Ann Coulter: Cruising While Republican

Cruising While Republican
by Ann Coulter
Posted: 09/05/2007

If you've just returned from your Labor Day vacation and are scanning the headlines from last week's newspapers -- don't panic! America is not threatened by a category 5 hurricane named "Larry Craig."

Despite the 9/11-level coverage, Larry Craig is merely accused of "cruising while Republican." There is nothing liberals love more than gay-baiting, which they disguise as an attack on "hypocrisy."

Chris Matthews opened his "Hardball" program on Aug. 28 by saying Larry Craig had been "exposed as both a sexual deviant and a world-class hypocrite."

Normally, using the word "deviant" in reference to any form of sodomy would be a linguistic crime worse than calling someone a "nappy headed ho." Luckily, Craig is a Republican.

As a backup precaution, Matthews has worked to ensure that there is virtually no audience for "Hardball." I shudder to think of the damage such a remark might have done if uttered about a non-Republican on a TV show with actual viewers.

The New York Times ran 15 articles on Craig's guilty plea to "disorderly conduct" in a bathroom. The Washington Post ran 20 articles on Craig. MSNBC covered it like it was the first moon landing -- Three small taps for a man, one giant leap for public gay sex!

In other news last week, two Egyptian engineering students, Ahmed Abdellatif Sherif Mohamed and Youssef Samir Megahed, were indicted in Tampa on charges of carrying pipe bombs across states lines. They were caught with the bombs in their car near a Navy base.

But back to the real news of the week: CNN's Dana Bash reported that the Larry Craig story was "everywhere and it is not going to let up."

If liberals were any happier, they'd be gay.

Just as liberals were reaching a fever-pitch of pretend shock and dismay at Larry Craig, it was announced that Craig was resigning. And there went MSNBC's fall program schedule.

Indignant that Craig had short-circuited their gleeful gay-baiting, liberals quickly switched to a new set of talking points. In the blink of an eye, they went from calling Craig a "deviant" to attacking Republicans for not insisting that Craig stay.

Liberals said the only reason Republicans were not blanketing the airwaves defending Craig -- maybe running him for president -- was because of Republican "homophobia."
After howling with rage all week about gay Republicans, to turn around and call Republicans homophobes on Friday was nothing if not audacious.

But last Friday -- or, for short, "the day the two bomb-carrying Egyptian students were indicted and the mainstream media was too busy jeering at Larry Craig to notice" -- The New York Times editorialized:

"Underlying the (Republicans') hurry to disown the senator, of course, is the party's brutal agenda of trumpeting the gay-marriage issue. To the extent Sen. Craig, a stalwart in the family values caucus, might morph into a blatant hypocrite before the voters' eyes, he reflects on the party's record in demonizing homosexuality. The rush to cast him out betrays the party's intolerance, which is on display for the public in all of its ugliness."

Liberals don't even know what they mean by "hypocrite" anymore. It's just a word they throw out in a moment of womanly pique, like "extremist" -- or, come to think of it, "gay." How is Craig a "hypocrite," much less a "blatant hypocrite"?

Assuming the worst about Craig, the Senate has not held a vote on outlawing homosexual impulses. He voted on gay marriage. Craig not only opposes gay marriage, he's in a heterosexual marriage with kids. Talk about walking the walk! Did Craig propose marriage to the undercover cop? If not, I'm not seeing the "hypocrisy."

And why is it "homophobic" for Senate Republicans to look askance at sex in public bathrooms? Is the Times claiming that sodomy in public bathrooms is the essence of being gay? I thought gays just wanted to get married to one another and settle down in the suburbs so they could visit each other in the hospital.

Liberals have no idea what they think about homosexuality, which is why their arguments are completely contradictory. They gay-bait Republicans with abandon -- and then turn around and complain about homophobia.

They call Larry Craig a "deviant" based on accusations that he attempted to solicit sex in a public bathroom -- and then ferociously attack efforts to prevent people from having sex in public bathrooms.

They say people are born gay -- and then they say it's the celibacy requirement that turns Catholic priests gay.

They tell us gays want nothing more than to get married -- and then say it's homophobic to oppose homosexual sex in public bathrooms.

Unlike liberals, the "family values caucus" that the Times loathes has only one position on homosexuality: Whatever your impulses are, don't engage in homosexual sex. In fact, don't have any sex at all unless it is between a husband and wife.

The Idaho Statesman spent eight months investigating a rumor that Craig was gay. They interviewed 300 people, going back to his college days. They walked around Union Station in Washington, D.C., with a picture of Craig, asking people if they had seen him loitering around the men's bathrooms.

And they produced nothing.

All they had was the original anonymous charge of sodomy in a bathroom at Union Station that started the eight-month investigation in the first place -- and his plea to "disorderly conduct" after an ambiguous encounter in a bathroom in Minneapolis. Even his enemies said they had never seen any inappropriate conduct by Craig.

If the charges against Craig are true -- and that is certainly in doubt -- he's a sinner (and barely that, according to The Idaho Statesman), but he is among the least hypocritical people in America.
And once again Coulter shows the world how much of an intolerant shrill she truly is. No grasp of the argument, little understanding of what's actually going on with this issue and she takes every opportunity to blatantly lie and misrepresent everyone's position but her own.

What a piece of work.
Unlike liberals, the "family values caucus" that the Times loathes has only one position on homosexuality: Whatever your impulses are, don't engage in homosexual sex. In fact, don't have any sex at all unless it is between a husband and wife.
Redworm said:
how much of an intolerant shrill she truly is.

I disagree, on point.

Not all of the conservatives should march 'lock step' as we are sometimes accused. She's allowed a private opinion, and she's allowed to vent it.

And having said that, you should know that Ms. Coulter is "tame" on some of the issues that I believe in, and verbalize.

For me, the real telling factor is the liberals' duplicity. For example, if a socialist doesn't like a conservative bill or even just an idea, they are free to say it "kills babies."

But if Ms. Coulter mocks a socialist position she is shrill, misguided, too far right and she ought to be muzzled. Yikes, if muzzles were to be handed out then Hillary and James Carville would not be able to order a hamburger with Executive Order.

The only thing Ms. Coulter needs is a little more angel-hair pasta. Other than that, I say turn her loose.
I disagree, on point.

Not all of the conservatives should march 'lock step' as we are sometimes accused. She's allowed a private opinion, and she's allowed to vent it.
Absolutely. Yet that doesn't change the fact that her opinion is little more than a bigoted diatribe on how the evil gay liberals are trying to ruin America by getting married.
And having said that, you should know that Ms. Coulter is "tame" on some of the issues that I believe in, and verbalize.

For me, the real telling factor is the liberals' duplicity. For example, if a socialist doesn't like a conservative bill or even just an idea, they are free to say it "kills babies."
No doubt but let's not pretend that she and other conservatives like her are not guilty of the exact same thing.

I'm a big Jon Stewart fan but even I recognize the hypocrisy in much of what he says.
But if Ms. Coulter mocks a socialist position she is shrill, misguided, too far right and she ought to be muzzled. Yikes, if muzzles were to be handed out then Hillary and James Carville would not be able to order a hamburger with Executive Order.

The only thing Ms. Coulter needs is a little more angel-hair pasta. Other than that, I say turn her loose.
No, I never said she should be muzzled. People like her and Ingraham and even that nutjob Savage have the same right to voice their opinion as any one of us. And it's my opinion that all three are still shrill, bigoted pieces of trash.

Are we forgetting that this woman actually believes we should convert Muslims to Christianity by force? Yeah, great symbol to represent conservatives. Bravo.
something to think about

1. it's very hard, if not impossible, to be RIGHT all the time.
2. it's very hard to be WRONG all the time.

You just have to analyze it on an issue by issue basis, instead of who said it.
good point, though I still think she's very wrong on the issue either because she's blinded by her beliefs or she simply doesn't understand what's going on. the third option is that she's being intentionally disingenuous

She's a smart lady that has the capability to grasp the issue at hand so I'm guessing it's a mix of door number 1 and door number 2.
Is it your opinion that every person who does not support gay marriage is a shrill, bigoted piece of trash?
Actually it wasn't even her comment on gay marriage that brought out that comment. :p

It's her opinion on numerous issues that forms my opinion of her.

edit: oh, all of them. Yeah, still holds. Coulter has her bible thumping "convert by the sword" attitude, Ingraham isn't nearly as bad but Savage is just insane. I wouldn't muzzle him unless I had to be in the same room with him, then I'd request the Hannibal Lecter treatment so he can still talk just not chew my jugular or anything :eek:
Redworm said:
that doesn't change the fact that her opinion is little more than a bigoted diatribe

Well, you have me over a barrel, there. My only defense here is stating that the First Amendment covers unpopular speech.

In this era where swing voters will determine the next President, we all should state our positions politely. A message delivered in a strident manner might end up as shooting ourselves.

Having said that, what's the point of enumerating rights if we are afraid to use them? Am I any better than a socialist in asking her to couch her speech?

theinvisibleheart said:
You just have to analyze it on an issue by issue basis, instead of who said it.

Yes, excellent advice. We all should be doing it, anyway. The issue is that most folks weigh the message by the messenger.

For example, in the 1960's, a veteran sent The President a letter promising to provide his life, and the lives of his companions for additional military training behind enemy lines. He sincerely believed, as I did, that his actions would not only shorten the war, but provide a new slant to a negative political condition. In signing such a letter and making such a pledge, he knew in advance that he was to sacrifice not only his life, but the lives of most of his friends.

Despite the publishing of the letter, you probably never heard of it, and in most cases, not many of us would make the same pledge. At face value, it sounds like quite a dramatic action.

The problem is not the message, but the messenger. This letter was written by Sonny Barger, President of the Oakland Hells Angels.

Without a doubt, most of us opine similar theories and motives, as does Ms. Coulter, over beer or relaxing at a barbeque. No one asks us to reconsider these opinions, usually because of our status. I think we should offer Ms. Coulter those same parameters. Let our enemies a rebuttal based on their own shortcomings.
Ann Coulter's problem is that her actions are repeatedly nasty and inflammatory. They serve up no purpose other than to polarize groups and incite hatred in readers. Her writings are mostly political propaganda and don't have any cogent argument within them. Conservative writers who display arguments without resorting to hatred and inflammatory vitriol include people like George Will and Pat Buchanan.
Well, you have me over a barrel, there. My only defense here is stating that the First Amendment covers unpopular speech.

In this era where swing voters will determine the next President, we all should state our positions politely. A message delivered in a strident manner might end up as shooting ourselves.

Having said that, what's the point of enumerating rights if we are afraid to use them? Am I any better than a socialist in asking her to couch her speech?
No one's asking her to couch her speech (or least no one that actually cares about freedom in general :p). Let her say what she wants, folks can believe what they want. But after years of reading her stuff I find it hard to ignore her unabashed desire to make sure this country remains a white, christian America.

I'm not saying she should be muzzled, I just don't get how anyone with a modicum of reason can listen to her.
Nobody wants to address Coulter's opinion? Easier just to say:

I find it hard to ignore her unabashed desire to make sure this country remains a white, christian America.


Dang, she is so friggin' attractive! Beautiful hair, perfect figure, legs that go on for miles....And she likes to shoot!
I roll my eyes and chuckle...

On this one she makes some good points, festooned with hyperbole as they might be.

In point of fact, the liberal media (read the both coast Times, the Post and their related allies in the press and media) do want their cake and eat it too (or your cake as the case may be).

Annes problem is the same one they all have...gems of critical thinking and truth buried in sarcastic or obnoxious diatribes....if you treat them all like comedians though........

WildanybodyremembertherichardnixonjokesandimpersonationsAlaska TM
Nobody wants to address Coulter's opinion? Easier just to say:

Hard to address an opinion that barely follows the flow of logic. The sky tastes like orange. She's claiming that "liberals this" and "liberals that" without supporting a damn thing. Chris Matthews does not represent liberals any more than she represents conservatives.

What do you want me to address? Her distaste that the Craig thing has gotten more attention than a security breach at a Navy base? It's horrifying but then she goes on to lay the blame on the evil liberal media as if she and her colleagues are not playing the same game.

Her inability to understand how Craig is a hypocrite? Hm, perhaps it has something to do with his public hatred of homosexuality while pleading guilty to a crime that identifies him as gay. Or perhaps the simple fact that he frakking lied. He either lied in the confession or he's lying now but he lied. This while pretending to be a "values" oriented politician.

Or her claim that somehow people are linking public sex with homophobia? It'd be easier for me to prove that the sky tastes like orange. The homophobia comes from the GOP's overall attitude, the public sex is a separate issue altogether.

And again with the "they say" "then they say" and "they tell us" as if misrepresenting the opinions of others somehow strengthens her argument...though I imagine I'm guilty of that as well, no?

The bottom line remains that Craig pleaded guilty. So that either makes him a straight liar or a gay liar. Either way he's a damned liar with little respect for the legal system. That is what makes him a hypocrite. If he is gay then he's an even bigger hypocrite but he already qualifies because he's a dishonest politician. Is there any other kind? Maybe not but the point remains that he still fits the bill.

The message is mediocre but the messenger herself pretty much taints the few reasonable points made.
I listen to Rush, Hannity, and Glenn Beck with some regularity and Coulter and Ingram rarely. Most of them say the same thing but with different degrees of intellect and class. I think that is why Rush sits atop the heap. Then you have a person like Coulter who, although she is gorgeous, tries to shove her beliefs down your throat without trying to illustrate why her way of thinking is more appropriate. The "Because I said so!" mentality.

What I find so fascinating about the current state of politics in the US, is the partisan double standard. If Rep. William Jefferson (D-Louisiana) were a Republican, he would have been hounded about the bribery scandal until he had no choice but to resign. He has, however, retained his position and is hardly worse for wear.

I wonder if Sen. Craig were a Democrat, what course of action would have been taken towards him? I realize the media plays a role in such matters by keeping them in the forefront, but shouldn't the treatment be the same on both sides of the isle? If you screw up, you need to go.

Clinton did more than just tap on the floor; he tapped something else with his stogie and then lied under oath about it. This is all fact and he is still sitting pretty. Sen. Craig tapped his foot on the floor, etc. Which is the greater wrong and which person should be held to a higher standard?

The same thing goes on, on both sides of the aisle, but it still doesn't make it right. When does this reach a breaking point or has it already past?
Ann rocks!

It's funny how when a conservative is blunt and to the point she is called "shrill" and other names.

Nobody ever says that about the libs. They get a pass and can say or do absolutely anything and get away with it.

Conservatives have become so concerned about being criticized they have lost all their balls.

Ann makes up for the wimps. Somebody needs to say it loud and clear and she gets it done.

Go Ann!
Ann seems to appeal to an audience that views the world as divided neatly between us vs. them, lib vs. conservative. If only it was that simple. She sure doesn't like Chris Matthews. I guess it's due to the fact that he ate her lunch on TV.
Some of you toss the word logic about like you have a monoploly on knowing what is or isn't logical.

Why can a gay man not think that same sex marriage is a bad idea?

If you are against same sex marriage how would that prove that you hate homosexuals?

People learn how to lie when they learn how to talk,yet some are incredulous that Craig could have lied to protect himself,family,and party.Yeah,like they never told one.

The problem with the liberal mentality is that they are missing a gene or something that allows a mind to think in a straight line.They are emotionally driven and do not let the facts get in the way of what they believe.