardless of gender unanimity of the participants, I think public bathroom sex qualifies as "not common".

2. Larry Craig was NOT a hypocrite? It's not hypocritical to attempt to engage in gay sex, meaning there's a 99.99999999% chance he's actually done it many times before, while publicly supporting and voting for policies that abridge gay rights? This is a closer call, but I think it's highly hypocritical.


Yes, Ann is hilarious, but also absolutely stupid (if she believes what she writes).

I couldn't care less if Larry Craig is or was gay, because he staunchly supported gun rights, so I do think the immediate move to throw him under the bus and pressure him to resign was wrong by the Rs, but he was in fact a hypocrite on that issue, and was in fact engaging in deviant behavior, having nothing whatsoever to do with gay-ness. Now said deviant behavior is certainly not the crime of the century, and since he was only guilty of disorderly conduct, I do not think he should have been made to resign. Said deviant behavior is essentially harmless, so but for the hypocritical nature of his politics, I wouldn't even care.
She's a man, baby!

Can you believe that she and Bill Maher did it? Isn't that like matter and anti-matter combining?

If you read World War Z - the ultimate Zombie book, there is a scene when the Zombies finally breach the rich guy's defenses and Bill and Ann die in sexual embrace as the Zombies attack.

Who cares what she says.
Larry Craig was NOT a hypocrite? It's not hypocritical to attempt to engage in gay sex, meaning there's a 99.99999999% chance he's actually done it many times before, while publicly supporting and voting for policies that abridge gay rights? This is a closer call, but I think it's highly hypocritical.

By gay rights I assume you are talking about right to marry and the benefits that go with it.I don't know any other rights they are missing that are not marriage related.

The notion that a gay man cannot believe that marriage is between a man and a woman for religious or whatever reason is nonsense.
Zerojunk, I may just buy that - which is why I said it's a closer call - I'll have to think about that - I'm thinking you're right perhaps....
FF,I agree that he is probably gay.Don't really care.He was certainly clumsy at handling the situation,and panicked.

It has a certain smell to me.The local newspaper had been investigating him for it.What was their agenda.Then you have a sting in a bathroom that he admttedly uses,and I suspect his itenerary is not hard to find.Then you have some subjective at best account from an officer who is there for the purpose of finding gays,and certainly his success from superiors standpoint will be whether he finds any or not.
Almost makes me wonder if he didn't piss off the wrong people.
"Deviant" by sociological definition, means little more than "very unusual" or "not common".

Apart from the dictionary meaning, "Deviant" has also a serious negative ring to it.

Nothing wrong in unusual sex, IMO.
If I may play the devil's advocate here, at least Clinton played stogie games with a GIRL. Thus, Clinton held himself to the higher standard.
That's not a higher standard. The fact that he did it in private and without breaking any laws is evidence of a "higher standard" but the reproductive system of the individuals has absolutely nothing to do with the level of "standards".
Apart from the dictionary meaning, "Deviant" has also a serious negative ring to it.
Very true. However it's still accurate. Abnormal, unusual, deviant, irregular...all accurate descriptions of an act that is performed by a single-digit percentage of the human population (and in similar percentages in most other animal species) but the word "deviant" is typically assumed to be negative.

My beef with Coulter is that she pretends liberals are "gay-baiting" and offers nothing to actually support her argument.
wow, you know... I wonder what she would have said if it were a Democrat who did what Craig did.

Come on...whether he's a hypocrite or not, he left's over...done, end of story...he's no longer in power, get over it. Oh, hold on for one second here, Coulter constantly bashes Clinton for his adultery.

I have NO political affiliation, or interest really, for that matter. I think robin williams said it best with "Politicians should be changed as often as diapers, for the same reason."
The notion that a gay man cannot believe that marriage is between a man and a woman for religious or whatever reason is nonsense.

Most religions, including his, that hold that marriage is between a man and a woman also hold that sex is between a man and a woman (preferably after marriage). So if he has ever argued that marriage should be between a man and a woman on the basis of religion (or possibly even the hazier "morals/family values" which is pretty much the same thing) while still engaging in sex with other men then yeah, I'd say there's at least some amount of hypocrisy to that.

People complain about Ann and her ilk . Somewhere someone wants to hear this because there are advertisers that pay them money . There are others who "shrill" but no one has the balls to jump them . Jesse "Race baiting poverty pimp" Jackson . Al "Not too sharp"ton .Kanye "President Bush don't like black folks" West . Louis "Bush blew up the New Orleans levees" Farrakan . The vile crap they spew on a day to day basis would gag a maggot . Alex "Drag Special Prosecutor Henry Hyde out of his house and stone him to death" Baldwin still travels freely even after calling for the murder of a Public Official . Did I mention finger wagging William Jefferson "I did NOT have sex with ....... well , you know .Free speech , love it or leave .

Are you honestly saying that nobody jumped on Kanye West for his remarks? Or Louis Farrakhan? Or even Alec Baldwin? I'm pretty sure most of the people you mention have been derided for the same thing...certainly by those on the other end of the spectrum, but even by those not on the fringe on their own end of the spectrum.

Another difference is that aside from possibly Sharpton and Jackson, Coulter gets a whole lot more airtime and consideration from the media than most of the people you mentioned.

But yes, this is all under the umbrella of free speech. Which is why I don't think anybody has seriously suggested not allowing her to say what she feels like...but free speech does not mean freedom from the consequences of that speech. Which is why I'm free to call her an insufferable wench if I feel the need.
Come on...whether he's a hypocrite or not, he left's over...done, end of story...he's no longer in power, get over it.
oh how I wish the world worked that way

I'd rather be talking about the chick that nearly got kicked off a Southwest Airlines flight for wearing a miniskirt or the DOJ opposing net neutrality or the possibility of Petraeus pulling troops out. Y'know, important stuff. :o

but hey, the best part about free speech is that it always gives us something to talk about when we don't feel like doing any work on friday :p
the chick that nearly got kicked off a Southwest Airlines flight for wearing a miniskirt

Got a pic of her in the mini?!?! :D :p :D It'll help to determine whether she should have been allowed to stay on the flight. :D
If I may play the devil's advocate here, at least Clinton played stogie games with a GIRL. Thus, Clinton held himself to the higher standard.

That's not a higher standard. The fact that he did it in private and without breaking any laws is evidence of a "higher standard" but the reproductive system of the individuals has absolutely nothing to do with the level of "standards".

Well I guess that attempt at humor went over like a lead balloon.