And people think gun owners are crazy?

He's scary. :eek:

First, he claims that the constitution protects his right to murder someone carrying a gun, in some sort of "self-defensive preemptive strike." The he advocated lying to the police &/or jury about it, figuring that the impact of the car will knock a gun out of its holster, and he can just claim that the owner of the gun was pointing said gun at him. Finally, if you listen to the very last part of the video, his claim is that "all gun owners are responsible for all crime."
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Major scary! I am so passionate about us, yes us as a group and brotherhood. This guy makes me sick! He serioulsy believes that the citizens that have guns are insane?! And what, the criminals who are "stealing" from NRA members as he so stupidly claims are just great people. It's our fault. Yeah, real logical. This guy needs to be locked up in a mental institution. Banning guns only removes firearms from those citizens with integrity and respect for all laws. You think a regular thug is going to abide by any bans of any sort? This man has some serious issues. Ok have your views, I have mine. But your mental ways of thinking and lack of common sense and logic makes me sick.

"all gun owners are responsible for all crime."

yeah, heard that...what a COMPLETE moron. I'm fired up....I know someone like him just not as extreme, and I see no sense in logic of either of them. Yellow bellied sissies.
It's amazing that this guy is still around and the only reason he is, is because he is a coward that just wants to spout off. Look at him and you can tell that most if not all of his life, he has always hidden behind someone or something. At any rate, he is bad history and not worth anyones time or attention. Yes, idiots walk among us ... ;)

Be Safe !!!
If someone with the IT skills can get him traced down a bit, I will gladly pass it on to various authorities. PM me anything you get on him.

That's scary.... so just because someone owns something it is their fault that it gets stolen and used against someone else it is the victim of of the theft who is to blame? Hum one get your car stolen or it might be your fault someone get run over by it. :eek:
This gent really needs to take his medication. I have never read his version of the Constitution, don't think it exists. Disconnect from reality - or, to quote from the movie Ourageous Fortune, "The 60s were GOOD to you!"
So this guy wants to use his car to run down anybody he sees has a car because the Constitution gives him the right to defend himself? Hmmm, maybe we should have car control so that the car nuts won't run people over walking down the street.

And what about these 15-year old hoods who joy ride and damage property and injure people? Where do they get the cars? They steal the from the car nuts who haven't secured their cars properly or shouldn't even have cars.

My house was burglarized once. The thief drove a car to my house. Every individual car nut out there is responsible for my house being burglarized as is the American Automobile Association. Car nuts and AAA are responsible for all the crime out there.
I ended up viewing some of his other videos after this one. His views on EVERYTHING, not just firearm ownership are way, way, way out there.

It is good to know that he is not armed. His car needs to be taken away.
If I see a guy who is not a cop, with a gun, I am going to assume he is a criminal....

If I see a guy with an unkempt beard, talking nonsense like that, that is not an Indian Fakir, I am going to assume that he is a dangerous lunatic....
I've heard that one can take a clipping of hair and have it tested for the presence of drugs.
Apparently, his facial folicles have an excessive appetite and/or an addiction...

His psychiatrist should account for this and triple his doseage...
Oh oh I get it! He is using reverse psychology! He is making his anti views so outrageous that it will make the antis distance themselves from him and onto our side. Right? Riiiiiiight?
Wow. So, using his thought process, if I am open carrying and someone approaches me in a vehicle I have the right to shoot him as a perceived threat?
Guys, there are loons like this all over the place and always have been. The only difference is the internet gives them an outlet. Doesn't mean you need to validate it by watching or commenting on it. You've given him just what he wanted... ATTENTION.