Ammo Recomendations For CCW 22 Rimfire

Been interested in those mentioning using a .22WMR for qualifying for a CCW .. wonder how many other states are like Texas, where the minimun caliber for testing for a CHL is either .380 or .38 .. and if you test with a revolver, you can't carry a semi if you later change your opinion about what you want for SD ...
7mm, make sure for real that whatever ammo you pick functions 100 out of 100 in the gun. If it's a semi auto make sure she loads the magazines.
In Az., you can qualify with any legal hand gun & then carry anything you want. I qualified with a Single Six, obviously a .22.
As long as the gun functions the chosen ammo fine the actual choice of which .22lr ammo is almost a mute point. Very little difference in the end result between any of the popular high velocity and hyper velocity rounds available, HP or solid. The main thing with using a .22lr for SD is not what bullet you shoot but that you are indeed shooting. Being able to shoot is better than not anyday of the week.
Round nose versus hollow-point ammo,,,

This really is a thing to consider though,,,
One will make a raggedier hole,,,
The other a deeper hole.

I centered on round nose in my semi's,,,
Hollow-point in my S&W revolver,,,
Strictly for the reliable feeding.

But if I were to have to choose between the two,,,
I would opt for the deeper penetration of the round nose.

There is a lot of heated discussion on this topic,,,
I am in the camp of her carrying any gun is better than no gun.

The one advantage of the .22 round that no one can argue with,,,
Is that it's low cost allow for more practice shooting,,,
This should translate to proficiency and accuracy.

My bottom line recommendation,,,
CCI Mini Mag Round Nose.


P.S. If you can't find a Walther in .22 LR,,,
Consider a Bersa Thunder 22,,,
Mine is a true performer.

Interesting I have a good friend and his wife who have the same desire and I cannot talk them out of it even to a 22 Mag, or 32 or 380.

Plenty of folks have been killed with a 22, the problem is by the time they died if they were attacking you, you would probably be killed before they died.

I too have heard CCI is the best and I have shot plenty of small game with a 22 mostly head shots but if I wanted to penetrate a man's skull or ribcage with a 22 I would probably use solids.
As was said a few times above make sure the ammo you pick will function 100%. I have an LCR-22 that I carry some. It will fire all 8 Stingers with no issues. They do eject a little stiff.
Velocitors lock the gun up solid on the first shot. Not a good choice in my LCR-22.

Also as was said above you can afford to shoot a 22 enough to get good with it. My accuracy has really came up with my 442 Pro Moon Clip after shooting bricks of ammo through my LCR-22 for Practice & Training.

As was also said above a 22 in the purse is better than a 45 in the night stand.

the actual choice of which .22lr ammo is almost a mute point.
The word you wanted was "Moot".

If the person only wants to use a .22, because of noise and recoil, then I would suggest she shoots that .22 a lot.
She should also get good hearing protection, not just for the .22, but also for louder guns with more recoil. The OP might consider introducing full sized guns in relatively light rounds such as 9mm and .38 special, over a period of time.

As people become more comfortable shooting one gun they tend to want to shoot others. Just give it time.

In the mean time at least she has a gun and more importantly a friend.
I'll echo what some of the others have said. If she wants a 22, she gets a 22. It's better than nothing. If she wants a Walther, she gets a Walther. (Personally, I think they're neat little guns.) If I carried a 22lr for self defense, it would be a revolver, easier to clear, but to each her own.

I'd like to add:

She ought to learn how to clear malfunctions, as with any semi-auto.

The 22lr is an advantage in a way, because she can get LOTS of practice, really cheap. If I carried a 22 rimfire for self defense, it would probably be a long rifle rather than magnum for that reason. And if she shoots a lot, she may be interesting in upgrading in the future.

Congratulations on having a wife who's willing to take the responsibility of carrying, along with joining you in a rewarding hobby! :D
My wife does't like guns and thinks I ought to get rid of most of mine. She thinks that SD is one of my jobs and usually when we are in a rough appearing area she says " Have you got your gun?" We have only been married 44 years. I am glad so many of you guys have such uncomplicated relations with such sensible, resonable, understanding women.