And people think gun owners are crazy?

This is what happens when we all have "Free Speech".

A group of folks came to Council Bluffs today to protest his funeral. A sgt killedd in afganistan, gave his life for us all but the supreme court says them crappy folks have the right to say what they say and wave signs around.

Outta be a season on them kinda folks, but no, they have the same protection as we do.

Let him talk, only ones will side with him are as insane as he is so we will be able to identify them all at once...

Boulder Colorado has people like this living in them hills, demonic worshippers and such as that. Anyone can say almost anything in America, love it and protect it, dont take away rights from some just cause they are nutso. :)

Gonna go home and shave now......
Warren Michigan Police dept. Not only knows about him but they also know I feel my life was directly threatened and that I wish to press charges.

Sooo......FMJ's are OK?????:confused:

All I heard was, Blah, blah, @#$%ing gun-nuts, blah blah, hollow point bullets, blah blah blah, provoting violence, (whatever that is)....

Over and over, about sixty times.
Who is he trying to convince with his reiterations?

I agree that there would be NO reasoning with this guy. Not only are the screws loose, the heads are most likely stripped, so...
After looking at more of his videos, its safe to say that the man is ill. He admits to being diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic (though he disagrees with it), has started his own religion (Timothean), and believes his doctor is trying to poison him.

My thoughts turned from anger to pity - he needs some help. I was glad to see that the authorities are aware of him.
This guy has obvious mental problems. Put gun ownership issues asside for a minute and ponder the possability this nut job was issued a valid drivers license.

Great. That's one more reason never to go South of Gator Alley...BTW, he probably has been denied the right to own a firearm, hence his hatred for them...
Personally I think its Jeff Quin's evil twin, judge for yourself


Now I enjoy reading Gunblast, but the beards do make you wonder......
This guy has some serious issues, next time I go see my family I'll be on the lookout for anyone of his description trying to overtly run over me.

Wow.... yet one more reason to carry, defense from homicidal looneys..
I had never seen this guy before. You must appreciate that this is a free country and he is entitled to voice his opinion. What really scares me is that there are a sufficient number of people that believe the same way this guy does...and they are entitled to do so.

It is up to us, the legal gun owner, (gun nut) to show these people that we are not nuts. We use our guns to exercise our sport of target shooting and utilize our second amendment right of self protection. And I will say with complete honesty that some of the nicest people I have met are gun owners...polite, courteous, and eager to talk about their collections and to share knowledge.

It is our responsibility to properly protect our guns from being stolen but we all know that if a determined criminal sets out to steal something, he most likely will unless, we ensure extraordinary measures to see that it does not happen. And by extraordinary measures I mean purchasing and installing a decent safe. All the people that I personally know that have guns have a very nice safe installed in their homes...our guns are at very low risk of being stolen.

Like most things political, there will be those that are pro and those that are con. This guy is an extremist that would run someone over that has a gun, so he says. If this were true, I think he would probably find himself behind bars for a very, very long time where he could debate the issue with people that are there because they stole a gun and perpetrated a crime.

I did not watch any other videos of this guy on any other subject as, in my opinion, he is not credible just by making the statement that he would murder someone with a gun. You cannot reason with the unreasonable and you cannot apply logic to the illogical.
The guy has a lot of views on some of his post and not so many on others. Because he has disabled the comments, it is hard to say whether they are views by people who find his amusing or people that actually follow what this nut says.
Great point divil!

divil posted:
"Just in case anyone is not aware, you can flag videos that have inappropriate content to bring them to the attention of Youtube.

If you click the little flag icon it'll give you the various options. I picked "promotes terrorism" - seemed like the most appropriate description."

Great point! Flagging for "promotes terrorism" is the right choice.
Using his own logic.....

"all gun owners are responsible for all crime."

Using his own logic, he should surrender to the authorities as he is responsible for murders, robberies and assaults, assuming he has even a single knife in his kitchen. Probably ought to be confessing to being responsible for rapes also, assuming he is biologically equipped, which, at this point I take leave to doubt.
Both the Comments and Ratings functions have been disabled. One can Flag the video as inappropriate because it is Hateful or Abusive as it Promotes Violence by suggesting it is OK to run someone over with a car who is carrying a gun and is not wearing a police uniform. (He's going to assume that the gun owner is a criminal, and therefore feels his life is threatened.)